Friday, August 23, 2019

Socialist Karen Kubby Is A Fucking Idiot About "Affordable Housing"

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The media home value in Iowa City is $222,700, so it's an expensive place to live as far as Iowa is concerned.  Iowa City is 2nd place behind Urbandale, although if you live in Des Moines the media home value is only $120,300.

The trouble with Iowa City is that the prices for homes in Coralville, North Liberty, or any other smaller towns in the area are very similar.  Unless you're willing to live 25 to 30 miles away in Cedar Rapids and surrender your life to heavy traffic on I-380 every day, you're going to have to pay Iowa City area rates.

With that, we come to a piece written in the Iowa City Press Shitstain by Baby Killer Socialist and Bead Store owner Karen Kubby.   She helped transform working class parts of Iowa City into mini versions of South Side of Chicago with gang shootings, robberies, and dying businesses by importing Chicago's worst.  Essentially, Chicago could outsource their crime and welfare cases to Iowa City, and other towns in the midwest, through welfare vouchers.

While this was going on, the City Clowncil in Iowa City rarely allowed any new home subdivisions to be built due to "urban sprawl", and this is why Coralville, North Liberty, Tiffin, Solon, and Riverside have grown in recent years.  The Council, at the time, even lost what became Coral Ridge Mall and all that commercial development to Coralville.

This is what happens when you elect fuckhead Socialists like Kubby and Jim Throgmorton to City Councils.  Because they're Democrats, they want to feed the Welfare Industrial Complex first and have a stable of "slaves" around.  Import the criminals and that brings in more Federal tax money for jails, remedial education, alternative public schools, public defenders, social workers, homeless on the street corners and all over the Ped Mall, drug dealers, you name it.  Then they can go around and "blame Republicans" for all these problems that they imported.  What a bunch of assholes.

They could have allowed more building of smaller single family residences and high density condos and apartments for the university to make housing more "affordable".  Socialists don't want that.  Socialists always want a problem for which to blame others, and which the "solution" is always more government welfare.

As far as I'm concerned, Karen Kubby is an evil cunt.  Her policies have led to many people being murdered, robbed, and their lives ruined by importing a culture of welfare dependency and crime rather than building a community of people who are invested in living in a particular location.  She has blood on her hands.  Fuck her.

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