Friday, September 27, 2019

Dear Unemployed Aaron Calvin

Dear Unemployed Aaron Calvin,

I don't know what you're going to do with your smug, arrogant, and punchable face now that Carol "Cunter" Hunter whacked you for being a drive-by shooter for the libtards at the Des Moines Register.

If you try to go into writing or "journalism" again, or anywhere public-facing, we're going to hound your ass, you fucking piece of shit.

It's not even your old tweets that pisses us off. 

It's that you would purposefully try to destroy somebody who did something good for a children's hospital by digging up old stupid posts by Carson King that nobody saw at the time, that he looks back on and is truly embarrassed at seeing, and is not relevant today.

Even worse is that your bosses at the Des Moines Register, the editors, would think that personal destruction is necessary to a story is a separate issue.

But you're an adult.  You're 24 years old, or whatever.  Grow the fuck up.

Who do you think you are?  Who do you want to be? 

Do you really aspire to being bomb-throwing liar and professional hater like Rekha Basu?  Or a political ass-licker like Andie Dominick?

Get your shit together, boy.

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