Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sue Dinsdale is a Lying Democrat Cunt

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Commie assholes like the Iowa Citizen Action Network's Sue Dinsdale are regularly given column inches in the Iowa media to promote their bullshit as a way to constantly trash Republicans.  A recent example is her column in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that tears apart the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was "rammed through" in December 2017.
The Iowa Policy Project and Tax March Iowa jointly released a new report that found in Iowa, 84 percent of the tax cuts in Trump’s tax scam have gone to the top 40 percent of taxpayers, while the bottom 40 percent are getting just 7 percent. The report also found almost a quarter of the law’s benefits have gone to the richest 1 percent of taxpayers, whose incomes average over $1 million — those taxpayers are saving $35,000 a year, compared to $700 for the middle-income group, 8 percent of whom actually paid more in taxes. The bottom fifth of Iowa taxpayers gained on average about barely enough for a hamburger and fries once a month.

The top 40 percent of taxpayers means you're earning around $50,000 and above per year.

Congratulations, cunts like Sue Dinsdale think you're rich and undeserving of a tax cut.

The richest 1 percent of taxpayers get around 25% of the law's benefits, but they also pay 37.2% of Federal Income taxes.

That doesn't seem very fair.  Shouldn't the tax cut be more proportional?

And the lower income people, who pay much less in Federal income taxes, don't get much of a tax break.  What's wrong with that?

The problem with leftist partisan malcontents like Sue Dinsdale and the socialist-inclined Iowa corporate media is that they don't want ANY tax cuts.

They want a constant "wealth tax" on "the rich", like their hero, that lying cunt Elizabeth Warren.

"The Rich" means anybody with a job.

They want tax rates above 70% for certain people, and even as high as 91% like some upper rates were in the 1950s when Eisenhower had three recessions.

All for bullshit like the "Green New Deal" and "Medicare for All" and free health care for illegals.

The main thing with columns by the likes Sue Dinsdale is that it's a steady drip drip drip of Commie Socialist propaganda by papers like the Cedar Rancid Gazette and the Des Moines Register.

It's nothing but hate for rich people (earning $50,000 a year or more) or envy against those who pay more in taxes because they earn more.

As for the criticism of "Opportunity Zones", I think it's way too early to assess the success or failure of that program.  I'm inclined to be a skeptic of what amounts to a slush fund for mostly big blue cities.  Haven't we done this many times before?  Isn't Los Angeles and San Francisco, towns with billions in tax dollars available, unable to solve their "homeless crisis"?  Those problems aren't so much about "homelessness" than encouraging substance abusers and the mentally ill to live on the streets.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Marie Belle Kelly of Norway, Iowa, is an Insane Liar and the Cedar Rapids Gazette Repeatedly Prints Her Letters

Marie Belle Kelly of Norway, Iowa, thinks it's OK to send "fake news" letters to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, who dutifully prints them with regularity.

Here are some examples.

Thursday, December 19, 2019:  The Senate Must Vote To Remove the President.  Archive link: - excerpt:
The senate, is allowing the president to betray his oath of office and endanger our national security by asking a foreign power (Ukraine) to interfere with a presidential election that benefits himself and not hold him accountable.
How do you analyze that pile of lies?
  • The President has the right to conduct foreign policy.
  • President Trump is not violating his oath of office.
  • President Trump is not endangering our national security.
  • President Trump is not asking Ukrainian leaders to interfere with a presidential election.  He wanted to find out why that Joe Biden and Barack Obama threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine a few years ago unless a prosecutor looking into the company that crackhead Hunter Biden was appointed to so he could have money for crack, alcohol, and strippers.
Don't take my word for it.  Listen to Joe Biden himself:

This isn't the first pack of lies that Marie Belle Kelly has had printed in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.  

You see, this is what newspapers do these days.  They pump out FAKE NEWS on the opinion page by printing all sorts of unedited bullshit from readers that they know is full of lies and crap.  

Why even have an Opinion Page editor if all you're doing is operating a conveyor belt of bullshit from angry Leftist partisans?

Let's continue with other Marie Belle Kelly letters in the Cedar Rancid Gazette.

On Friday, October 4th, Marie Belle Kelly had another letter printed in the Gazette.  This was headlined Abuse of Power Means It's Time To Impeach.  Archive link: and an excerpt:
a whistleblower came forward with a claim of wrong doing, which the Inspector General says is of urgent concern. By law this report shall be turned over to the congress. It was reported that the president withheld payment from Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden.
Trump was asking foreign power to interfere with our 2020 election for his benefit.
You mean the "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella who is not actually a whistleblower, but a partisan operative who never actually heard the phone call?

Marie Belle Kelly can read the text of the phone call (archive link: )  It's been available since September 25, 2019, nine days before her letter was printed.  Why wouldn't the Editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Zach Kucharski, not notice that Marie Belle Kelly's letter was full of lies and partisan bullshit and not print it?

Zach Kucharski, the executive editor of the Cedar Rancid Gazette

A final example is of a letter by Marie Belle Kelly and published by the Gazette on May 17, 2019, headlined Is The President Above Our Laws?  Archive link: - here is a first excerpt:
As president, he wants no restrictions placed on his authority to govern. That’s why he’s ordered the White House not to turn over documents to the Congress and ordered his aides to ignore subpoenas to testify before congressional committees.
Does this dumbfuck Marie Belle Kelly, or Kucharski, know anything about Separation of Powers?  The White House doesn't have to abide by those subpoenas.  Nothing would ever get done if Congress could endlessly subpoena the Executive Branch.

This letter appeared long before the bogus ruling last month by Obama "judge" Ketanji Brown Jackson in the McGhan case, which is still being sorted out.
Our country is heading for a constitutional crisis. We are losing our democracy because of a president I believe is compromised by Russia. But I don’t blame Trump, I blame the people who voted for him.
Back in May, it was Russia.  Now it's the Ukraine.  What will it be after that?

Marie Belle Kelly doesn't blame Trump, even though she does.  She blames us "deplorables" who voted for him. 

Somebody get her a straight jacket.  She's insane.  

Why is the Cedar Rapids Gazette printing the letters of a lunatic who is wearing a tinfoil hat and believes every bullshit conspiracy theory about President Trump?

Why Creepy Perv-Looking Coralville Mayor John Lundell is Supporting Brain Damaged Creepy Perv Joe Biden

What else does John Lundell shave?  Everything?

Archive link:

I know I could have spent the past few days writing about how Iowa Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and David Loebsack voted for "impeachment", but you knew that was going to happen.  Loebsack has always been a pathetic back-bencher, a reliable warmonger (who, if you remember, replaced anti-war Republican Jim Leach), and a reliable anti-Semite.  And lately, Loebsack has been reliable with voting to send high-paying US jobs overseas or to Indians we're letting in via H1-B visas.

Because he's retiring, Loebsack won't have to deal with the shitshow over the next year that will be Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer public events.  Axne will stand there with her stupid Mr Ed horseface grin, lying to the voters in her excessive-testosterone voice about impeachment.  Finkenauer will smirk like a cunt and keep bringing up the union bonafides that she clearly doesn't have.  I can only hope that their events will end up sounding like Congresscunt Elissa Slotkin's recent disaster (watch this):

And here Elissa Slotkin provides the reason that I'm sure the Iowa Democrat back-benchers will be explaining their vote for "impeachment" in the House:  It's because President Trump "was trying to get dirt on a political rival, Joe Biden."

Well, then, I guess Joe Biden better do something in the Iowa Caucuses.  Otherwise Biden is no longer a "political rival".  Because if Joe Biden has 2008-level support (less than 1%), which he probably does again, then I guess they'll have to use another excuse to explain "impeachment".

Which leads us to a recent op-ed in the Iowa City Press-Shitstain by creepy perv-looking Coralville, Iowa Mayor John Lundell, who vouches for Joe Biden's "character", and leads us down a road of endless overspending, anti-American gun-grabbing, and attempting to blame recent flooding on "greenhouse gas emissions".

I'm so exhausted by such stupidity and blatant lies and insanity by somebody who is actually the mayor of a growing suburb in deep blue Johnson County that I'm not even going to attempt to break it down.  All you have to know is that a guy who looks like Dr Evil thinks Joe Biden is a man of character.  That's what Democrats are resorting to as we approach 2020.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Lucas Grundmeier Takes Over the Des Moines Register's Editorial Page to Keep the Hate Flowing

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Lucas Grundmeier is taking over the Register's Opinion page editor job, replacing the departing Kathie Obradovich

Since Carol "cunter" Hunter announced it, you can be certain that the Anti-Republican, Anti-Trump, Anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-anything-normal, Iowa-hating, America-hating, pro-Socialist, pro-Criminal, pro-Illegal, pro-Democrat bullshit will continue.  Not only at the Register, but also the Iowa City Press-Shitstain.  I'm pretty sure that lying, piece of shit Richard Cherwitz will keep his hate-filled columns arriving from Texas to be printed in both papers.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Todd Dorman is a Lying Sack of Shit

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Todd Dorman decided to write some new Christmas song lyrics for the "horrible timeline we're living in".

Lyrics like:
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Good tidings we bring, to you in Ukraine.
But we need a small favor, or we withhold your aid.
Oh, bring us the dirt on Biden.
Oh, bring us the dirt on Biden.
Oh bring us some dirt on Biden.
And we’ll send your aid!
What the fuck is Dorman's problem? 

We have Joe Biden himself bragging that HE and OBAMA threatened to withhold aid from the Ukraine if a prosecutor looking into Burisma and his crackhead son Hunter Biden's "no-show" job wasn't removed.

And isn't it up to President Trump to make sure that former government officials weren't engaging in "quid pro quo" arrangements to escape legal scrutiny?

Todd Dorman is a lying sack of shit.

Hillary Will Win the 2020 Iowa Caucus

Time to shave

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The Des Moines Register thinks there will be multiple winners of the 2020 Iowa Caucus.

Everybody will get a participation trophy!

In the future, around July 16th or so, we will look back and discover that the real winner of the 2020 Iowa Caucus is probably going to be Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Since nobody really wins the Iowa Caucus, and future primaries will likely be split numerous ways, then it's almost certain that Hillary will show up in Milwaukee in July and suggest a brokered convention.  Pundits will talk about how all the road-weary candidates lack a plurality among Democrats.  The media will go on and on about Hillary won the "popular vote" in 2016.  Hillary is so smart. 

It's Her Turn, AGAIN.

Why, crowning her as Queen Hillary of the Democrats is a masterful step that will energize the base and bring on board the usual bunch of bogus Trans-Republicans and Never Trumpers like Peggy Noonan, George Will, Jennifer Rubin, Ross Douthat, Ana Navarro, Bill Kristol, and the Cedar Rancid Gazette's Adam Sullivan.

It'll be easy for her.  Hillary has all the Super Delegates in line.

Most Democrats won't mind.  They're used to being abused.

Have you seen those "ANY FUNCTIONING ADULT 2020" signs around Iowa?  I have.  Those dumbfucks are happy to vote for a crook as long as they're a Democrat.

Perhaps it was the Grand Plan all along?  Kind of like how Hillary, in 2016, got Bernie on board to make her look "centrist", but even her people had to cheat to steal it from Bernie due to the base taking a leap to the Left.  Or she got drunk asshole Martin O'Malley on board to make her look sober and relatively sane.

For 2020, Hillary's plan was Divide and Conquer.  Hire about 20 loser Democrats, all with major problems, and bore the fuck out of everybody with endless debates.  Move that Overton Window so far left with "free health care for illegals" that Hillary can't look anything but "centrist".

You Democrats are suckers.  You're bigger dupes than the Republicans, who now look back at Mittens, Juan McVain, and the Bushies with contempt.

But they love them some Trump!  He hasn't failed them so far.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Send Your Kids to Iowa State University To Be Taught By Professors with "Cultural Humility Training"

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The administration at Iowa State University has been fucked for a few decades now.

Now it looks like the chalking hoaxsters and other lunatics have pushed the mentally ill, overpaid administrators to the point where new faculty hires will be indoctrinated into some bullshit called "cultural humility training".

It's all built on a lie.

They think all you hayseed Iowans, and even the faculty, look and act something like this:

Cedar Rapids Police Chief Wayne Jerman: Just Another Pro-Open Borders Democrat Pig

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What's the first thing you notice about Cedar Rapids Police Chief Wayne Jerman?  Other than he looks like the late comedic actor Tim Conway.

Jerman likes to wear his badge with that "blue line" covering it.  The "thin blue line" iconography is symbolic bullshit for modern day corrupt gang members known as the police.  If you see those "thin blue line" US flags, stickers, or imagery on shirts, you must understand that the person involved is definitely a corrupt asshole.

Also keep in mind that Jerman spent over three decades policing and moving his way up the ladder in Montgomery County, Maryland, which is about as deep blue as it gets.  The last county executive who wasn't a Democrat left over 4 decades ago.  Everything is run by the Democrats.

With all that in mind, Jerman recently had a guest column published by his Leftist komrades at the Cedar Rancid Gazette where he promoted how great DACA was for illegals.

No mention about how the invaders and illegals who bring their kids here are constantly exploited.  

Some illegals exploited by "coyotes" on the route to the US border, who extort money and rape women and children.

Some illegals are exploited by employers who pay under minimum wage or "under the table" or provide unsafe working conditions.  Or employ children like the Rubashkins did in Postville.  If the illegal gets out of line, there's always the threat of calling ICE.

What about all the innocent Americans, alive or dead, who are the victims of identity theft by illegals and their employers?

The Catholic Church, along with other religions, exploits illegals.  The child-fucking priests want their 10%.

All the drugs that are brought in.  All the diseases.

Then there are the violent criminals, like Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the murderer of Mollie Tibbetts.

Wayne Jerman says nothing about that.  It's a huge by-product of letting in illegals.

And what about all the immigrants and visa holders who do it the proper way?  They didn't jump the border.  They applied for citizenship.  They did the work to become a citizen.  How do you think they feel?

Jerman is just another pro-open borders Democrat pig.

Why is this anti-American asshole running a police department in Cedar Rapids?

Friday, December 6, 2019

Joe Biden to Iowa Farmer: "I Used to Fuck Guys Like You in Prison"

Yes, yes, yes.  I saw the exchange between the "retired farmer" and Joe Biden on a question about Biden's Ukraine scandals and involving his crackhead son, Hunter.

Old Joe, gritting his teeth, like he's going to have another aneurysm meltdown.  Practically challenging the farmer to naked pushups.

"Come on, tubby, let's see whose dick touches the ground first!!!"  

You know that's what old Joe was thinking.

Too bad the farmer didn't bring this sign:

Or maybe this sign:

Almost forgotten in the exchange was that the retired farmer admitted he was an Elizabeth Warren supporter and who said he would vote for crooked Biden if he were her veep.

That's how sad the Democrat party is.  Stockholm Syndrome.

"I'll vote for any criminal as long as they're a Democrat!"

All those clapping seals, brainwashed into thinking that Trump did something wrong, and that it merits impeachment, removal, and imprisonment.

The Iowa media?  It's like it didn't happen.  The Register printed some USA Today piece where most of the Facebook comments were anti-Biden.  I couldn't find it in the Gazette.

Meanwhile, here's everything we need to know about Joe Biden's corruption in the Ukraine, from Joe Biden's mouth:

The Iowa Media isn't interested in the truth.

If Biden was actually doing better in the fake polls, then the Register and the Gazette would be working overtime figuring out a way to doxx the old Elizabeth Warren-supporting farmer.

I'm sure Vanessa Miller, Adam Sullivan, Todd Dorman, Steven Gruber-Miller, Tyler Jett, and other members of the Fake Media Rapist Gangbang cabal would be digging up the old guy's tweets from 1972.  Interview some old relatives he's forgotten.  Highlight that speeding ticket he got in 1981.

Just give something, something I can use.

We have to protect Joe Biden's reputation until Hillary's coronation on July 16th in Milwaukee.

Aren't you glad you participated in those town halls and clapped like a seal for shitty politicians?

Second verse, same as the first:

"I'll vote for any criminal as long as they're a Democrat!"

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Iowa Caucus Will Be For Nothing

Let's be honest, Iowans, the Democrat caucuses will be for nothing.  Here's why.

Hillary Clinton goes on the Howard Stern show.  Why would she do that?

It's going to be a brokered convention.  

Hillary shows up and accepts the nomination.  Democrats will have to vote for Hillary.  Again.

Where do you think the Super Delegates are going?

They're not going to Bernie Sanders.  Ever!

Hillary sees where this shitty field is going.  Hell, the criminal cunt probably put the rest up to it in order to make her look "centrist".

Do you really think Buttfucker is going to be the nominee?  

Or Joe Biden?

You'll have nothing but a split caucus and divided primaries from here to Super Tuesday and beyond.

Hillary didn't like hanging out with the "little people" and campaigning.  Nobody showed up to any of her events.  She was too busy collapsing on camera with the media covering up for her.

What about the Jeffrey Epstein case?

Cackle, cackle, cackle!!!  Somebody get her on Jimmy Fallon or Seth Meyers or Jimmy Kimmel or Trevor Noah or The View so they can lick her ass!  Laugh about how you didn't have Jeffrey Epstein killed.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why are "Queers" Always Unhappy?

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I've always been "gay friendly", but there's something extremely annoying about these Fuckin' Queers from Mount Vernon who wrote an opinion piece in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

"Queers" demand that everybody accept them, their partners, all the shit they say, but if you're not using the "correct" personal pronouns then they're going to have a hissy fit and stomp off to the LGBQTI+?!@ B&B

When did lesbians start using the word "Queer" again?  For decades, that word was off-limits.

Is "faggot" coming back?  Maybe it is back?

Kind of like how self-hating black people don't mind being called "niggers", as long as you aren't white.

I would say that the best way to preserve family harmony during the holidays is to not invite pushy assholes who identify as "queer".  Let those annoying queers get together on their own.

Same thing goes with loudmouth Democrats who yell talking points like some idiot with Tourette's.

And the same thing goes for MAGA-hat wearing couples who insist on wearing their ball caps in the house and during their meal.

Don't invite troublemakers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Lyz Lenz is So Stupid That She Thinks Pete Buttfucker is a Republican

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Cedar Rapids Gazette columnist Lyz Lenz is so dumb, she thinks Pete Buttfucker is a "Republican" because :
he didn’t realize the schools in the town in which he is the actual mayor, were still segregated by the actual political, social, and economic forces 
And because of that
Buttigieg with his lack of awareness of structural inequality, positions himself as the best Republican a Democrat could vote for. 
What a cunt.

Every town run by Democrats, especially deep blue cities run by Lefties forever, always has "structural inequality" that is somehow the fault of Republicans.

I kind of feel sorry for Pete Buffbucker.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.

Lenz also blames Republicans for making college "unaffordable". 

Who has been running the colleges and universities in the past 40 or 50 years?  It's not the Republicans, that's for sure.  Congress adds grants, schools jack up tuition and fees.  Obama lets anybody get a student loan through the government for any worthless degree and schools jack up tuition and fees.

Where do newspapers find cunts as angry as Lyz Lenz?

Look at that face. 

I would think she could have been voted "Most Likely to Have Triple Anal Penetration on the First Date" during her high school years.