Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Iowa Squad

They hate America.

They hate you.

The Iowa Squad loves America like Ted Bundy loved his victims.

Rekha Basu likes to accuse every white person, especially of the Republican political affiliation, of being "racist", but like "The Squad" in House of Representatives, wasn't she fucking a white dick for years until Rob Borsellino died?  Why so angry, Widow Basu?

They're so "feminist", which means that when they ask Kamala Harris questions they never touch on the subject of Kamala fucking and sucking Willie Brown for years knowing he was married.

They're so "feminist", they blindly support rapist-enabler Hillary Clinton, whose inner circle was filled with pervs and pedophiles.

They don't understand Trump's "pussy grabbing" quote because they're a bunch of stupid, ugly women who are ignorant of what fame does to people.  I'm not talking about what fame did to Donald Trump.  I'm talking about what being in the presence of fame and rich people does to young hot women looking for a meal ticket.  "THEY LET YOU GRAB IT" is an observation of the morals of those women.  It's a declaration of figuring out what kind of person to trust and what kind of person to avoid.  I always read into it that Donald Trump didn't trust women who openly declared that he (or any rich, famous dudes) could "grab their pussy".  Because where the fuck has that pussy been... today, already.  Feminists hate sex.  Feminists hate the kind of women telling men that they can grab their pussies.  Because feminists hate women thinking for themselves.  Or having a choice.  Except when it comes to killing a baby, before or after birth.

The Iowa Squad has to make up shit about Steve King because he's the final Republican in the House.  They'll have the bitter dyke write the hit piece, and later on the Widow Basu can show up to the gangbang and never have to correct later or apologize.  Drive-By Rekha, throwing her hate bombs and lie bombs everywhere.

There are more members of the Iowa Squad.  We'll be profiling them in future posts.  You might already know some of them.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Deb Houchen McMahon is Fucking Insane

Archive link to Des Moines Register:

Archive link to Twitter:

Deb Houchen McMahon is fucking insane.

What else can explain her recent Letter, published in the Des Moines Register, that accuses President Trump of "racist rants" while offering no proof or example?

What else can explain the former teacher's 24/7 retweeting of Anti-Trump bullshit on her Twitter account?

Deb probably has MSLSD and CNN on TV all day long.

This is the type of asshole who ought to be confronted on camera about what they say in the Des Moines Register.  Kind of like a "Crowder Confronts".  Have somebody there holding a printed poster of their own words from a screenshot.

Say something to her like:  "Where's your proof that Trump had a 'racist rant'?"

Can you imagine what Deb McMahon would do?  She'd freak out.  She'd want to call the police.  She'd want help from bystanders.  She would accuse me of something that is not illegal.  She'd lie and say that I assaulted her, even if I had video evidence of the entire situation.  This is what fucking insane psychopath cunts do.

They can't handle explaining themselves in public. 

It would be the same thing if we put a camera on Rekha Basu and asked her about similar claims of "racism" on the part of Trump.  She would accuse us of "stalking" or "terrorism" or something like that, duck out, call the cops, and lie about the incident.  Never mind that lie bombs that cunts like Rekha Basu throw every day she's in print.

Same thing with that stupid cunt Andie Dominick, who printers letters like Deb McMahon's.

And there she is, Deb McMahon, with her favorite plagiarist, Joe Biden.  Old Groping Joe.  Old brain damaged Joe Biden.  Old swimming nude in front of the female Secret Service agents Joe Biden. 

Is Joe Biden still saying that his first wife and a daughter died because of a drunk driver even though that was long ago discovered to be a lie?

And what about his piece of shit sons?

And who is this freak standing behind them?  Did the circus come to town?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Des Moines Register's Andie Dominick on Amy Klobuchar: It Takes A Cunt To Make Excuses For A Cunt

Archive link:

It's no surprise that a dumbfuck partisan cunt like the Des Moines Register's Andie Dominick would gush and squirt all over an evil cunt like Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Never mind that Klobuchar has long been noted by the lefty media that she mistreats her staff and is an unhinged cunt to them.  You think Andie Dominick would ever mention this?  Not a chance.  Dominick was perfect happy to vote for Hillary Clinton, the rapist enabler who was surrounded by perverts and sex offenders.

It takes a cunt to make excuses for a cunt.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kirkwood Community College Professor Posts Insane Shit Online, Gets Fired. Cedar Rapids Gazette Goes Insane

Archive link to Vanessa Miller story:

Archive link to Adam Sullivan playing footsie with ANTIFA terrorists:

Some guy who taught classes at Kirkwood Community College named Jeff Klinzman posted a bunch of crazy shit online for years against Christians, saying shit about Donald Trump, and I think we can guess all the rest because this is what angry libtards do, and recently he was fired after KCRG, of all media outlets, asked him about the crazy shit he was saying online for years.

I'm surprised that a local corporate media TV affiliate like KCRG would still do such a thing.  I thought they were all on a rope and led around by their corporate globalist wealthy lefty masters.

The Gazette newspaper, a shitty, fake news rag that has gone straight to SJW hell in the past 15 years, and is owned by the parent company of KCRG, didn't like that Klinzman was exposed, much less fired.

Vanessa Miller, of the fake news SJW cunts at the Gazette, couldn't bring herself to quote Klinzman's posts, or show screenshots.  Instead, in a typical weasel way, Vanessa Miller attempts to vaguely describe a couple of general topics that Klinzman wrote about.  The Gazette wants to run the story about the First Amendment injustice of Klinzman, but then doesn't want us to see the exact wording and context of his rants.

I'm sure if Vanessa Miller could find the names of various anonymous bloggers who write about the awful corporate fake news media, like me, she would have a heyday with it.  We'd all be quoted perfectly.  We'd be called HATERS and she'd talk about VIOLENT RHETORIC.  They wouldn't be writing anything about the First Amendment with us.  No way.  They'd go after relatives.  Friends.  Co-workers.  Everybody.  They'd make shit up because that's what Fake News does all the time.  They'd try to get us fired and ostracized.  Maybe send some of their lefty goons they have on speed dial over to throw a brick through a window.  Maybe shoot or poison the dog.  That is why you never ever ever talk to anybody who claims to be a "reporter" or work for a newspaper or TV station.

Speaking of ANTIFA goons, also in the Gazette is a piece by Adam Sullivan about the Klinzman story, but Sullivan spends most of his time excusing and explaining ANTIFA in bullshit, sugar-coated terms.

There is nothing "Anti-Fascist" about ANTIFA.  They're a terrorist group.  They exist to cause violence and stop free speech.  That bunch of Commie malcontents are just projecting their hate.  Fuck them.

As for Klinzman, big surprise.  You write a bunch of crazy shit online and expect people to think you're just letting off steam?

Leftists, Democrats, Commies, Socialists, ANTIFA, and all the other stripes are miserable people who hate life.  I'm not saying that Independents, Libertarians, or Republicans have got it made.  But those of us who don't identify with the Far Left and don't want your Commie bullshit shoved down our throats just want to be left alone and want the media to PLAY FAIR.  Instead, we get all these fucking assholes and cunts pretending to be reporters when instead they're RADICAL ASSHOLES, and they never leave us the fuck alone and don't want any alternatives.  They're sooooo upset that Hillary Rotten Clinton didn't win.  So we could be ruled by a bunch of pervs and rapists and child fuckers who will sell our jobs out to foreign workers and let everybody cross the border and open the prisons and we have to pay for their healthcare.  And if you're white, then you owe everybody "of color" money.  It's fucking insanity.  Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Trump.... he said this.  He said that.  Russia!  Prostitutes pissing on him!  25th Amendment!  These people are seriously deranged.  Fuck the media.

Medicare For All is more Democrat Bullshit

Archive link:

I'm no fan of Joni Ernst.  I think she's batshit crazy.  But I'll take that lunatic any day over the likes of Bruce Braley in 2014 or whatever Commie Cunt is going to run against her in 2020.

Isn't it terrible that these are our choices?

Vote Vagina 2020, says the cunts in the corporate media.  Just make sure it's "pink" on the inside.  Pink for Commie.

That leads us to today's story in the Des Moines Ragister about how "Mediscare For All" ads will be shown against Joni Ernst. 

These ads are nothing but a money laundering scheme for the Lefty Corporate Media.

Yes, I hate Republican Joni Ernst, but having a Democrat Senator in charge who thinks private insurance should be abolished is not the answer.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's "free".

This article calls Obamacare the "Affordable Care Act".

Whose insurance got more "affordable" after Obamacare was rammed through Congress?  Nobody's did.  It was all a scam.  Fuck Democrats.

The Democrats say:  "We can't go back to the days when healthcare was actually affordable and insurance was something used just for the expensive shit like hospital stays."

Why is that?

The Democrats want control.

Not just control, but absolute control.  Over your body.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Press-Citizen's Zachary Owen Smith Mentions the "Muslim Hate Note Hoax" in his Cory Booker Puff Piece

Archive link:

Zachary Owen Smith, in an article today about lunatic, closeted homosexual, and admitted sexual harasser Cory Booker, mentions the 2016 "hate note" that a Muslim family in Iowa City supposedly had taped to their door after the election of Donald Trump.

Anybody with more than two brain cells in their head knows that the incident was a hoax

  • The note was written on lined, punched paper.  The kind of paper only school kids would be using.

  • It was signed with a "hashtag" and Trump.  Who signs a paper with a hashtag?  That scrawl is indicative of female handwriting.
  • Both of the Hamad girls, Lujayn and Raneem, attended West High at the time and were regularly involved with Far Left protests around Iowa City.

  • The girls were in numerous other media outlets, including ABC News and the New York Times, about other alleged incidents at West High, none of which were corroborated.  Pictures in those other articles were credited to CAIR, which is associated with HAMAS, a terrorist organization.

And what about the media?

Erin Jordan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, and Stephen Gruber Miller, then of the Press Citizen, published stories that sounded remarkably similar.  Like they had been fed the story.  Either by the family or their buddies at CAIR Iowa.

The police in Iowa City played along with it because they're in a Deep Blue Democrat city.  There was no real investigation.  There was no followup about it.  Do you think Democrat Janet Lyness, the incompetent county prosecutor there, would have done anything if the cops had discovered it was a hoax like all the other incidents around the United States?  The cops wouldn't have discovered anything because Iowa City is hyper-politicized.  Wink Wink.  Lyness was probably wink wink, too.  Anything to trash Republicans and Trump voters.

That neighborhood where the family lives in extremely Democrat.  There isn't a Republican for miles, and in a town like Iowa City all the Republican signs get torn down, like this Trump sign that had been along Dodge St, a mile or so from where the Samel-Abdalla-Hamad family resides, and repeatedly vandalized.

Were there any articles in the Press Shit Stain or the Gazette about the actual vandalism of the Trump sign?  No way.  We have looked in the archives of the PC and the Daily Idiot.  There was nothing.

The entire incident involving the "Hate Note" was a hoax. 


Worse, it was coordinated with government officials.  The dirty Blue pigs in Iowa City, when they're not murdering innocent people like Eric Shaw and getting away with it, had to be in on it.  They had to be!  All the other incidents around the country, even in bluer cities like Minneapolis, Ann Arbor, and Boston, collapsed.

This just shows how awful and corrupt the news media is in Iowa. 

The Democrats in Iowa City and Johnson County, and their komrades in the media, wanted violence against Trump voters and Republicans. 

Here they are, nearly 3 years later, recounting this incident like it really happened.

It didn't.

It was a hoax.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Socialist Karen Kubby Is A Fucking Idiot About "Affordable Housing"

Archive link:

The media home value in Iowa City is $222,700, so it's an expensive place to live as far as Iowa is concerned.  Iowa City is 2nd place behind Urbandale, although if you live in Des Moines the media home value is only $120,300.

The trouble with Iowa City is that the prices for homes in Coralville, North Liberty, or any other smaller towns in the area are very similar.  Unless you're willing to live 25 to 30 miles away in Cedar Rapids and surrender your life to heavy traffic on I-380 every day, you're going to have to pay Iowa City area rates.

With that, we come to a piece written in the Iowa City Press Shitstain by Baby Killer Socialist and Bead Store owner Karen Kubby.   She helped transform working class parts of Iowa City into mini versions of South Side of Chicago with gang shootings, robberies, and dying businesses by importing Chicago's worst.  Essentially, Chicago could outsource their crime and welfare cases to Iowa City, and other towns in the midwest, through welfare vouchers.

While this was going on, the City Clowncil in Iowa City rarely allowed any new home subdivisions to be built due to "urban sprawl", and this is why Coralville, North Liberty, Tiffin, Solon, and Riverside have grown in recent years.  The Council, at the time, even lost what became Coral Ridge Mall and all that commercial development to Coralville.

This is what happens when you elect fuckhead Socialists like Kubby and Jim Throgmorton to City Councils.  Because they're Democrats, they want to feed the Welfare Industrial Complex first and have a stable of "slaves" around.  Import the criminals and that brings in more Federal tax money for jails, remedial education, alternative public schools, public defenders, social workers, homeless on the street corners and all over the Ped Mall, drug dealers, you name it.  Then they can go around and "blame Republicans" for all these problems that they imported.  What a bunch of assholes.

They could have allowed more building of smaller single family residences and high density condos and apartments for the university to make housing more "affordable".  Socialists don't want that.  Socialists always want a problem for which to blame others, and which the "solution" is always more government welfare.

As far as I'm concerned, Karen Kubby is an evil cunt.  Her policies have led to many people being murdered, robbed, and their lives ruined by importing a culture of welfare dependency and crime rather than building a community of people who are invested in living in a particular location.  She has blood on her hands.  Fuck her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Des Moines Register's Kim Novell is a Fucking Fraud

Archive link:

The Des Moines Register's Kim Norvell "just happened to come across Elizabeth Warren buying lemonade from some girls in Harlan."


What a cunt.

Democrat Professor Richard Cherwitz Hates Democracy and You

Archive link:

Writing in the Iowa City Press Shitstain, Professor of Bullshit Studies Richard Cherwitz (D-UT Austin) thinks the solution for the Democrats to win back the White House is for the candidates today to:
"Meet privately, put aside their own individual aspirations and egos, and agree on a ticket to rally behind."

In other words, Fuck The People. 

Fuck the Caucus and Primary Season.

Fuck Democracy.

What an asshole.

The thing is that a lot of Democrats would probably agree with Cherwitz.  Fuck the people!  Let the elites pick the candidate.  It doesn't matter who is the nominee is. 

I'm sure most partisan Democrats would gladly vote for a cocksucking whore who kept innocent people in prison (Kamala Harris), an admitted sexual harasser (Cory Booker), somebody with brain damage (Joe Biden), a cheater (Elizabeth Warren), an old Socialist (Bernie Sanders), or anybody who is in favor all of the following:

  • Open borders
  • Post-birth abortion
  • Reparations for "slavery"
  • Outlawing private health insurance
  • Banning all guns and ammo
  • Criminalizing Republicans or any political opposition
  • Eliminating free speech
  • Opening the doors to all the prisons
  • Selling out our jobs to foreign workers
They HATE America.  

This has nothing to do with Trump.

They HATE you.

Rekha Basu is a Lying Cunt

Archive link to Basu's column as viewed on August 21, 2019:

Six days after Rekha Basu's column lies about what Steve King supposedly said, which has already been quietly walked back by the corrupt, political bomb-throwers at the Des Moines Register, and the uncorrected Basu column is still showing online. 

Anything to call Steve King a "white nationalist" or "white supremacist", which he isn't.

Wasn't it just last week that Rekha Basu was calling Trump and his supporters the same thing? 

Rekha Basu is a cunt.

Rekha Basu will always be a cunt.

This cunt has ruined the Des Moines Register, and that's saying something considering all the other wannabe SJW turds who have floated through the biz during even the Cowles years, but mostly in the Gannett era.  Geneva Overholser or that moron Donald Kaul or even that incompetent lying NBC Fake News midget Michael Gartner pale in comparison to the total cuntness of Rekha Basu.

I liken Rekha Basu to that of a terrorist.

Rekha Basu is a bomb thrower who hates America.  Hates normal Iowans.  Hates Republicans.  Hates Conservatives.  Hates anybody who isn't a Commie nutjob. 

Why is such a terrorist, liar, and hate-spreader allowed to write for a newspaper in Iowa?

It's too bad her beta-male husband, Rob Borsellino, had to die before her.  You could actually have a conversation with him and he wouldn't turn into a fucking she-devil.

I can only pray that Rekha Basu gets cunt cancer or anal cancer and dies.  She is an awful, terrible human being.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

James Q Lynch of the Cedar Rapids Gazette Writes Kamala Harris Puff Pieces

Archive link:

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris being a cocksucking whore who fucked her way into power in California by going down repeatedly on married Willie Brown. 

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris putting marijuana users in prison for a long time and bragging about it.

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris finding out somebody in prison is innocent and trying to keep them in prison.

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about how Kamala Harris lied about the "online sales loophole" for guns, which doesn't exist, and she lied about in order to make political hay.

No, that worthless piece of shit from Cedar Rapids, James Q. Lynch, is writing puff pieces, probably pre-written by the Kamala Harris campaign, about how she wants free help from students at Iowa colleges and universities.

It's no surprise that the Gazette is a worthless rag of shit these days, considering how they participated in "hate note" hoax aimed at Trump in 2016.  Anything to spread lies and smear Republicans while protecting the worst Democrats.

Why are these assholes in the media, like that dumb cunt Andie Dominick at the Des Moines Register and this dirtbag, James Q. Lynch, so in the bag for that cocksucking whore Kamala Harris?  Maybe we'll figure that out eventually.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Iowa Fake News: The Des Moines Register's Robin Opsahl Lies about Steve King

Archive link:

Robin Opsahl, the liar

Just wait a little bit and the truth always comes out.

It's hardly a surprise to me that the Des Moines Register quoted Steve King out of context regarding rape and incest.  

The Register has had it in for Steve King ever since they stopped endorsing him around 2006.

Everybody was sending me the article a few days ago.  OH ISN'T IT TERRIBLE?  HE MUST RESIGN!  

That's the point of lies and propaganda

Carol Hunter, Andie Dominick, Rekha Basu, and the rest of the unhappy cunts at the Des Moines Register just want another Republican scalp.  

As far as I'm concerned, Carol Hunter is a terrorist.

All Gannett employees, or whoever owns them now, should be treated as the enemy.

Des Moines Register's Mark Emmert Exploits Career Criminal / Prison Rat Kyle Williams for Clicks and Sympathy

Archive link:

"Reporter" Mark Emmert is a fucking scumbag.

That article on criminal Kyle Williams is the kind of pro-criminal sympathy exploitation crap that evil cunts like Rekha Basu have spent decades churning out.  Since the entire newspaper industry has been politicized in a poisonous way, you now read this shit in the Sports section.

Kyle Williams was dumb and allowed to get through the system because he could play football.  These guys are given a million chances and even then they have to cheat at academics. 

The press likes to kiss Kirk Ferentz's ass, but the truth is that Ferentz had no problem recruiting violent thugs and rapists and trying to cover up their crimes.  He's done it for years.  He got a pass from the media because he's Kirk Ferentz, cheap ass millionaire with a bogus schedule designed to take his team of criminals to some shitty bowl.  The sports media is happy to cover for him as long as they go along for the ride and do things Kirk's way, which is hiding most of the ugly shit.

This article is typical of Gannett / Des Moines Register.  It's all weepy redemption hagiography that largely buries the victims.

Kyle Williams is the kind of criminal that the people running the Register, hell, the entire media industry, would love to be able to have voting while in prison.  Anything to keep the Democrats / rapists / pedophiles in power.

University of Iowa Diversity House Negro Resigns After One Month

Archive link:

All these "diversity" positions at colleges and universities are nothing more than a scam on taxpayers and students. 

It's all a huge waste of money so White Elitist Pedophiles and other Libtards can virtue signal to their komrades at other universities about how much they hate Whitey and love "minorities" and "people of color".

It's nothing but an updating of Massa keeping House Negros around.  Democrats can never get past their legacy of racial exploitation.  And there's a lot of blacks and other minorities with phony doctorates who are perfectly willing to do the soft shoe in order to get paid multiple six figures to denounce all you racist sharecroppin', Trump-voting, Iowa field whities.

The University of Iowa hires Dr TaJuan Wilson, who in his past career as a money-wasting administrator seems to have Shit Gold (don't they all?), and within a month he is resigning his $224,000 a year job.  He'll spend the next several months on "special projects" under Peter Matthes (2018 salary of $249,600).

What's the actual story going on here?

You'll never know from the Iowa City Press-Shitstain.

But we can guess. 

Lots of drama, I bet!

These people never stay around very long.  A few years, a bunch of scandals hidden, and they're off to the next college or university to continue the scam.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Andie Dominick of the Des Moines Register Endorses Cocksucking Whore Kamala Harris

Archive link:

It's no surprise that a dumbass Democrat "Feminist" cunt like Andie Dominick would essentially give praise and basically endorse Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee.

Kamala Harris, who fucked and sucked her way up the California political machine by going down on Willie Brown's tiny, shriveled penis, knowing full well he was married.

Kamala Harris, who was "tough on crime" by putting innocent people in prison and then tried to keep them there when she knew they were innocent.

Let's not get started about all the marijuana smokers that Kamala Harris bragged about imprisoning.

There's more.  Much more.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Shelby Fleig of the Des Moines Register's 3 Question Puff Piece With The Evil Amy Klobuchar

Des Moines Register "reporter" Shelby Fleig asked Amy Klobuchar three questions while riding the Sky Glider at the Iowa State Fair.

Any questions about how Klobuchar mistreated her staff for more than a decade, constantly berating them with temper tantrums so bad that even Harry Reid had to tell the cunt to grow the fuck up?

No.  These are the three question that Shelby Fleig asked:

  1. can you name something the Iowa State Fair has over the Minnesota State Fair?
  2. What is your favorite fair food?
  3. You're just finishing up a 20-county swing through Iowa. This is your 12th visit here to Iowa (as a presidential candidate). What's the biggest lesson you've learned so far on the campaign trail?

What a tool.

Despite allegedly having a MS in journalism, it looks like Shelby Fleig is still working on the middle school "newspaper" staff.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette Doesn't Know Anything About Guns

Article archive:

Reporters are some of the dumbest human beings on Earth with morals that are slightly worse than child sex abusers.  In other words, they're all fucking scum.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette has an article headlined "Democratic Hopefuls Demand Action On Gun Control" and there's a laundry list of things the Democrats want to do to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights, all of which weren't factors in preventing the recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

The article goes on and on about "semi-automatic weapons", which would basically be any gun with a capacity for more than one round, and which required the person operating the gun to squeeze the trigger to fire the next shot.

I suppose if you're a fucking libtard who knows jack shit about guns, or maybe you know a little about guns but you're playing upon the fears of the truly stupid, then scaring people with the term "semi-automatic" is the language you use.

Let's not even get into the deconstruction of the phase "military-style assault weapons", which is simply a propaganda term pushed by Leftist fascists who want to take away all of your rights.

The Gazette, as it has been for many years, is full of creative writers and pushes nothing but fake news.  Remember that "reporter" Erin Jordan pushed that phony story concocted by that Commie Muslim family in Iowa City about a "hate note" supposedly put on their door after the 2016 election.  That was obviously a hoax.  Not only were the local media in on the hoax, but so were the local deep blue and lawless Iowa City Police.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Rekha Basu is a Terrorist Cunt

Archive link:

I really hate it when somebody sends me a Rekha Basu column.

It's the same shit every time.

Basu hates most Iowans, unless you're a fucking Communist asshole like her.

I don't understand what her husband, the late Rob Borsellino, saw in her.  Maybe she gave good head.  I don't know.

Borsellino, who also worked at the Register as a columnist, was a lefty, but he was one of those reasonable liberals you could have a discussion with that didn't devolve into screams of "racist" and "KKK" and "Russia lover", like I would imagine his cunt of a widow would react.  I met Rob in some social situations over the years and talked with him so I'm speaking from my own experience.

All those reasonable liberals from the old days are dead.

Today, it's all basement dwelling Socialist nebs and these wannabe radicals like Basu who spread hate and cheer on things like ANTIFA.

Basu is just parroting the Gannett / GateHouse corporate media party line that "Trump is a racist" because he criticized those Anti-Semitic bomb throwing cunts and brother-fuckers like AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Pressley, also known as The Squad.

Even though Trump didn't say anything "racist" in his tweets, Basu heard some dog whistles (because she is a dog - a bitch) and reacted like all the other libtards.

These kinds of columns cause me to proclaim that REKHA BASU IS A TERRORIST.

Rekha Basu foments HATE.

Rekha Basu would love it if Trump supporters were beat up, bullied, harassed, fired, or killed.  I truly believe that.

Rekha Basu is an awful, miserable cunt.  A malcontent partisan.  There is no love in her heart because she is so blinded by partisanship.  I can tell that she wishes ill on anybody who doesn't hold her exact world view of Communism and Totalitarianism.

If you subscribe to that awful Des Moines Register, or any other Gannett / GateHouse publication, then you are supporting liars and terrorists.

If a business advertises in the Register, you are supporting HATE.

Why does Rekha Basu continued to be employed?  She should be in the unemployment line.  It's disgusting the shit she regularly pumps out.  If she's not lying about Trump and other Republicans, calling them racists and white supremacists, then she is exploiting vulnerable people for her own personal gain.

I can only hope that her reign of terror will end some day.  Either because she gets cancer and dies soon, or because she's fired after the GateHouse takeover of Gannett.

Michael Judge in the Des Moines Register Defends Anti-Semites and Assholes

Article archive link:

Michael Judge is a fucking loser from Iowa City who has been contracted by Gannett / GateHouse / Des Moines Register to slur Trump and his supporters after Trump's tweets about The Squad.

Judge thinks that "Democratic Women of Color" cannot be criticized.  If you do that, you're RAY CISS.

After all the shit Omar, Tlaib, AOC, and Pressley have said?

The Squad ARE Anti-Semitic.  They ARE Socialist.  They ARE disgusting!  Do we need to link to everything?

Who is defending hate speech here?  Michael Judge is.

As for Joni Ernst, she is a nutjob who doesn't deserve to be re-elected.  She's just another hysterical swamp creature trying to keep her job and influence.  That's not to say I want a Democrat in her place, but a semi-sane Republican (male or female or trans) would be a step up.

Iowa City Press-Citizen: Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle's Slurs and Calls for War

Original article archive link:

Carol DeProsse is an old Commie cunt and has been a regular contributor to the decline of the Iowa City Press Shitstain for decades. 

Writing with Caroline Dieterle, she punches all the phony buttons that Gannett wants about Trump's "racism" and still believes that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.  Which means Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle are batshit crazy lunatics who shouldn't be near weapons, small children, or Republicans.

The column is mostly a love-hate relationship with brain-damaged pervert Joe Biden.  It demonstrates, like all partisan Commies, that they will hold their nose and vote for any old creep as long as they have a (D) behind their name.

The final paragraph:
However, if Biden should win the nomination, voting for him and electing him will be vital to avoid the horror of re-electing the disastrous incumbent and facing a fascist takeover similar to that of Hitler’s in 1933. The Electoral College is unchanged, making it necessary to win most of the states that Trump won, including Iowa. If the dark cloud that hovers in the Oval Office is re-elected the result will be continued obliteration of the progress toward pride in the country’s diversity and the acceptance of the inherent worth and dignity of all. Not since 1861 has the existence of the United States’ Constitutional government been so threatened.

You want to go war, Carol?

You're calling us Nazis and Fascists?

Fuck you. 

And fuck the Iowa City Press-Citizen for printing this hateful bullshit.