Saturday, November 9, 2019

Iowa State University Seems To Be Admitting A Lot Of Mentally Ill Morons

Archive link:

It used to be that Iowa State University was full of rioting drunks.  Today, it looks like ISU is admitting mentally ill morons also known as "transgender activists".

From the College Fix link above:
In an Iowa State University classroom recently, students began discussing the touchy issues of abortion and birth control when a student spoke up and declared those topics to be “women’s issues.” 
Yet one dissatisfied student took to the university’s Campus Climate reporting website to complain that the discussion, which took place in September, was offensive to the trans community. 
According to the student, declaring abortion and birth control women-centric issues “erases trans men and people who are non-binary who get abortions and/or use birth control.” 
The student then reported the professor to administration, complaining “there was no push back by the professor to get students to be more inclusive and instead repeated this erasure.” 
This report was one of 49 filed with Iowa State’s “Campus Climate” staff over the last year obtained last week by The College Fix through a public records act request. (The names of the individuals involved were redacted by the university to protect their identities.) 
The Iowa State climate program is similar to so-called bias response teams at other universities, and it aims to “provide support for those who report being impacted by hate, intolerance or bias on campus.”

The amount of bullshit and wasted money going on there is incredible.

Name the student. 

I'm sure they're a professional trouble maker, hanging out on the public's dime or through Federal student loans, or otherwise have rich Lefty parents and step-parents.

It won't be long before this "student" will be interviewed by a cunt like Rekha Basu or Andie Dominick, or even working for the Des Moines Register.

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