Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dumbass Beta O'Rourke and Press-Citizen Propagandist Zachary Oren Smith Don't Know The Last Person Lynched in Iowa Was White

Press-Citizen Archive link:

Zachary Oren Smith, the interloper propagandist for the Iowa City Press Shitstain, has an article on Beta O'Rourke's complaining of Trump's use of the word "lynching" to describe what Democrats in the House are attempting to do.

If you look up the definition of "lynching", it's mob action without due process of law.  Hanging.  Execution.  All that.

Just ask Jeff Klinzman.  The former Kirkwood Community College teacher wanted to beat President Trump with a baseball bat, and commit genocide against all Christians, something that Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa "I'm a cunt" Miller and Adam "Fake Conservative" Sullivan failed to mention to any degree because they are likely in favor of harming or having worse done to President Trump and Christians, kind of like what Kathy Griffin promoted.

I bet that most "professors" and "reporters" in Iowa would love to see President Trump, and a lot of his supporters, "lynched".  They are all sick, evil people, who believe every bogus conspiracy theory from the Steele Dossier to the "Whistleblower".

One thing that Zachary Oren Smith and his ilk wouldn't know is that the last person lynched in Iowa was a White Man.  You can read about it in this PDF. 

ON  JANUARY  9,  1907, a  mob  of  several  hundred  men,  some masked  with  handkerchiefs  and  others  undisguised,  rammed down  the doors  of the Floyd County Jail in Charles City, Iowa,with  a  rail  iron.  Sheriff  William  Schermerhom  and  several deputies  offered  only  feeble  resistance  as  the  mob  seized  one of the prisoners, James Cullen. A wealthy, white, sixty-two-year-old  contractor,  Cullen had  murdered  his wife  and  stepson  the previous  day.  As the  mob  hauled  Cullen  to  a bridge  over  the Cedar  River, Frank Roper, a Salvation Army officer,  interceded to say  a prayer  for  Cullen  over the vehement protests  of  some of  the less patient  members  of the mob. Cullen, at Roper's  in-sistence, offered  a prayer  of his own and then reiterated that he had  acted  in  self-defense.  Rejecting  a suggestion  from  some of the lynchers who wished to fill Cullen's body with bullets, one of the ringleaders insisted that a simple hanging would  suffice. Approximately five hundred residents of Charles City, including women and children, witnessed Cullen's hanging from the Main Street  bridge  at  11:30  p.m.  Then  the  mob  quickly  departed, leaving  Cullen's  lifeless  body  as  a  solitary  reminder  of  the traumatic  events  of  the previous  48 hours.

It wasn't just "black people" who got lynched, you dumb fucks.

Democrats, via their terrorist group the KKK, lynched a lot of White Republicans after the Civil War.

Where is Beto these days?  Is he in asterisk territory with the polls?  He wants to outlaw all guns and use the police to show up and confiscate them and shoot you if you don't comply.  What a lunatic.

Zachary Oral Smith only wrote this as an attempt to trash President Trump and accuse him of "racism" or whatever when none exists.  It's fucking insanity.

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