Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Unintended Consequences of the Illegal Mask Mandates by Iowa Democrats

A reader from Iowa City writes (edited):

I love your blog.

I don't know where you are, but for the past few months if you wanted to go to Menard's in Iowa City or Costco in Coralville you had to wear a mask.  Recently, Walmart, Target, CVS, and other companies announced mask policies.  I don't know if they provide exemptions.  I searched but just found news stories that were vague on details.

If a store didn't previous provide exemptions, then Mayor Teague's order, although illegal, spells out the exemptions.  Johnson County, as you noted, is going to pass the same thing.  I expect many other cities and counties run by Democrats to do the same thing.  If Johnson County passes it, then people can go into Costco or Menard's without a mask based on the exemptions int the mayor's order.

This morning I stopped inside a Casey's to get a coffee and a long john and I wasn't wearing a mask.  I got called out, but showed them the paper indicating exemptions and they were cool about it.  When I got home, I called some small businesses that I shop at in Iowa City and asked about how they're handling this.  Every single one of them said they don't want to play mask police and have instructed their employees to not bother people who enter without a mask.  I didn't call Menard's or Walmart but I don't shop there.  Too much chinese made shit.

The past few months I have avoided most businesses in Iowa City, especially when the riots were going on.  I don't like getting the evil eye from other people.  There's a lot of that going on.  Anybody with half a brain knows it's politically motivated.  I do laugh at all the dipshits running or bicycling or walking their dog on the sidewalk while wearing a mask.  The other day I saw a lady in a subaru with her windows down, giant dogs sticking their heads out the window and sunroof, and she's wearing a mask.  They are all psychotic.

The good thing about an illegal mask order is that it does provide exemptions.  I do worry about them attempting a lockdown again.  You know how Democrats are, especially the Commie wing.  They can never have enough power.  They hate Kim Reynolds.  They hate Trump.  I want Trump to win again, but I bet if he wins there will be riots again in places like Iowa City.  I also bet if Biden wins the same people will riot anyway.  They love to riot.

Keep it up, brother!

Wal-Mart provides an exemption (archive link)

You make a great point.

One thing Democrats are good at is making completely worthless legislation, legal or illegal.

My fear is that people who don't understand the exemption won't got out because of fear, or you'll get those real activist anti-maskers who throw a tantrum on-camera. 

The Only Thing Spreading in Iowa are Illegal Mask Orders by Fascist Democrats

Archive link:

Once a bad idea, not rooted in "science", takes hold in Democrats there's no stopping it.

Kind of like slavery, Jim Crow, "separate but equal", segregation, rioting, baby killing, letting actual criminals go free, and other things Democrat love.

Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague
After the pro-segregationist, pro-criminal Mayor of Iowa City issued a training burqa order, it looks like the rest of that deep blue Commie-run county is going to impose an illegal order on the rest of it's residents.

A copy of the order is available on the web in PDF format.  It does provide exemptions.

Expect to see other Democrat hotspots do the same thing.

All this got started a couple of weeks ago when Muscatine's morbidly obese and impeached mayor Diana Brotherton did the same thing.

Surprisingly, the Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller, a Democrat, keeps saying that these orders are illegal, but I'm sure he's not going to do anything about it because Party First.

I'll bet that the language passed by Johnson County and, eventually, other Democrat places around Iowa, will be similar to Iowa City's.

The exemptions are:

  • Persons younger than 2 years old.
  • Anyone who has trouble breathing, on oxygen therapy, or ventilator.
  • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
  • Anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional to not wear face coverings.
  • Anyone actively engaged in a public safety role, including but not limited to law enforcement, firefighters, or emergency medical personnel.
The section about "anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional to not wear face coverings" should be used by those who want to resist the order in Iowa City.

It doesn't matter whether or not you've actually been told this.  Nobody can force you to reveal medical or legal directives like this.  From what I've seen in media reports, law enforcement are aware of the exemptions.

We would urge people to print out the Mayor's Order and carry it with them when entering a business in the Iowa City area.

Once you enter the business, hold up the paper, and flag down an employee to let them know you're exempt.

If you're in some place like a grocery store, have your paper there in the cart in case some nosy wannabe "Karen" gets all Stasi on you.  It's best to go at a time when there are few people shopping.



DON'T YELL AND CAUSE A SCENE.  Nobody wins a fight.

DON'T GET INCENSED AND ASK FOR THE COPS TO BE CALLED.  In Iowa City, the last people you want on the scene are the police.  Remember, an Iowa City cop killed Eric Shaw and got away with it thanks to Democrats circling the wagon.

If an employee wants to kick you out anyway, just leave.  Handle it the next day with the actual store manager over the phone.  Be nice, but don't reveal anything other than saying you've been advised to not wear a face mask due to medical reasons.

If you have to think of a reason, say claustrophobia or PTSD.  Usually people are sympathetic to these kinds of reasons.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

White Gannett's Systemically Racist Iowa City Press-Citizen Is Churning Out the "Racist" Stories To Protect Their Black Slaves

This blog predicted it.

Newspapers, especially those in deep blue Democrat areas, are starting to churn out the "if you criticize black people, you'll be branded as 'racist' stories".

A good example is this story from the Iowa City Press-Citizen (archive link).

If you call black elected officials out for their pro-segregationist or pro-miscreant statements then that's "racism"?


Aimee Breaux, Hillary Ojeda, and Zachary Oren Smith are the three interloper assholes who wrote this stupidity.  Zach Thompson is now the editor of the Press Shitstain from his Des Moines desk, and his boss is Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

Hillary Ojeda

There's no story here.

It's like the Press Citizen Editorial Board completely lying about black criminals like Derrick Ambrose Jr.

They have to make shit up.

Kind of like the hoaxing Hamad sisters, Marcus Owens, Tarsha Michelle Claiborne, and others.

Some blacks get to commit crimes, vandalize, and are in and out of the justice system because they have "black privilege", especially in places like Johnson County.  Look at the case of Mazin Mohamedali.

Separately, there's the case of dentist Tom Gill, who has been on the Coralville City Council a long time in a couple of stretches.  Gill, from what I hear is a Democrat because every elected official within the whole of Johnson County is a Democrat, dared to call BLM "criminals" (archive link), and then resigned his seat.

BLM are criminals.  They're thugs.  They're miscreants.  They're malcontents.  They're vandals.  They're racist and segregationist.  In other words, they're Bernie Bros.

Then there are the blacks who are OK with being "out" about their hatred of whitey and their hatred of America, like Iowa City 6th grade teacher Monique Cottman.  Somehow this racist cunt keeps her job.

Imagine the kind of email a Republican elected official would received in Johnson County.  There aren't any Republican elected officials in the whole of Johnson County, but if there were I'm sure the amount of hate and vitriol would be overwhelming.  The death threats.  The violent threats.  BLM and every other Commie asshole showing up at your house, threatening to burn it down.

Somebody should put up a big Trump 2020 sign in the Iowa City area, aim a variety of night vision cameras at it and the area.  See what happens.

I think we know what would happen.  There would be endless destruction and zero response out of the Iowa City Police and the Johnson County Attorney's office.

You'd probably get article after article by Aimee Breaux, Hillary Ojeda, and Zachary Oren Smith and the writers' group about how "triggered" some people are and THAT SIGN IS RACIST!

Democrats are insane.

It is funny how a "White" newspaper like the Iowa City Press Citizen, owned by a bunch of white guys and some Japanese company, has to constantly stroke the ego of these "fragile" fat black women and the lubed asshole of Iowa City's Mayor, Bruce Teague.

They know they only got into power because of White Elitist Democrat guilt over slavery and Jim Crow and other stuff their party did and continues to do.

No sane person would elect a bunch of education-hating, police-hating, community-hating, and WHITE-HATING assholes to office.

But November is coming up, and white elitist Democrats in the media are trying to keep their black slaves on the plantation.

Because if you don't vote for Joe Biden, YOU AIN'T BLACK and THEY ARE GONNA PUT Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINZ.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pro-Segregationist Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague Announces Illegal Mask Mandate

Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague is Ready for Anal Sex
Archive link:

It's not a surprise that the pro-criminal, pro-segregationist Mayor of Iowa City, Bruce Teague, issued an illegal mask mandate and threatened the use of the police to enforce it with misdemeanor tickets, which is about the same level of punishment that violent vandal, drug user, and convicted robber Mazin Mohamedali got for his crimes.

The entire City Council went along with the illegal ordinance, or whatever it is.  There are exceptions for certain activities, or people who have medical conditions, but do you think the lunatic Stasi Karens in Iowa City are going to care about anybody's personal medical condition?  That's none of their business, but good luck convincing the stupid left.

Look at that fucking clown.

The Democrats need to be destroyed in the November elections.  It won't happen in places like Iowa City or Ames or Grinnell, but it ought to happen everywhere else.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Segregationist Wylliam Smith Shits All Over Dr Martin Luther King's Speech

Starting now, this blog will refer to segregationist Wylliam Smith as Segregationist Wylliam Smith.

Segregationist Wylliam Smith is a segregationist.  He wrote columns advocating for segregation at the University of Iowa while he was at the Daily Iowan.  He won awards from the Associated Press for it.  Nobody condemned it.

If the Democrat politicians in Iowa City area going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and his mentally ill "drag queen persona" sister Akia Nyrie Smith, then it's safe to assume that the Democrats have decided that shitting on Dr Martin Luther King and regressing to the party's principle of advocating for enslavement and segregation is the way forward.

Some of those demands include judging black students who misbehave and black criminals who get arrested solely on the basis of the color of their skin.

That's segregation.

That's actual RACISM.

We propose that if the City of Iowa City is going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and the other terrorists, that the City of Iowa and the Iowa City Community School District should abolish any observances of the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Federal Holiday and any activities normally associated with it.

Because it's clear to us that the Democrats in Iowa City favor segregation.

Democrat voters, especially black Democrat voters, are chumps:

Friday, July 17, 2020

Des Moines Register's Andrea Sahouri Has Some Nice, Big Titties

Archive link:

Every time I've seen pictures of the Des Moines Register's Andrea Sahouri, she's looked like your typical Marxist cunt.

Is that the same person in the two photos? 

Let's go back to the view most guys prefer:

I can't wait to see the bodycam footage by the police.  These "reporters" are all Marxist assholes who think they're justified in being part of a riot. 

It's too bad, because Andrea Sahouri could have had a much more fun, rewarding, and higher-paying career being a stripper, camming, making TikTok videos, or getting into pr0n.

Kirk Ferentz Is So Dumb, He Doesn't Know Whether To Mess With The National Anthem Before Hawkeye Football Games

Kirk Ferentz, disrespecting the National Anthem

Archive link

15 and 16 paragraphs into the story:

Ferentz also has been meeting regularly with the 23 current players on the Hawkeyes’ Leadership Group. He said they spent an hour last week sharing their thoughts on what, if anything, the team should do during the national anthem before games this fall. Some players want to stage a silent protest of the way Black Americans are treated by law enforcement officers, a feeling that is growing among athletes across the country in light of the May 25 death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man who was suffocated while in police custody in Minneapolis in a video that shocked the world.

Ferentz said the players did not come to a consensus during last week’s meeting. He wants to broach the subject with the entire team as well. Ferentz has said he would support a demonstration during “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but that he wants his players to be unanimous about how to go about that.

I'm sure that will go over well with the fans, if there are any left.

I don't know how this asshole got to be the highest paid State employee.  When Hayden Fry retired, he was only making about $265,000 a year, but Ferentz has pulled down $3 million to $4 million a year in salary as long as I can remember.  Each season seems to be designed to barely get Iowa to a bullshit bowl by paying non-conference teams to lose and the Hawkeyes ending up with a record like 7-6, 6-6, 8-5, and 9-4. 

Then there's the way Ferentz has managed his team.  Mainly, trying to sweep under the rug sexual assault claims against his players like Cedric Everson and Abe Satterfield.  Or as the blog Black Heart Gold Pants put it:  "RAPE STILL NOT A BIG DEAL IN JOHNSON COUNTY".

But that was OK because Ferentz's man, then-assistant athletic director Fred Mims, is black.  The rapists are black.  The victim was likely black.  The then-Dean of Student Phil Jones, who was later fired for his role in the debacle, is black.  The Iowa Sports Mafia, constantly on their knees sucking Ferentz's cock, weren't going to throw him under the back of the bus because everybody in an authority position at the University of Iowa was completely incompetent and/or corrupt.

Ferentz has done other stupid shit over the years.

Remember in the early 00s when the media caught then-"student" Brian Ferentz slumming it on the taxpayer's dime in a Section 8 apartment complex?  (archive link)  Daddy Kirk was pulling down millions then, but somehow Brian "qualified" for taxpayer-subsidized housing.

More recently, despite earning $4 million a year, Kirk Ferentz wouldn't pay his portion ($9500) of an agreed-upon road maintenance bill in the small homeowner's association where he resides. (archive link)  What a cheap bastard.

What do you want to bet that some of the morons on the team want the "Black National Anthem" to be played?  I can imagine that they'll go that disastrous direction.  Anything to bend over and let that bisexual segregationist Wylliam Smith a little less unhappy.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Josh Mandlebaum is a Fascist Asshole About Masks

Josh Mandlebaum, Fascist Asshole
Archive link

Des Moines Councilman Josh Mandlebaum wants to force all residents to wear masks even though there is a mountain of scientific evidence that they don't work.

Even the Des Moines Register, in 2009 during the H1N1 pandemic, ran an article talking about how masks wouldn't make much of a difference.

In just 10 days, this "mask requirement" bullshit has swept across the state by Democrats, starting first in Muscatine with their morbidly obese and impeached mayor.

I don't know why they think a mask is going to stop the number of positive cases from occurring.  There's lots of questions whether those tests are valid and aren't kicking off false positives, or if the numbers they use are even real.  Some states count "likely" made-up cases as real.

In 2009, during H1N1 in Iowa, it was generally accepted that once a virus was going around there was no need to perform further testing since it was making the rounds.  The best thing you can do is wash your hands often, don't hang out in large crowds, and don't be around sick people.

But Democrats want to make political hay about these numbers and try to force Kim Reynolds to shut down or inconvenience Iowans in every way possible.

Democrats.  They're nothing but a terrorist organization.

Linn County Public Health Clinical Services Supervisor Heather Meador Was the "Ultimate Karen" When She Was the Nurse for Solon Schools

Heather "Karen" Meador, posing her fat ass with a mask that should be disposed
The Cedar Rapids Gazette has been going bonkers lately with pro-mask propaganda.

Erin Murphy had a story published (archive link) based on some bullshit from the "Center for Public Integrity", which is actually a far-left propaganda machine masquerading as a non-profit.

Michaela Ramm had a story published (archive link) mostly about Grant Wood AEA Chief John Speer and his snarky, obviously partisan complaint about the State of Iowa, but it also references Linn County Public Health Clinical Services Supervisor Heather Meador, who I'm sure the Gazette would just love to cite as an "expert".

If anybody looks like the Ultimate Karen, it's Heather Meador in that photo.  Surely there is some fun stuff in the past.

It didn't take long to find this article Heather wrote when she was the Solon Community School District Nurse in 2006.  Some of the advice is sound, but all together it's a bit insane:

So the kids are back in school. That's a good thing, right? They're back to learning and back to seeing their friends, and parents get a break from keeping them busy. Back to school also means back to germs, though. Here's what a school nurse recommends to keep your kids healthy.

Mandate meals

-- Fuel the kids with a healthy breakfast. Same goes for lunch. Be sure your students, especially middle and high school students, don't skip lunch. School meals should be balanced, but keep an eye on the menu in case your son or daughter doesn't like what's being served. It's better to pack a lunch than to go hungry. Be sure that sack lunch includes dairy, whole grains and protein.

Sleep tight

-- Be sure kids get at least eight to 10 hours of sleep.

Don't forget the doc

-- To be sure your child is developing as he or she should, schedule an annual physical. (If your child plays sports, the required physical counts.) Coordinate with the school and doctor to be sure immunizations are up to date.

-- If the child has a chronic health condition, like asthma, food allergies, diabetes or epilepsy, discuss that with the school nurse and teacher ASAP.

Shoes clues

-- Send kids to school in tennies for gym and recess. That way, they don't sprain an ankle running in flip-flops.

Keep sick kids home

-- If the doctor puts your child on antibiotics, he or she should be on them at least 24 hours before returning to school. That helps prevent spreading the bug. Schools have policies on how long kids should stay away when they have fevers, vomiting and other symptoms. Check the handbook.

Rub a dub

-- Get kids into the habit of washing their hands before eating and after being outside or using the restroom. They should wash with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Make sure they scrub the whole hand, not just the palms. Send hand sanitizer to school for occasions when they can't get to the sink.

Keep 'em active

-- Kids get tons of exercise in the summer: swimming at the pool, chasing friends around the neighborhood, playing Little League. Maybe they're staying active by playing fall sports, but if not, be sure to take family walks or bike rides or shoot some hoops in the driveway.

Stop sharing

-- How ironic. You teach kids to share, and now you're telling them not to. To avoid spreading germs or other cooties, like head lice, tell kids to keep food, drinks, makeup, lip balm and brushes to themselves. Have them wear flip-flops in school showers to avoid foot fungus.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Segregationist Wylliam Smith Has a Bunch of Demands of Iowa City

Segregationist and racist fucking asshole, Wylliam Smith

Archive link:

Segregationist, untalented short film maker, and dick-sucking Marxist terrorist Wylliam Smith has a bunch of demands of Iowa City.

It's too bad that the Democrat politicians in Iowa City are bending over constantly to meet Smith's demands, but that's what happens when you elect libtards.

Not Peaceful Protests
They're going to do what they're going to do.  At least we don't have to live there, although it's sad to see that town be overrun by interloper, mentally ill assholes from Grand Rapids, Michigan who are there to only stir up trouble.

Akia Nyrie "Keki" Smith, Wylliam's angry "sister"

The Iowa City Press Citizen or the Des Moines Register, who had no problem digging into the background of UI Children's Hospital charity founder Carson King and finding a couple of dumb joke tweets years ago, isn't looking into the background of either of these terrorists.

About all we know is that Wylliam's sister, "drag persona Keki", is angry at the Iowa City School District because some teacher back in Grand Rapids wouldn't let her play Ramona Quimby in a play.

Maybe we should start looking into their backgrounds.

We know that Akia Nyrie went to Hope College, a small, Christian, liberal arts college in 4% black Holland, Michigan, where she won a few awards and a small Irene Ryan scholarship for acting.  Maybe she commuted the 35 miles to attend Hope, but tuition isn't cheap there.

Their mother, Alethia Leontyne Smith, born in 1968, doesn't seem to own a house in Grand Rapids.  From searches, it looks like the family lived in apartments or rental houses that were worth about $35,000.  No wonder Wylliam has sticker shock in Iowa City.

According to one record, Akia Nyrie Smith, born 1996, registered to vote when she lived at an address on Milwaukee Ave, but that was a few years ago.  It lists her voter ID number as 108589312.

Alethia is registered in Kent County (Grand Rapids).  Relatives possibly include Alesha Lindsey Garner, Lenaya Rashelle Smith,William Fredrick Smith, and Wylliam Arthur Smith.

Past addresses for Alethia possibly include places on Fuller Ave SE, Charles Ave, Linwood SE St, Sherman SE St, Plymouth SE Ave, and a couple of apartments on 32nd SE St.

I'm assuming William Fredrick Smith is the father.  That's a difficult name to search on. 

There's not much on Wylliam in high school.  He ran track.  He came to Iowa City to write, but only seems to have cranked out those award-winning columns in favor of segregation.

Same with Akia Nyrie.  She went to that college and was in plays, but there's been no prior uncovering of radical black segregationist activity or Marxist bullshit like BLM.

Let's keep an eye on all of them for the election.  They would be a good target to watch on the Iowa voter rolls and the Michigan voter rolls.  Make sure their family's names aren't registered here.  You know how these "activists" can be.  They like to cheat and lie because they're miserable psychopaths.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Jaylen Cavil Getting Arrested in a T-shirt Showing Bernie Sanders Getting Arrested

Olathe, Kansas pool boy Jaylen Cavil getting arrested in Des Moinse

We had to laugh when we saw this picture of Olathe, Kansas native Jaylen Cavil getting arrested the other day in Des Moines while wearing a t-shirt showing Bernie Sanders getting arrested.

Cavil got arrested despite Gov Kim Reynolds making good on her promise to sign an executive order letting felons vote after completing their sentences.  

Why did Cavil get arrested?  Because these Commie interlopers are never satisfied.  It's always something.

Too bad the Democrats aren't holding a real convention this year.  We're sure Jaylen would be travelling to that on some rich guy's dime to cause trouble.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How the Des Moines Register Portrayed Masks During the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic during Obama/Biden

This is from an article by Tony Leys in the Des Moines Register, published May 1, 2009:

Consumers have been snapping the masks up after seeing TV footage of Mexicans wearing them.
"Everybody and their brother is out of them," said John Conyers, purchasing manager for Hammer Medical Supply in Des Moines. Conyers said he typically stocks 300 to 600 masks, but he ran out early this week. Most wholesalers are out of them, he said, but he managed to order another 600 Thursday. After those run out, he said, he doesn't know when he will be able to get more.
Conyers didn't hold back a mask for himself. He is skeptical that they would make much difference. Advice on the matter is mixed from medical authorities. Experts at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say masks might help lessen the chance of transmission in crowded areas. But they say other measures, including avoiding crowds and frequently washing hands, probably would be more effective than wearing masks.

How Iowa Colleges and Universities Handled 2009's Pandemic During Obama/Biden

This is from the Cedar Rapids Gazette, September 9, 2009, by Cindy Hadish.
Bold highlighting is done by this blog:

Ill students will have meals delivered on some Eastern Iowa campuses, as colleges prepare for what appears to be an inevitable bout with H1N1 flu.

At Luther College in Decorah, 27 students and one staff member had reported flulike symptoms as of Tuesday, spokesman Jerry Johnson said, up from seven on Friday and rising almost hourly.

"Once an H1N1 case comes to a college campus, it's going to spread very rapidly," Johnson said, citing shared bathrooms, living quarters and dining halls. "It's just a matter of time before it comes to every college campus in the country."

Luther, with 2,500 students, had three students test positive for the H1N1 virus, commonly called swine flu. Once three cases are reported, the virus is assumed to be in a community and further testing is not recommended.

Johnson said initial symptoms include sore throat, cough and headache, followed by a runny nose and body aches.

Most colleges in Eastern Iowa would cancel classes only as a last resort.

Dr. Dan Fick, campus health officer at the University of Iowa, said the 30,000-plus students in Iowa City shouldn't expect an announcement that H1N1 has been confirmed on campus.

"The assumption is we will have lots of students with it this fall," he said, and routine testing won't be conducted.

Students will be asked to stay in their rooms until fever-free for 24 hours, and for the first time, the UI will provide meals to ill students in their dorm rooms, Fick said. He hoped an H1N1 vaccine would be available by November.

At the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls and Coe College in Cedar Rapids, free flu kits will be offered to students with flu symptoms. Kits include a thermometer, tissues, masks and other items. Both colleges also will deliver soup and other food to students in their dorm rooms.

Coe's dean of students, DeLane Duval, said ill students will be asked to go home or in their rooms. Roommates would likely stay with friends or can ask to relocate.

With many of Coe's 1,250 students living on campus, the college is advocating prevention, with tips such as washing hands frequently with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and avoiding sharing food, drink or utensils.

Kirkwood College in Cedar Rapids has seen more ill students earlier than in past years but has had no reported H1N1 cases, said Lori Jeppson, campus health director.

At Cornell College in Mount Vernon, students are directed to information on the student health and college Web sites, spokesman Blake Rasmussen said.

Students at Mount Mercy in Cedar Rapids are asked to call the campus nurse and should go home or stay in their rooms if ill, said Sue Oatey, vice president for enrollment and student life.

No one at Luther College has been hospitalized. Ill students are asked to return home. Otherwise, they can stay in their rooms, where meals are delivered, and are advised to not attend class for three to seven days. Healthy roommates can move to a different room, Johnson said.

Friday, July 10, 2020

COVID Numbers Fear Mongering Porn Courtesy of the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Brooklyn Draisey

Brooklyn "Manson Girl" Draisey

Archive link:

"Manson Girl" lookalike and Commie propagandist Brooklyn Draisey reports in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that COVID-positive cases are higher in number than since May 1st.

Is that a bad thing?

Maybe we're doing more testing now?

Maybe the tests are faulty and are making anybody "positive" who have COVID-19 antibodies or past other coronavirus?

Maybe certain places in Iowa are acting like other parts of the country where they count "probable" cases (archive link), which are made-up numbers.

How's the death rate, Brooklyn?

Is it up?  Down?

Oh, you're not showing that chart!

People in ICU "jumped" from 44 to 49.


No, No, 

How old are those people in the hospital, or ICU, or dying?

Do they have co-morbidities?

Did they actually die of something else but are being counted as COVID deaths because they tested positive with real or bogus tests, or are they part of the "probable" cases?

Most importantly, did they refuse to wear a mask?

Does anybody believe the fear mongering that the Iowa Socialist/Communist Democrat Corporate Media is pushing?

I'm sure we'll be treated to more hand-wringing by Lefty Democrats asking for a mask requirement, backed up by threat of enforcement by cops with guns who can kill or cage you, even though masks don't work.  Anything to push a totalitarian, anti-science agenda.

Iowa City Press-Citizen Editorial Board Are A Bunch of Liars and Thinks Blacks are Chumps

Left column: Shamika S. Harris, Kylah Hedding, John Macatee
Middle column:  Shams Ghoneim
Right column:  Bob Goodfellow, Dave Bright, Venise Berry

Archive link:

The amount of lies in the Iowa City Press Citizen Editorial Board opinion piece for July 9, 2020, headlined "Concrete steps UI, Iowa City and the state can take to make a difference on racial equality" is almost never ending.

It starts off with the usual stats:  black people don't earn as much as white people.  There are a higher percentage of black people in Iowa's prisons.

Did you bother to look into why those "black people" in the Iowa prison system?  They're not all pot smokers.

Then it goes into complaining about slavery, black codes, and the KKK, which were all promoted and encouraged by the Democrat Party.  I'm going to bet that all seven of these assholes are Democrats, or only vote Democrat.  What are you fucking asshole hypocrites going to do about the history of your racist Democratic Party?

The next section is the worst because everything in it is a lie because none of these incidents were racially motivated:

Waterloo police were not disciplined when one threw a 13-year-old girl to the ground because she would not give him her last name, and a fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man was settled for $2.5 million. Black Lives Matter protesters were attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets here in Iowa City. Statewide reports show police disproportionately stop black people for traffic stops.

The 13 year old girl incident was about a cop being stupid and escalating a matter that didn't need to be escalated.

Cops do dumb things all the time.  Kind of like ICPD Officer Jeffrey Gillespie illegally entering sculptor Eric Shaw's studio in late August 1996 and shooting him in the heart for being startled and holding a telephone

But Eric Shaw was white, so I guess that doesn't count.

There were no charges for the cop.  The county attorney at the time, Democrat J. Patrick White (Janet Lyness was the assistant county attorney then) wouldn't even convene a grand jury.  White was re-elected in 1998, unopposed, with 97% of the vote, so it looks like Johnson County Democrats were OK with cops entering a studio illegally for no reason other than Shaw left the back door propped open, and was killed because the officer was an idiot.

As far as the Waterloo police shooting an "unarmed black man" and settling for $2.5 million, I guess nobody read up on the incident involving Derrick Ambrose Jr (archive link)

Ambrose, a 22-year-old Waterloo resident, died Nov. 18, 2012, of gunshot wounds after running from police following a disturbance outside a nightclub.
According to a synopsis of findings released by the Black Hawk County Attorney’s Office following the grand jury session, Ambrose and his friends had been removed from the New World Lounge on Riehl Street following an argument. When an altercation started outside, Ambrose went to his car and obtained his 9mm Taurus pistol.
Law, who was in the area, saw the gathering and noticed Ambrose holding the handgun. The officer drew his own weapon and ordered Ambrose to drop his, and a pursuit ensued. Ambrose fled down a poorly lit street, according to the findings, and past a privacy fence where he apparently threw the Taurus.
Law didn’t notice Ambrose disposing of the weapon and continued the chase until Ambrose tripped and fell. Ambrose ignored Law’s commands to remain on the ground and started to rise. He turned toward Law, who thought he was about to be shot and fired two shots, according to the statement. Ambrose was struck in the rear right of the head and right leg and died at the scene.

That sure doesn't sound like the cop shot him for being "black".  It reads like the cop thought Ambrose still had the handgun after pursuing him.

What a bunch of fucking bullshit by the Iowa City Press Citizen Editorial Board.

The piece goes on in the usual mindless, unrelated directions of promoting "mail in voting" so Democrats can cheat.

Mazin Mohamedali, felon and criminal

What's missing from this opinion piece is how black criminals like Mazin Mohamedali are treated by the local justice system.

This asshole robs a Kum & Go with a knife, which is first degree robbery, but gets it plead down to second degree robbery, a Class C felony.  Despite the serious nature of the crime, Mohamedali is given 3 years of probation, which is a slap on the wrist.  He's been picked up numerous times since there on probation violations (drug charges).

Judge Deborah Farmer Minot

Then, when Mohamedali caused destruction and vandalism around Iowa City and was arrested and charged with numerous misdemeanors and a felony, Judge Deborah Farmer Minot dismissed everything but a very minor charge.

And Mohamedali, as part of the "Iowa Freedom Riders" terrorists, get lots of attention by the media and the local dumbass Democrat politicians, but they don't look into Mohamedali's background the way that the Des Moines Register looked into and trashed Carson King.

I don't know anybody who wasn't sickened by the George Floyd video, but what came after it is beyond insane.  All this destruction.  Looting.  Fires.  Vandalism.  Increased crime.  Little black kids being shot.

Nobody rioted when Eric Shaw was senselessly killed.

Oh, I know what you're going to say:  the history of black people and oppression, "systemic racism", etc etc.

Sorry, I'm not going to listen to you chumps anymore.

You keep voting for the racist party, the Democrats.  The party of slavery and Jim Crow.  In all those big cities.  And you wonder why the cops act like they do.  They get away with shit all the time.  You don't want to reform.  You want to de-fund, whatever that means.  You wouldn't even think about voting for anybody but the Democrat put in front of you.  Because you're a chump.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

"America Hates Immigrants!"

Mazahir Salih, Another Sudanese Commie Troublemaker, Wants Criminals and Segregationists to Make Policy in Iowa City

Mazahir Salih

Archive link:

What is it with the Sudan commies and their ongoing takeover of Iowa City?

You've got Lujayn and Raneem Hamad, their "hate note hoax" of 2016.

Mazin Mohamedali, who might be on LSD in this photo

You've got Mazin Mohamedali, the guy who robbed a Kum & Go in Iowa City in 2018 with a knife, was given probation for a Class C felony which he violated numerous times, and who is one of the "leaders" of the terrorist group "Iowa Freedom Riders".

Then you've got Mazahir Salih, another one of these headscarf-wearing commies who always has a dopey smile planted on her face, who got elected to the City Council in Iowa City because libtards are stupid.  Salih has only lived in Iowa City since 2012, and is employed at the "Center for Worker Justice"(archive link).

According to the main story, Salih wants people like Mohamedali and segregationist, bad film maker, and interloper Wylliam Smith to be involved with conversations for the shopping list of demands.

Even that is too much for the rest of the normally cucked-out libtards, including wimpy, pro-rioter Mayor Bruce Teague.

Keki Smith, always angry about something
It's bad enough that the Iowa City Community School District has bent over to the demands of Wylliam's sister, out of work actress from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Akia Nyrie "Keki" Smith, who is still upset that some grade school teacher wouldn't let her play Ramona Quimby in a play.

Look at all those assholes.  None of them are from Iowa City.  Most weren't born in the USA.  They're all angry at "white people".  They don't do anything of value.  They get awards for spewing pro-segregationist bullshit.  They get to riot with judicial impunity.  They are given Habitat for Humanity houses and get to go to the University of Iowa or Hope College or NYU, or Columbia University.

And it's never enough!

You got to wonder how many of those women still have their clitoris or labia. 

And all these men don't know whether to suck a dick or put it in an asshole.

They think robbing a convenience store with a knife, and doing drugs, or making shitty short films about a police officer shooting them in the back for no reason is the way forward in life.  When that doesn't work out, harass the local leftist-lites and try to acquire power through intimidation.

If we had our wits together, we'd tell these fucking Sudanese criminals to fix their own fucking shit hole country.

Untalented assholes like Wylliam and Keki Smith would never get into college or university, and would be forced to deal with living in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

And criminals like Mazin Mohamedali would be several years into a 15 year sentence for first degree robbery.

Oh no, that's not happening, because white Democrat elitists feel guilty because their party was, is, and always will be the party of slavery.

University of Iowa to Students: You Will Be Inconvenienced for the Common Good

Archive link:

Looks like the cunts running the University of Iowa are going to be anal retentive about absolutely everything that students do, and force them to sign an agreement to comply with "COVID-19 Guidelines".

UI Vice President for Student Life Sarah Hansen and Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Angie Reams held a virtual campus update on Wednesday to provide answers as to how the UI will follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines for housing and dining facilities, student organizations, and public spaces.

Social distancing and protective equipment will be required at all events, meetings, and public areas on the UI campus in the fall. Hansen said the community will need to be inconvenienced for the common good.

Time to take a "gap" year, kids.

Democrats are Obsessed with Face Masks

What is it with the Democrats and their obsession with face masks?

And now all the creepy looking Democrat libtards in Coralville want to do the same thing (archive link).

John Luddell, the creepy looking Democrat Mayor of Coralville

Coralville is a town where they couldn't prevent 30 fat Black Lies Matter troublemakers (and one domestic abuser) from shutting down Highway 6.

These Democrats are constantly looking for ways to illegally impose their bullshit on the population.

Wear a mask, even though there's no scientific proof that they work, or we'll fine you $500 and throw you in jail, even though such an order is blatantly illegal.