Saturday, June 27, 2020

Iowa Media Outlets Already Promoting the Althea Bernstein Police Report in Madison Wisconsin as Automatically True

"I figured it was going to be a white guy between 25 and 55 because they’re the root of most evil." 

- Ann Rhodes, University of Iowa

The Bubba Wallace "noosecar" hoax is barely done and here comes another one.

So far, at least KCCI via the Associated Press (archive link) and the Iowa City Press Citizen (archive link) have reprinted the Althea Bernstein story as if it's really going to be true.

4 white guys in MADISON, WISCONSIN supposedly yelled racial epithets at her at 1am and threw lighter fluid at her and threw a lighter at her.

Where the Zippo?  Bic lighters don't stay lit when untouched.

In Madison?  Hardcore lefty Madison?



Lujayn and Raneem Hamad lied about a "hate note" left on their door in Iowa City in 2016.  The local Democrat police and media circled the wagons to protect them from what was an obvious hoax.

Marcus Owens lied about a "hate crime" in Iowa City in 2016.  The Des Moines Register totally believed it.

There have been other obviously hoaxes of graffiti in Iowa City in the past year.

We will see much more of this in the coming months.


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