Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Des Moines Register's Courtney Crowder Doesn't Mention Why the RAGBRAI Marketing Team Quit Until the 13th Paragraph

All of the Des Moines Register's "marketing team" for RAGBRAI resigned Tuesday because Carol "Cunter" Hunter won't allow any internal discussion over her handling of the Carson King hit piece. (non-archived link to KTIV)

You'd never know it if you only skimmed the Register's story (non-archived link) on the matter, by Courtney "I'm a Corporate Tool from NYU" Crowder, who doesn't mention the reason until the 13th paragraph, and then quickly runs away.

I'm not surprised.  Even the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Adam "Fake Conservative" Sullivan and Vanessa "I'm a Cunt" Miller refused to trash the Register over a situation where nearly 100% of the readers of the hit piece were pissed off by it.

It just shows that the Iowa Corporate Media is entirely staffed by a bunch of arrogant assholes.  

Don't forget who owns the Des Moines Register.  A bunch of white guys from somewhere else and a billionaire Jap.

I could care less about RAGBRAI, the Register's Bike Ride for Drunk Assholes Who Will Shit In Your Lawn.  I'm sure they'll hire some desperate assholes who will do the job even more poorly than the previous crew.

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