Tuesday, August 20, 2019

James Q Lynch of the Cedar Rapids Gazette Writes Kamala Harris Puff Pieces

Archive link:  http://archive.is/QNFqD

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris being a cocksucking whore who fucked her way into power in California by going down repeatedly on married Willie Brown. 

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris putting marijuana users in prison for a long time and bragging about it.

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about Kamala Harris finding out somebody in prison is innocent and trying to keep them in prison.

It's not like the Cedar Rapids Gazette's James Q. Lynch couldn't write about how Kamala Harris lied about the "online sales loophole" for guns, which doesn't exist, and she lied about in order to make political hay.

No, that worthless piece of shit from Cedar Rapids, James Q. Lynch, is writing puff pieces, probably pre-written by the Kamala Harris campaign, about how she wants free help from students at Iowa colleges and universities.

It's no surprise that the Gazette is a worthless rag of shit these days, considering how they participated in "hate note" hoax aimed at Trump in 2016.  Anything to spread lies and smear Republicans while protecting the worst Democrats.

Why are these assholes in the media, like that dumb cunt Andie Dominick at the Des Moines Register and this dirtbag, James Q. Lynch, so in the bag for that cocksucking whore Kamala Harris?  Maybe we'll figure that out eventually.

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