Friday, October 4, 2019

"Racist Graffiti" at the University of Iowa Library is Almost Certainly a Hoax

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Since every "racist" thing going on in Iowa City turns out to be a hoax (look up Marcus Owens, Tarsha Michelle Claiborne, and others), or is so obviously a hoax but the local media and cops have conspired to keep it alive for political purposes (Raneem and Lujayn Hamad), the latest incident at the University of Iowa is almost certainly a hoax.

Despite the track record, the local libtard media falls for it every single time. 

Kind of like all the climate predictions that never come true.

Keep in mind that on October 2nd there was a screening of the "White Privilege 101" movie at the United Church of Satan at 30 N Clinton St in Iowa City.  I wonder if somebody who saw that movie decided to quickly turn around and create the latest likely hoax.

Do you think the University of Iowa Police will be able to investigate?  Are there cameras in and around the library?  Maybe like the Hamad hoax, the crooked pigs and the injustice system in Johnson County and the thoroughly corrupt corporate media would want to keep this one "out there" to hang over the heads of "white people".

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