Friday, October 25, 2019

Saydel Middle School is Brainwashing Students With Lies, and the Des Moines Register Prints Them

Christopher Feldhans, the brainwashing Principal of Saydel Woodside Middle School

Non-archive link:

I'm not surprised that the Des Moines Register's Opinion section is now printing fact-free essays from seventh graders who have been brainwashed at Saydel Woodside Middle School.

Sienna Robberts and Zoe Marquez, both seventh graders, contributed unsourced hate against Christopher Columbus in their call for eliminating the holiday and replacing it with "Indigenous Peoples Day", a holiday to celebrate the cannibalistic, warmongering, raping, torturing, skinning-you-alive people who were hanging around North America several hundred years ago.

The Knights of Columbus has been fighting this hatred and lies about Columbus for a long time.  Real academics have looked into the history of Columbus and found nothing of substance regarding these negative claims.

Where are the sources for the claims by Sienna Robberts and Zoe Marquez?  Don't schools require some kind of bibliography these days?

What's worse is that the Register would print this shit.

Andie Dominick, lying cunt

But we know that cunts like Andie Dominck and Carol "Cunter" Hunter and the rest of the crew at the Register are a bunch of unethical pieces of shit who will print lies without any concern.  They have created an incredibly toxic work environment where only the truly insane dominate.

Carol "Cunter" Hunter, piece of shit

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