Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Democrat Professor Richard Cherwitz Hates Democracy and You

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Writing in the Iowa City Press Shitstain, Professor of Bullshit Studies Richard Cherwitz (D-UT Austin) thinks the solution for the Democrats to win back the White House is for the candidates today to:
"Meet privately, put aside their own individual aspirations and egos, and agree on a ticket to rally behind."

In other words, Fuck The People. 

Fuck the Caucus and Primary Season.

Fuck Democracy.

What an asshole.

The thing is that a lot of Democrats would probably agree with Cherwitz.  Fuck the people!  Let the elites pick the candidate.  It doesn't matter who is the nominee is. 

I'm sure most partisan Democrats would gladly vote for a cocksucking whore who kept innocent people in prison (Kamala Harris), an admitted sexual harasser (Cory Booker), somebody with brain damage (Joe Biden), a cheater (Elizabeth Warren), an old Socialist (Bernie Sanders), or anybody who is in favor all of the following:

  • Open borders
  • Post-birth abortion
  • Reparations for "slavery"
  • Outlawing private health insurance
  • Banning all guns and ammo
  • Criminalizing Republicans or any political opposition
  • Eliminating free speech
  • Opening the doors to all the prisons
  • Selling out our jobs to foreign workers
They HATE America.  

This has nothing to do with Trump.

They HATE you.

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