Saturday, September 7, 2019

Old Commie Cunts Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle Leave Out A Few Things About Jeff Klinzman

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Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle are a couple of old Commie cunt malcontents who have been writing bullshit for the Iowa City Press Shitstain for years.

Their recent column about Kirkwood adjunct professor Jeff Klinzman's firing for all the crazy insane violent shit he's been saying publicly for years leaves out almost all of the examples.

While acknowledging the comment by Klinzman fantasizing about hitting President Trump with a baseball bat (which I'm sure DeProsse and Dieterle agree with and would love to participate in if given the chance), DeProsse and Dieterle then go on a massive filibuster about "The First Amendment" and "McCarthyism" and the "right wing".

KCRG is "right wing"?

No mention about how Klinzman also said he wanted to kill all Christians and "bury them deep".

Yep, Jeff Klinzman advocated for GENOCIDE of Christians.  And that's just the tip of the Hate Iceberg.

What if Jeff Klinzman had openly posted about his desire to KILL and BURY DEEP all of the OLD LESBEING COMMIE CUNTS IN JOHNSON COUNTY?  Would that have been "hate speech" and worthy of firing?  Why yes, according to DeProsse & Dieterle's hypocritical logic it would be hate speech.

DeProsse and Dieterle, like all Commie Cunts writing for their local corporate newspaper, are out to protect their own political side.  That's why they had no problem voting for rapist-enabler Hillary Clinton.  Hillary may have been crooked and surrounded by pervs and child fuckers, but at least she's a Democrat.

We don't wish violence, genocide, or death on the part of the Insane, Batshit Crazy, Far Leftists like Carol DeProsse or Caroline Dieterle, or even the evil cunts running the corporate Gannett newspapers in Iowa:  Carol Hunter, Andie Dominick, Kathie Obradovich, or Rekha Basu.

We want the marketplace to shame and silence the voices of Leftist Hate and Fake News and their proxy calls for violence against anybody wearing a MAGA hat or voicing support for Trump or the Republicans.

GateHouse Media, the new owner of Gannett, and GateHouse's parent company, New Media Investment Group, need to be repeatedly mentioned as the companies causing all this hate and discontent.

You may not like that I call these cunts "cunts", but that's what they are.  They are not normal people.  They are politically weaponized for the far far left.

If given actual power, people like Carol DeProsse, Caroline Dieterle, Carol Hunter, Andie Dominick, Kathie Obradovich, Rekha Basu, and others in the corporate media, would love to murder all Christians and bury them deep.  These people would love to murder any Republican president with a baseball bat, and if you supported a Republican or expressed anything positive about their policies, you'd be next on the ANTIFA list.  They would love to disarm you.  Silence you.  Put you in boxcars.  And send you to the ovens for wrongthink.  These people are EVIL and SICK and FILLED WITH HATE.

Convince me otherwise, you cunts.

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