Saturday, November 30, 2019

Gun-Toting "Iowa Woman", Lauvette S. Gentry, is not from Carroll or Coralville, but Actually Cook County, Illinois and Cleveland, Ohio.

Lauvette S. Gentry is a gun-toting, pistol-whipping "Iowa woman" from "Western Iowa" and "Carroll" who got into a little trouble in Coralville recently.

Except that Lauvette Gentry isn't an Iowan.

But she got a donk!  

Archive link to the pictures:

Both the Iowa City Press Shitstain (archive link) and Cedar Rancid Gazette (archive link) are lying about where habitual criminal Lauvette S. Gentry is from.

Dueces Bitches!  Nana "G"  What dat booty do? 

Dat booty is in trouble!

She's had past involvement with other gun-toting criminals, including Landon Snerling, who was arrested earlier this year in Johnson County, Iowa and is a resident of the jail there, and Michael A Hobbs, Jr, a current resident of the Fort Dodge Correctional Facility until 2026.

But is Lauvette S. Gentry really an "Iowa woman"?

A quick look around the internet shows past addresses for Lauvette S. Gentry from Cook County, Chicago, Illinois, and also in Cleveland.  According to one site, Lauvette Gentry is registered to vote in Ohio.

Did the Donk vote in the 2016 election in Ohio and Chicago and maybe Iowa?  I wonder if she'll vote in the 2020 election?  Do you think Adam "fake conservative" Sullivan will be checking on that?  Or will he call his mommy?

I'm wondering, newspaper reporters, how much trouble has Lauvette S. Gentry gotten into in other states?  I can look into Iowa's court search database.

What is Lauvette S. Gentry even doing in Iowa?  Other than getting evicted, hanging out with gun-toting criminals, driving around without a valid license, insurance, or registration, and robbing people at gun point and pistol whipping them?

Where did she get the gun?  Did the NRA send it to her?  I doubt it!

Where are the exposes by Hillary Ojeda, Lee Hermiston, Adam Sullivan, Vanessa Miller, Tyler Jett, Stephen Gruber-Miller, James Q. Lynch, Todd Dorman, Brian Morelli, Andie Dominick, Rekha Basu, Carol Cunter, and others on what attracts Chicago and Cleveland criminals to Iowa?

"Reporters" are not going to write that kind of story because it would damage the welfare-industrial complex that benefits leftist lawyers, judges, and social workers.

It would expose the massive fraud that is welfare.

It would likely expose rampant voter fraud in favor of Democrats.

These people in the media whine and moan about guns all the time, but when it comes to actual gun criminals like Lauvette S. Gentry and her friends, they don't want to tell the real story.  They'll write a sob story about how poor Lavette was "trying to turn her life around" but was the victim of "institutional racism" or some phony bullshit.  Oh, isn't it terrible how "White Iowa" causes all these blacks from Chicago and elsewhere to commit crimes and get arrested at a disproportional rate to that of White Iowans.  It must be racism!  That's how ISU Distinguished Professor of Journalism Michael Bugeja would spin it.

Look at who Lauvette and her gang of criminal friends are targeting:  pizza delivery people and cab drivers.  Nobody who is delivering pizza or driving cab is rich.  These are mostly poor people just trying to make a few dollars.  It disgusts me.  You come to Iowa to rob poor people?  Fuck you!

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