Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kirkwood Community College Professor Posts Insane Shit Online, Gets Fired. Cedar Rapids Gazette Goes Insane

Archive link to Vanessa Miller story:  http://archive.is/C4o1h

Archive link to Adam Sullivan playing footsie with ANTIFA terrorists:  http://archive.is/Vxz9p

Some guy who taught classes at Kirkwood Community College named Jeff Klinzman posted a bunch of crazy shit online for years against Christians, saying shit about Donald Trump, and I think we can guess all the rest because this is what angry libtards do, and recently he was fired after KCRG, of all media outlets, asked him about the crazy shit he was saying online for years.

I'm surprised that a local corporate media TV affiliate like KCRG would still do such a thing.  I thought they were all on a rope and led around by their corporate globalist wealthy lefty masters.

The Gazette newspaper, a shitty, fake news rag that has gone straight to SJW hell in the past 15 years, and is owned by the parent company of KCRG, didn't like that Klinzman was exposed, much less fired.

Vanessa Miller, of the fake news SJW cunts at the Gazette, couldn't bring herself to quote Klinzman's posts, or show screenshots.  Instead, in a typical weasel way, Vanessa Miller attempts to vaguely describe a couple of general topics that Klinzman wrote about.  The Gazette wants to run the story about the First Amendment injustice of Klinzman, but then doesn't want us to see the exact wording and context of his rants.

I'm sure if Vanessa Miller could find the names of various anonymous bloggers who write about the awful corporate fake news media, like me, she would have a heyday with it.  We'd all be quoted perfectly.  We'd be called HATERS and she'd talk about VIOLENT RHETORIC.  They wouldn't be writing anything about the First Amendment with us.  No way.  They'd go after relatives.  Friends.  Co-workers.  Everybody.  They'd make shit up because that's what Fake News does all the time.  They'd try to get us fired and ostracized.  Maybe send some of their lefty goons they have on speed dial over to throw a brick through a window.  Maybe shoot or poison the dog.  That is why you never ever ever talk to anybody who claims to be a "reporter" or work for a newspaper or TV station.

Speaking of ANTIFA goons, also in the Gazette is a piece by Adam Sullivan about the Klinzman story, but Sullivan spends most of his time excusing and explaining ANTIFA in bullshit, sugar-coated terms.

There is nothing "Anti-Fascist" about ANTIFA.  They're a terrorist group.  They exist to cause violence and stop free speech.  That bunch of Commie malcontents are just projecting their hate.  Fuck them.

As for Klinzman, big surprise.  You write a bunch of crazy shit online and expect people to think you're just letting off steam?

Leftists, Democrats, Commies, Socialists, ANTIFA, and all the other stripes are miserable people who hate life.  I'm not saying that Independents, Libertarians, or Republicans have got it made.  But those of us who don't identify with the Far Left and don't want your Commie bullshit shoved down our throats just want to be left alone and want the media to PLAY FAIR.  Instead, we get all these fucking assholes and cunts pretending to be reporters when instead they're RADICAL ASSHOLES, and they never leave us the fuck alone and don't want any alternatives.  They're sooooo upset that Hillary Rotten Clinton didn't win.  So we could be ruled by a bunch of pervs and rapists and child fuckers who will sell our jobs out to foreign workers and let everybody cross the border and open the prisons and we have to pay for their healthcare.  And if you're white, then you owe everybody "of color" money.  It's fucking insanity.  Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Trump.... he said this.  He said that.  Russia!  Prostitutes pissing on him!  25th Amendment!  These people are seriously deranged.  Fuck the media.

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