Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa Miller and Brian Morelli Keep Calling Carson King a Racist

Vanessa Miller is a Cunt
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These fucking "reporters" never quit, do they?

I told you that after the Aaron Calvin hit piece was published in the Des Moines Register on Carson King that this would give unethical scumbag "reporters" everywhere the license to constantly slur Carson King as a "racist" forever.

And here we go again.  Vanessa Miller and BA Morelli have an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that was republished in the Quad City Times mentioning the "racist" slur in an article about the RAGBRAI staff all quitting.

Brian Morelli is a Fucking Asshole

Did Vanessa Miller and Brian Morelli (and Adam Sullivan and others) not notice that the Des Moines Register is committing business suicide over that Carson King hit piece?

The Register had 100% angry feedback at Carol "Cunter" Hunter after she tried to "newsplain" her insane position to publish that hit piece.

Now the Register has hired some New York-based PR firm to "handle" the crisis, which has only made it worse by T.J. Juskiewicz and his staff quitting RAGBRAI due to all the 'spin' they were required to perform.

Cedar Rapids Gazette or Quad City Times, how would you like that to happen to your newspaper?  Oh, look, "reporters" are still calling that nice guy who raised millions for the children's hospital a "racist" because of some dumb joke tweets he made when he was a teenager that nobody saw back then.  Fuck you, Vanessa Miller.  Fuck you, Brian Morelli.  Fuck you Adam Sullivan.  Fuck all of you.  You are as bad, or worse, than Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

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