Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Mollie Tibbetts Murder Case Almost Sounds Like a Repeat of the Pamela Powers Murder Case

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That illegal who murdered Mollie Tibbetts is going to have some statements thrown out because of alleged improper Mirandizing and other bullshit.

I'm sure we'll be treated to a decade or more of appeals litigation, because the pro-illegal, pro-criminal, and anti-victim attorneys, judges, and injustices, along with their komrades in the corporate media, will string it out forever to hurt families, the public, and ruin the "justice" system.

I can only hope that Cristhian Bahena Rivera ends up dying in prison like Robert Anthony Williams.

Who was Robert Anthony Williams?

Williams was the murderer of Pamela Powers, in Des Moines, in 1968.  That case dragged on for nearly a decade and ended up in the United States Supreme Court in Brewer v. Williams.  If you're not familiar with the case, it's an important part of Iowa history and Miranda legal history, and it was narrowly decided.

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