Monday, August 12, 2019

Shelby Fleig of the Des Moines Register's 3 Question Puff Piece With The Evil Amy Klobuchar

Des Moines Register "reporter" Shelby Fleig asked Amy Klobuchar three questions while riding the Sky Glider at the Iowa State Fair.

Any questions about how Klobuchar mistreated her staff for more than a decade, constantly berating them with temper tantrums so bad that even Harry Reid had to tell the cunt to grow the fuck up?

No.  These are the three question that Shelby Fleig asked:

  1. can you name something the Iowa State Fair has over the Minnesota State Fair?
  2. What is your favorite fair food?
  3. You're just finishing up a 20-county swing through Iowa. This is your 12th visit here to Iowa (as a presidential candidate). What's the biggest lesson you've learned so far on the campaign trail?

What a tool.

Despite allegedly having a MS in journalism, it looks like Shelby Fleig is still working on the middle school "newspaper" staff.

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