Sunday, June 28, 2020

Black Lies Matter Barely Gets 30 Fatties and at Least One Domestic Abuser in Coralville

Archive link:

Black Lies Matter had a "protest" in Coralville on Saturday, and the local pigs let them shut down Highway 6 by having all these fatties spread out.

If the cops can't keep a handful of fat fucks out of Highway 6, then why bother paying their salaries?

The lead loudmouth fatty, Krystal Gray-Roberts, is originally from Fort Worth, Texas.

One dumbass "G", a domestic abuser, got tapped by a car:

While no one was hurt, one protester, Desean Holman, 27, was towards the back of the group as they marched westbound on 2nd Street towards the regroup spot at Morrison Park. A blue car approached from behind.

"It pulled up going kind of fast so I stopped in front of it to make sure that they stopped or at least slowed down," Holman said. "Well, they didn't stop. They hit me."

Holman said he wasn't injured. The front of the vehicle pushed him without injury. He said he jumped onto the vehicle as it continued to move forward. Holman claimed that the driver tried to throw him off by accelerating and stopping short.

"They threw me off the car, but I landed on my feet because I'm a G, you know what I'm saying," he said with a laugh.

While Holman let the incident roll off his back, he said things were heated as the driver laid on the horn. Holman, a Black man originally from Houston, Texas, said he was carrying not just his pain, but his family's.

"I had the blessing of being raised by my great grandmother. I have her pain, too. And it's like with what I know and with what I see and what I've been through, I can no longer subscribe to any of this," he said. "I have to stand up and fight against it."

What are you fighting against in Coralville, Iowa, Desean?  Your right to domestically abuse women?

Did you also notice that the writer of this propaganda piece, Zachary Oren Smith, spelled the word "Black" with a capital B?  I did.

That's the latest bullshit trend from the Associated Press in the past 10 days, which seems to have originated with some student newspaper (archive link).

So they're "Black" now?  Not "black"?  Not "Youths"?  Not "African American"?  Not "colored"?  Not "Negro"?

Yes, going along with some latest bullshit trend sure makes White Libtards feel empowered, like they're doing something for their Black Pets.

All "Black" people must be treated the same by their whitey masters and uppity black masters.  Keep them on the Democrat Plantation and voting many times for Creepy Joe.

Because Zachary Oren Smith is a dumbass invader and an interloper, he didn't know that the last person lynched in Iowa was white.

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