Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Insane Iowa Democrat Terrorist Media Obsessed With Positive Covid Tests

I rarely look at the major newspapers or TV news sites in Iowa anymore because the amount of disinformation and propaganda being pushed is crazy.  

The endless emphasis on "positive" COVID tests and the ongoing panic reporting from that data is little more than a psychological terrorism campaign against the people.

I was looking at various weather sites around Iowa yesterday during the snow storm, and came across this one from WUnderground in Johnson County that said the county has had 30 coronavirus deaths.  That's 3 a month since the start of the year.  Hardly a pandemic.  We don't even know the age or comorbidity breakdown of those who died, but I can guess it's mostly the very old and the very sick.  But if you read the Press Shitstain, the Cedar Rancid Gazette, KCRG, KGAN, or other area corporate media outlets it's like the bodies are being stacked up in the streets and bars which is not the case.

Let's remember what the media has told us in the past.

First of all, there are no randomized, controlled studies demonstrating that "face masks" prevent the transmission of viruses, even though there have been many studies over the years.

Second, what did we do in the past?  

During H1N1 in 2009, nobody wore masks and we were advised that it didn't matter, which was the truth.  

We also stopped testing and didn't freak out and cancel everything.

Today?  We have fat mayors issuing all sorts of illegal mandates and Iowa Attorney General, Democrat Tom Miller, not doing shit about it.

So much for the state motto:  "Our liberties we prize, our rights we will maintain"

Monday, October 19, 2020

Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack Impeached President Trump Because of Hunter Biden's Laptop


We all know the story of Hunter Biden's laptop and his influence peddling emails because that's the Biden family business.

We also know that the FBI, mainly Christopher Wray, knew about it since December 2019 and did nothing, except talk to Nancy Pelosi.

Now it's easy to assume why Nancy Pelosi decided to call for impeaching President Trump in January 2020.  Because the Deep State didn't want Hunter's scams exposed.  I'll bet many Democrats, and a lot of Republicans, are in similar corrupt things.

And Iowa Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer, and Dave Loebsack dutifully fell in line and voted to impeach Trump over absolutely nothing.  

Rita Hart, if she was in Loebsack's seat, would surely have done the same thing.

It was just another political hit job.  Another coup attempt by Democrats and the Deep Pedo State.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Lab Coat Tyranny in Iowa



These two guys are perfect examples of "Lab Coat Tyranny" in Iowa.

On the left is Dr Austin Baeth of UnityPoint in Des Moines.  He's got his "Hitler Youth" good looks and his Commie Cred as being part of the New Leaders Council, which is a lamestream media filtering device for trusted komrades.  Baeth is obviously a Leftist Authoritarian Asshole first.

Dr Baeth has blogged about going to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and seeing malaria patients.  Surely he has taken hydroxychloroquine or some quinine variation in his travels, and yet he never talks about this medicine, or any other medicine as a treatment of COVID.  No mention of preventatives like Vitamin D3, either.

When Governor Kim Reynolds did not issue a lockdown order, this dickhead kept going to the news media pushing for one.  Now we have even the UN saying that the lockdowns were a mistake!

Dr Baeth has been pushing a mask mandate on all Iowans, even though there are zero controlled studies showing the effectiveness of masks.  We also have past media reports during H1N1 (2009) and H3N2 (1968-1969) where doctors said masks didn't work.  

And still the media run to Dr Baeth as if he's some sort of "expert".  He only graduated med school in 2012.

Same thing with Dr William G. McBride, the Iowa Dental Board chairman, pictured on the right.

And you'll be charged extra for all the PPE.  Anything to extract more money from the customer!

Have you ever heard of Dr McBride or the Iowa Dental Board?  Despite the bald head, he's only 36 years old, and he's been on the Dental Board since 2015 when he was about 30 or 31 years of age.  He wasn't out of university or residency (in Virginia) long when he was appointed to the board.  Why so quick?  

These kinds of people have a thirst for power.  They get on these boards and they issue their mandates, rulings, edicts, and other bullshit.

While McBride has donated to a Republican candidate for a minor office in Cascade, Iowa, in the past, that candidate was a dentist.  Otherwise, it's probably easy to guess McBride's main political affiliation since he lives in Iowa City in Goosetown with his "partner".  Sometimes these kinds of people throw a few dollars to a "Republican" to appear bi-partisan on paper.  They use that one forever even though they're flaming Commies.

All of these kinds of people should be suspect.  The independent media should dig into their past, archive it, and question them.

A decade or so ago it was discovered that the Iowa Judicial Nominating Board was comprised of almost all Hard Left Democrats.  Why wasn't it politically balanced?  Then the Democrats howled and whined about how it was "unfair" that Branstad wanted the board more politically balanced.  Because Democrats are a bunch of sneaky, power-mad assholes who ruin everything.

It could be worse.  We could ruled by a drag queen or two:

Friday, October 9, 2020

Hoaxer Raneem Hamad Wants To Be A Fascist


Hoaxer Raneem Hamad has been busy harassing the dumb white libtards in Iowa City the past few months to the point where that cunt wanted a commission to have the power to "investigate racial justice within the city and staff." (archive link)

What is it with these Fascist Sudanese terrorists coming to the US, getting a Habitat For Humanity house, going on to NYU or Columbia on somebody's dime, and then coming back to Iowa City and wanting to "investigate racial justice within" Iowa City?

They've been brainwashed into being radical political robots.  What sort of stupid, worthless degrees are the hoaxing Hamad sisters "studying"?  

Hate America.  Hate Whitey.  Contribute nothing of value to society.  Just bitch and whine and hoax and lie and try to grab power and somebody else's money.

If you hate it here so much, go back to your shithole country, little girls.

Why Iowans Can't Go To The Dentist Without Wearing A Mask

Let's say you're an Iowan who can't wear a mask because you've been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral professional that you shouldn't wear one.

Surely you can go to the dentist, right?


If you do not wear a mask while sitting in an empty lobby, you will be denied dental services in the State of Iowa because of the Iowa Dental Board.

Even though there are no controlled studies demonstrating that masks are effective at controlling virus transmission, despite lots of controlled studies being done in the past 15 years.

Who is the Iowa Dental Board?

The Iowa Dental Board is chaired by 36 year old Dr William G. McBride, who has a practice in Coralville, Iowa.

The rest of the Board members include:

Monica Foley (Vice Chair) from Bettendorf.

Gregory F. Ceraso from Johnston.

Jonathan R. DeJong from Fort Dodge.

Lisa K. Holst from Des Moines.

Nancy A. Slach from West Branch.

Jilliam M Travis from Sidney.

Lori Elmitt from Johnston.

Bruce Throsen from Clive.

McBride lives in the People's Republic of Johnson County, where there have been a total of 28 Covid deaths in the county since the start of the year.  

That's less than 3 deaths per month!

How old was each person who died?  Did they have comorbidities?

Does that even qualify as a pandemic???

What did we do in the past?  During H1N1 we stopped testing once the virus was confirmed in the area, and just told everybody to wash their hands, stay home if you're sick, avoid crowds, and help those who are vulnerable.  Nobody freaked out.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Dr Austin Baeth is a Commie/Authoritarian Media Whore


Dr Austin Baeth, the "Hitler Youth"-looking physician with UnityPoint in Des Moines, continues to make the rounds in the media and pushing his partisan quackery and pro-authoritarian bullshit for the Democrats.

As this blog has pointed out before, Dr Baeth is a member of the New Leaders Council, a commie front group that the media uses as a list of "safe" people to interview and get quotes from.

When he was in med school in Iowa City, he was a City Council liaison for the University of Iowa.  Iowa City is a town entirely run by Leftists and Communists.

Dr Baeth has blogged about going to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and seeing malaria patients.  Surely he has taken hydroxychloroquine or some quinine variation in his travels, and yet he never talks about this medicine as a treatment for COVID.

When Governor Kim Reynolds did not issue a lockdown order, this dickhead kept going to the news media pushing for one.

Now, Dr Baeth has been pushing a mask mandate on all Iowans, even though there are zero controlled studies showing the effectiveness of masks.

A more recent interview with Baeth was on CNN (archive link):

KEILER:  as you're well aware, the governor has also rejected a mask mandate and closing the bars, which are considered quite the vector when it comes to spreading coronavirus. Why do you think this is?

DR. AUSTIN BAETH, PHYSICIAN, UNITYPOINT HEALTH DES MOINES: Why is she resisting these evidence-based measures? I don't know. I don't know how it makes public health sense. I don't know how it even makes political sense. I mean, that's probably the thing I'm personally struggling with the most.

The facts are clear. We know through science how to slow down this pandemic. And she isn't doing it. I don't know what it's going to take.

KEILAR: Do you think it will take the petition? Do you think the petition will work and sway her?

BAETH: So the petition I started, I think, about four months ago has not several thousand signatures. And I just started a petition for a statewide mask mandate. It has the signatures of hundreds of Iowa's physicians. We have several different physician groups in the state along with other health groups who are calling for this. And we have had a consensus and she is not listening to it. So, no, I don't maintain hope that our voices are going to be heard.

KEILAR: Right now -- and we are seeing -- look, we're seeing school districts in Iowa. Some of them are doing one thing when it comes to reopening. There is some disparity. Sioux City's public schools are still scheduled to resume in-person learning next week. Do you think that that's safe right now to do full in-person?

BAETH: So the governor has actually enacted a statewide mandate to return to school, at least 50 percent of the time, those localities who are not, who are actually doing that in defiance of the governor and that is going to plays out in the court.

You know, I think it depends on the local infection rates in each school district. And so I do think it's okay to have local control on this. The CDC has talked about the balancing the risks of keeping kids out of school and not having a social interaction.

What we know is this though. Going back to school will lead to more COVID-19 infections, older kids, ten and over, are shown to spread this as readily as adults. And things are bad now and I think it might only get much, much worse from here.

KEILAR: And to your point, that idea of looking specifically, how is one county doing and another county, because we know there is disparity, do you have confidence that when you look at some of these school districts that are in defiance and then when you look at the school districts that aren't, that they are following a model of being realistic about the conditions are coronavirus in their counties or is this just patchwork hodgepodge?

BAETH: Not only do we have a difference in the test positivity rate in the various counties, we have a difference of opinion of the severity of the disease itself, the severity of the pandemic and what is needed to get it done. We don't have a universal leadership that shows that when things are bad, you should do this, such as, close down schools or wear masks.

So, it's anybody's guess what any of these school districts are going to do because it depends on the superintendent, it depends on local officials.


KEILAR: I want to ask you about something that one of your Iowa senators has said. Iowa Senator Joni Ernst kind of backtracked on her baseless claims that U.S. coronavirus deaths are being overcounted. She had also thrown out a very serious charge against medical practitioners. That was essentially fraud, suggesting that they are inflating the numbers of coronavirus patients in order to make more money.

As a health care provider, I just wonder what you think about that.

BAETH: First of all, as you said, it's false. Physicians are not paid based on the diagnosis of their patients. They're paid based on the services they provide. Secondly, it is insulting. My colleagues and I risk our lives every single day when we come into the hospital to take care of the patients that we care about. We have had colleagues who have gotten sick. We have had colleagues across the country who have died. And while we are making these sacrifices, we are being accused of insurance fraud. I can't imagine a bigger insult.

Not only that it's dangerous, it's downplaying the severity of this pandemic and that gets breathing room for the deniers to act recklessly. And so those who are down playing this have blood on their hands.

Dr Austin Baeth is a total liar, but then he's on CNN trying to score political brownie points.

Dr Baeth, where is the evidence that mask usage slows down the transmission of virusesThere is no evidence in controlled studies.

The doctors have a consensus?  No, all the commie doctors have a consensus!  Anybody who doesn't agree with the Democrat doctors is probably considered a "conspiracy theorist".

Why is the media and the Left obsessed with the test numbers?  In 2009, during H1N1, we quit testing once it was in a community.  Same thing with 1968-1969 with H3N2.

At least Baeth mentions that tests don't have that good of an accuracy rate.  This is from a lawsuit in the Western Division for the Northern District of Ohio.  Renz, Calderaro et al vs Mike DeWine, Lance Himes:

Why are so many capitulating to whatever the CDC says?  The CDC is a political entity full of nanny state Karens.  The CDC is putting out guidelines on alternatives to Halloween (archive link).

Finally, Dr Baeth lies about the inflating of numbers of covid patients in order to make more money.  The American Hospital Association indicated that as part of the CARES Act that there is a bonus (archive link).

But you know what we haven't heard from Dr Baeth in all of his media appearances?

We haven't heard anything from Dr Baeth about actual prevention or treatment.

Dr Baeth has never said anything that we can find about hydroxychloroquine, z-pak, & zinc.

Dr Baeth has never said anything that we can find about Ivermectin.

Dr Baeth has never said anything that we can find about budesonide through a nebulizer.

Dr Baeth has never said anything that we can find about taking or getting Vitamin D.

Dr Baeth has never said anything that we can find about improving our immunity systems or reducing our chances at having comorbidites such as obesity.

The only thing we hear out of this Democrat Commie's mouth is more authoritarianism such as mask mandates and shutting down the economic well-being of the state because mostly old people and those with comorbidities are dying, and then only 6% of those who died just had Covid.  The other 94% had something else, or they were gunshot victims, car accident victims, suicides, etc. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

University of Iowa's Emma Hathaway is a Batshit Crazy Cunt

 Archive link:  https://archive.vn/diPl1

Emma, why don't you go back to your rich parents in Northern Virginia so you can live under Democrats like your KKK hood wearing or blackface governor Ralph Northam?

Go diet some more.  You look fat.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

How the Media Lies about COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates

It's impossible to dissect and critique the amount of fake news coming from the media in Iowa.  Their reliance on "positive tests" for screaming panic headlines to impose ridiculous personal restrictions knows no bounds.

A good example is this chart from the NCHS from June 6th.  It's a couple months old, but it's back when there were a lot of hospitalizations.

It looks bad if you can't read a chart or figure out context.

What this chart says is that anybody 85+, including those with comorbidities (organ transplant, heart & breathing problems, type II diabetes, morbidly obese, etc), had a 5 in 1000 chance of being admitted to the hospital for COVID.

If you take out all the people with comorbidities, then the number surely drops by 90% or more.  So if you're over 85 years old, in OK shape, have sufficient Vitamin D3 and Zinc levels, then your chance of ending up in the hospital due to COVID is in the neighborhood of 0.25 and 0.5 out of 1000.

Here's another example.  People 18-29 years old, including those with comorbidities, have a 0.27 in 1000 chance of ending up in the hospital.  Take away those with comorbidities and the odds of ending up in the hospital due to COVID are likely 90% to 95% less, or somewhere between a 0.027 and 0.013 in 1000 chance.

What a fucking joke.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Johnson County Iowa Facial Covering Ordinance and Exemptions

The Johnson County Board of Health approved a county-wide face diaper mandate there, so it will go back to the Johnson County Board of Stupidvisors for it's inevitable approval today or tomorrow.

If you read the ordinance, it's almost the same as the bogus Iowa City Mayor's order, and it provides for exemptions:

I would urge anybody in Johnson County to use the exemption in 3.03.D:

Anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings.

The great thing about this exception is that you don't have to get angry if somebody confronts you.  Just say you have a medical exception as outlined in the ordinance and leave it at that.  Don't say anything else.  You don't have to tell anybody anything.  You don't have to produce any medical or legal documentation.  You don't have to say who told you to say that.

Print off a copy of the ordinance and have it in your car or on your person at all times.  If a store doesn't know the exceptions to the ordinance, you can quickly school them.

The general public, however, might turn into "Karen Stasi" in Johnson County.  Just be careful.  Don't argue with anybody.  Nobody wins in a fight.

It looks like the ordinance will try to impose criminal penalties of a simple misdemeanor, but that's only if the police or sheriff are called and you act like an idiot.  I doubt law enforcement wants to issue any tickets.

How long will it last?  The ordinance last until either the Governor's disaster proclamation ends or the Johnson County Board of Health decides, whichever is later.  

How cute.  The Johnson County Board of Health thinks they can keep a mask mandate going forever.

I feel sorry for everybody in Johnson County.  Those Democrats are the biggest bunch of mentally ill Fascists on the planet.

Those who have to put up with this bullshit must regard themselves as the French did during Nazi occupation in WW2 in the Zone Occupee.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The George Floyd Bodycam Footage

Color me surprised.

"George Floyd" is another mostly-lie.

Just like the "hands up, don't shoot" Ferguson lie.

Just like "Trayvon Martin", who thought George Zimmerman was a queer.

And kind of like "COVID-19".

So where does everybody go to get back their burned and looted businesses?

Are white people now not entirely "systematically racist"?

Should we continue to "defund the police" so white or mixed commie thugs can terrorize everybody on the taxpayer's dime?

What about all the charges that were dropped or reduced by Democrat prosecutors and judges against rioters?

How about all our ruined sporting events with endless virtue signaling by athletes, coaches, and team owners?

What a fucking joke.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Erin Murphy Tries to "Mask-Splain" by citing the corrupt Lancet

Last week, this blog was out of state and on vacation.  

In the email sent last week, a fan of this blog forwarded an exchange he had with Erin Murphy, the dimwitted "reporter" for the corrupt "Gazette-Lee" monopolies.

Murphy responded back a couple of time with links to various recent "studies".  One of which was the corrupt Lancet-published "study" on masks.  Lancet is such a fucking fraud.  Over 20 years ago they published that "vaccines = autism" lie that they knew was a lie and it took them forever to retract it.  Then earlier this year they got caught with a bogus "study" purposefully designed to have hydroxychloroquine fail and to get bad headlines.  Some of the others weren't even controlled studies.  They were analysis of bogus data from various states that did have a mask requirement vs not having a mask requirement.  That's not even "scientific".

Austin Baeth

It makes sense that a useful idiot like Erin Murphy would publish Dr Mengele, I mean Dr Gestapo, I mean Dr Hitler Youth Austin Baeth's plea for a mask mandate and never question Baeth on his bullshit that a mask requirement is based on "science".

This blog has repeatedly pointed out that Austin Baeth is a commie since he's part of the Des Moines New Leaders Council.

The New Leaders Council is a "progressive" non-profit, funded by Soros and all the usual hard lefties.  You can go out to their web site and read all about it.  It's basically a commie organization.  The media draws from this certified pool of hard leftists.  It's easy to connect the dots.

Poor Austin Baeth.  He couldn't get Iowa "locked down", so now he's pleading to lock everybody down with a mask requirement, likely backed up with the threat of costumed people with guns and the power to cage and shoot you if you don't comply.

This is why you can never trust any Democrats ever again.  They're constantly trying to ruin the economy, impose tyranny, and fuck everything up.

Has anybody looked into how many of Austin Baeth's patients have "died" from COVID?

This is a guy who has been to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and seen malaria patients, and he isn't aware of hydroxychloroquine + zithromycin + zinc?  He never mentions it in any of his press events.

Stop thinking that "doctors" are somehow pristine and pure and interested in the truth.

Austin Baeth is a fucking asshole.  A liar.  A partisan propagandist.

Commie Doctor Austin Baeth Now Wants A Statewide Mask Mandate

What quacks like a Hitler Youth?
Archive link

Look who is back in the news, Commie Dr Austin Baeth, the Hitler Youth-looking fascist asshole who wants to destroy Iowa.  This time by having a face mask mandate in the entire state.

Erin Murphy, one of the most retarded "reporters" in the state, and that's saying something, was the willing ass-licker who wrote about it.

Earlier this year, Baeth wanted the entire state shut down.

You know what Baeth never talks about?  Hydroxychloroquine.  Even though he's been to Africa and Middle East countries and has seen malaria patients.  It is almost guaranteed that he's taken some kind of anti-malarial in the past.

But because Baeth is Commie First and Doctor Second, you're not going to hear anything about it.

Wearing a mask is not rooted in science.  You're a fucking liar, Baeth.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Unintended Consequences of the Illegal Mask Mandates by Iowa Democrats

A reader from Iowa City writes (edited):

I love your blog.

I don't know where you are, but for the past few months if you wanted to go to Menard's in Iowa City or Costco in Coralville you had to wear a mask.  Recently, Walmart, Target, CVS, and other companies announced mask policies.  I don't know if they provide exemptions.  I searched but just found news stories that were vague on details.

If a store didn't previous provide exemptions, then Mayor Teague's order, although illegal, spells out the exemptions.  Johnson County, as you noted, is going to pass the same thing.  I expect many other cities and counties run by Democrats to do the same thing.  If Johnson County passes it, then people can go into Costco or Menard's without a mask based on the exemptions int the mayor's order.

This morning I stopped inside a Casey's to get a coffee and a long john and I wasn't wearing a mask.  I got called out, but showed them the paper indicating exemptions and they were cool about it.  When I got home, I called some small businesses that I shop at in Iowa City and asked about how they're handling this.  Every single one of them said they don't want to play mask police and have instructed their employees to not bother people who enter without a mask.  I didn't call Menard's or Walmart but I don't shop there.  Too much chinese made shit.

The past few months I have avoided most businesses in Iowa City, especially when the riots were going on.  I don't like getting the evil eye from other people.  There's a lot of that going on.  Anybody with half a brain knows it's politically motivated.  I do laugh at all the dipshits running or bicycling or walking their dog on the sidewalk while wearing a mask.  The other day I saw a lady in a subaru with her windows down, giant dogs sticking their heads out the window and sunroof, and she's wearing a mask.  They are all psychotic.

The good thing about an illegal mask order is that it does provide exemptions.  I do worry about them attempting a lockdown again.  You know how Democrats are, especially the Commie wing.  They can never have enough power.  They hate Kim Reynolds.  They hate Trump.  I want Trump to win again, but I bet if he wins there will be riots again in places like Iowa City.  I also bet if Biden wins the same people will riot anyway.  They love to riot.

Keep it up, brother!

Wal-Mart provides an exemption (archive link)

You make a great point.

One thing Democrats are good at is making completely worthless legislation, legal or illegal.

My fear is that people who don't understand the exemption won't got out because of fear, or you'll get those real activist anti-maskers who throw a tantrum on-camera. 

The Only Thing Spreading in Iowa are Illegal Mask Orders by Fascist Democrats

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/IMAEP

Once a bad idea, not rooted in "science", takes hold in Democrats there's no stopping it.

Kind of like slavery, Jim Crow, "separate but equal", segregation, rioting, baby killing, letting actual criminals go free, and other things Democrat love.

Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague
After the pro-segregationist, pro-criminal Mayor of Iowa City issued a training burqa order, it looks like the rest of that deep blue Commie-run county is going to impose an illegal order on the rest of it's residents.

A copy of the order is available on the web in PDF format.  It does provide exemptions.

Expect to see other Democrat hotspots do the same thing.

All this got started a couple of weeks ago when Muscatine's morbidly obese and impeached mayor Diana Brotherton did the same thing.

Surprisingly, the Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller, a Democrat, keeps saying that these orders are illegal, but I'm sure he's not going to do anything about it because Party First.

I'll bet that the language passed by Johnson County and, eventually, other Democrat places around Iowa, will be similar to Iowa City's.

The exemptions are:

  • Persons younger than 2 years old.
  • Anyone who has trouble breathing, on oxygen therapy, or ventilator.
  • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
  • Anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional to not wear face coverings.
  • Anyone actively engaged in a public safety role, including but not limited to law enforcement, firefighters, or emergency medical personnel.
The section about "anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional to not wear face coverings" should be used by those who want to resist the order in Iowa City.

It doesn't matter whether or not you've actually been told this.  Nobody can force you to reveal medical or legal directives like this.  From what I've seen in media reports, law enforcement are aware of the exemptions.

We would urge people to print out the Mayor's Order and carry it with them when entering a business in the Iowa City area.

Once you enter the business, hold up the paper, and flag down an employee to let them know you're exempt.

If you're in some place like a grocery store, have your paper there in the cart in case some nosy wannabe "Karen" gets all Stasi on you.  It's best to go at a time when there are few people shopping.



DON'T YELL AND CAUSE A SCENE.  Nobody wins a fight.

DON'T GET INCENSED AND ASK FOR THE COPS TO BE CALLED.  In Iowa City, the last people you want on the scene are the police.  Remember, an Iowa City cop killed Eric Shaw and got away with it thanks to Democrats circling the wagon.

If an employee wants to kick you out anyway, just leave.  Handle it the next day with the actual store manager over the phone.  Be nice, but don't reveal anything other than saying you've been advised to not wear a face mask due to medical reasons.

If you have to think of a reason, say claustrophobia or PTSD.  Usually people are sympathetic to these kinds of reasons.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

White Gannett's Systemically Racist Iowa City Press-Citizen Is Churning Out the "Racist" Stories To Protect Their Black Slaves

This blog predicted it.

Newspapers, especially those in deep blue Democrat areas, are starting to churn out the "if you criticize black people, you'll be branded as 'racist' stories".

A good example is this story from the Iowa City Press-Citizen (archive link).

If you call black elected officials out for their pro-segregationist or pro-miscreant statements then that's "racism"?


Aimee Breaux, Hillary Ojeda, and Zachary Oren Smith are the three interloper assholes who wrote this stupidity.  Zach Thompson is now the editor of the Press Shitstain from his Des Moines desk, and his boss is Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

Hillary Ojeda

There's no story here.

It's like the Press Citizen Editorial Board completely lying about black criminals like Derrick Ambrose Jr.

They have to make shit up.

Kind of like the hoaxing Hamad sisters, Marcus Owens, Tarsha Michelle Claiborne, and others.

Some blacks get to commit crimes, vandalize, and are in and out of the justice system because they have "black privilege", especially in places like Johnson County.  Look at the case of Mazin Mohamedali.

Separately, there's the case of dentist Tom Gill, who has been on the Coralville City Council a long time in a couple of stretches.  Gill, from what I hear is a Democrat because every elected official within the whole of Johnson County is a Democrat, dared to call BLM "criminals" (archive link), and then resigned his seat.

BLM are criminals.  They're thugs.  They're miscreants.  They're malcontents.  They're vandals.  They're racist and segregationist.  In other words, they're Bernie Bros.

Then there are the blacks who are OK with being "out" about their hatred of whitey and their hatred of America, like Iowa City 6th grade teacher Monique Cottman.  Somehow this racist cunt keeps her job.

Imagine the kind of email a Republican elected official would received in Johnson County.  There aren't any Republican elected officials in the whole of Johnson County, but if there were I'm sure the amount of hate and vitriol would be overwhelming.  The death threats.  The violent threats.  BLM and every other Commie asshole showing up at your house, threatening to burn it down.

Somebody should put up a big Trump 2020 sign in the Iowa City area, aim a variety of night vision cameras at it and the area.  See what happens.

I think we know what would happen.  There would be endless destruction and zero response out of the Iowa City Police and the Johnson County Attorney's office.

You'd probably get article after article by Aimee Breaux, Hillary Ojeda, and Zachary Oren Smith and the writers' group about how "triggered" some people are and THAT SIGN IS RACIST!

Democrats are insane.

It is funny how a "White" newspaper like the Iowa City Press Citizen, owned by a bunch of white guys and some Japanese company, has to constantly stroke the ego of these "fragile" fat black women and the lubed asshole of Iowa City's Mayor, Bruce Teague.

They know they only got into power because of White Elitist Democrat guilt over slavery and Jim Crow and other stuff their party did and continues to do.

No sane person would elect a bunch of education-hating, police-hating, community-hating, and WHITE-HATING assholes to office.

But November is coming up, and white elitist Democrats in the media are trying to keep their black slaves on the plantation.

Because if you don't vote for Joe Biden, YOU AIN'T BLACK and THEY ARE GONNA PUT Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINZ.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pro-Segregationist Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague Announces Illegal Mask Mandate

Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague is Ready for Anal Sex
Archive link:  http://archive.vn/AOjPa

It's not a surprise that the pro-criminal, pro-segregationist Mayor of Iowa City, Bruce Teague, issued an illegal mask mandate and threatened the use of the police to enforce it with misdemeanor tickets, which is about the same level of punishment that violent vandal, drug user, and convicted robber Mazin Mohamedali got for his crimes.

The entire City Council went along with the illegal ordinance, or whatever it is.  There are exceptions for certain activities, or people who have medical conditions, but do you think the lunatic Stasi Karens in Iowa City are going to care about anybody's personal medical condition?  That's none of their business, but good luck convincing the stupid left.

Look at that fucking clown.

The Democrats need to be destroyed in the November elections.  It won't happen in places like Iowa City or Ames or Grinnell, but it ought to happen everywhere else.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Segregationist Wylliam Smith Shits All Over Dr Martin Luther King's Speech

Starting now, this blog will refer to segregationist Wylliam Smith as Segregationist Wylliam Smith.

Segregationist Wylliam Smith is a segregationist.  He wrote columns advocating for segregation at the University of Iowa while he was at the Daily Iowan.  He won awards from the Associated Press for it.  Nobody condemned it.

If the Democrat politicians in Iowa City area going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and his mentally ill "drag queen persona" sister Akia Nyrie Smith, then it's safe to assume that the Democrats have decided that shitting on Dr Martin Luther King and regressing to the party's principle of advocating for enslavement and segregation is the way forward.

Some of those demands include judging black students who misbehave and black criminals who get arrested solely on the basis of the color of their skin.

That's segregation.

That's actual RACISM.

We propose that if the City of Iowa City is going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and the other terrorists, that the City of Iowa and the Iowa City Community School District should abolish any observances of the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Federal Holiday and any activities normally associated with it.

Because it's clear to us that the Democrats in Iowa City favor segregation.

Democrat voters, especially black Democrat voters, are chumps:

Friday, July 17, 2020

Des Moines Register's Andrea Sahouri Has Some Nice, Big Titties

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/isIQl

Every time I've seen pictures of the Des Moines Register's Andrea Sahouri, she's looked like your typical Marxist cunt.

Is that the same person in the two photos? 

Let's go back to the view most guys prefer:

I can't wait to see the bodycam footage by the police.  These "reporters" are all Marxist assholes who think they're justified in being part of a riot. 

It's too bad, because Andrea Sahouri could have had a much more fun, rewarding, and higher-paying career being a stripper, camming, making TikTok videos, or getting into pr0n.

Kirk Ferentz Is So Dumb, He Doesn't Know Whether To Mess With The National Anthem Before Hawkeye Football Games

Kirk Ferentz, disrespecting the National Anthem

Archive link

15 and 16 paragraphs into the story:

Ferentz also has been meeting regularly with the 23 current players on the Hawkeyes’ Leadership Group. He said they spent an hour last week sharing their thoughts on what, if anything, the team should do during the national anthem before games this fall. Some players want to stage a silent protest of the way Black Americans are treated by law enforcement officers, a feeling that is growing among athletes across the country in light of the May 25 death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man who was suffocated while in police custody in Minneapolis in a video that shocked the world.

Ferentz said the players did not come to a consensus during last week’s meeting. He wants to broach the subject with the entire team as well. Ferentz has said he would support a demonstration during “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but that he wants his players to be unanimous about how to go about that.

I'm sure that will go over well with the fans, if there are any left.

I don't know how this asshole got to be the highest paid State employee.  When Hayden Fry retired, he was only making about $265,000 a year, but Ferentz has pulled down $3 million to $4 million a year in salary as long as I can remember.  Each season seems to be designed to barely get Iowa to a bullshit bowl by paying non-conference teams to lose and the Hawkeyes ending up with a record like 7-6, 6-6, 8-5, and 9-4. 

Then there's the way Ferentz has managed his team.  Mainly, trying to sweep under the rug sexual assault claims against his players like Cedric Everson and Abe Satterfield.  Or as the blog Black Heart Gold Pants put it:  "RAPE STILL NOT A BIG DEAL IN JOHNSON COUNTY".

But that was OK because Ferentz's man, then-assistant athletic director Fred Mims, is black.  The rapists are black.  The victim was likely black.  The then-Dean of Student Phil Jones, who was later fired for his role in the debacle, is black.  The Iowa Sports Mafia, constantly on their knees sucking Ferentz's cock, weren't going to throw him under the back of the bus because everybody in an authority position at the University of Iowa was completely incompetent and/or corrupt.

Ferentz has done other stupid shit over the years.

Remember in the early 00s when the media caught then-"student" Brian Ferentz slumming it on the taxpayer's dime in a Section 8 apartment complex?  (archive link)  Daddy Kirk was pulling down millions then, but somehow Brian "qualified" for taxpayer-subsidized housing.

More recently, despite earning $4 million a year, Kirk Ferentz wouldn't pay his portion ($9500) of an agreed-upon road maintenance bill in the small homeowner's association where he resides. (archive link)  What a cheap bastard.

What do you want to bet that some of the morons on the team want the "Black National Anthem" to be played?  I can imagine that they'll go that disastrous direction.  Anything to bend over and let that bisexual segregationist Wylliam Smith a little less unhappy.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Josh Mandlebaum is a Fascist Asshole About Masks

Josh Mandlebaum, Fascist Asshole
Archive link

Des Moines Councilman Josh Mandlebaum wants to force all residents to wear masks even though there is a mountain of scientific evidence that they don't work.

Even the Des Moines Register, in 2009 during the H1N1 pandemic, ran an article talking about how masks wouldn't make much of a difference.

In just 10 days, this "mask requirement" bullshit has swept across the state by Democrats, starting first in Muscatine with their morbidly obese and impeached mayor.

I don't know why they think a mask is going to stop the number of positive cases from occurring.  There's lots of questions whether those tests are valid and aren't kicking off false positives, or if the numbers they use are even real.  Some states count "likely" made-up cases as real.

In 2009, during H1N1 in Iowa, it was generally accepted that once a virus was going around there was no need to perform further testing since it was making the rounds.  The best thing you can do is wash your hands often, don't hang out in large crowds, and don't be around sick people.

But Democrats want to make political hay about these numbers and try to force Kim Reynolds to shut down or inconvenience Iowans in every way possible.

Democrats.  They're nothing but a terrorist organization.