Friday, October 18, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Brian Morelli Thinks Carson King is the Problem

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Brian Morelli ( of the Cedar Rapids Gazette wrote this:

The entire RAGBRAI staff of four, who were Des Moines Register employees, resigned in protest of their inability to speak freely about the Carson King controversy and be seen as autonomous from the newspaper, which was receiving public ridicule over the King scandal that was spilling over to RAGBRAI. 

It's not the "Carson King controversy".

It's not the "King scandal".

It's the Aaron Calvin / Carol Hunter / Des Moines Register "controversy" and "scandal", you dumb fucking piece of shit, Brian Morelli.

It's uproar over the Shitty Journalism of 2019.

It's uproar over unnecessary corporate cancel culture and endlessly slurring somebody as a "racist".

Brian Morelli doesn't get it.  Neither does Vanessa Miller, Adam Sullivan, Tyler Jett, or seemingly any other corporate "journalist" in writing in the state of Iowa.

I hope they get sued.

What a bunch of assholes.

It's time to destroy what's left of their newspapers and make all of them unemployed.

What horrible, rotten people we have working for the media today.

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