Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Iowa Squad

They hate America.

They hate you.

The Iowa Squad loves America like Ted Bundy loved his victims.

Rekha Basu likes to accuse every white person, especially of the Republican political affiliation, of being "racist", but like "The Squad" in House of Representatives, wasn't she fucking a white dick for years until Rob Borsellino died?  Why so angry, Widow Basu?

They're so "feminist", which means that when they ask Kamala Harris questions they never touch on the subject of Kamala fucking and sucking Willie Brown for years knowing he was married.

They're so "feminist", they blindly support rapist-enabler Hillary Clinton, whose inner circle was filled with pervs and pedophiles.

They don't understand Trump's "pussy grabbing" quote because they're a bunch of stupid, ugly women who are ignorant of what fame does to people.  I'm not talking about what fame did to Donald Trump.  I'm talking about what being in the presence of fame and rich people does to young hot women looking for a meal ticket.  "THEY LET YOU GRAB IT" is an observation of the morals of those women.  It's a declaration of figuring out what kind of person to trust and what kind of person to avoid.  I always read into it that Donald Trump didn't trust women who openly declared that he (or any rich, famous dudes) could "grab their pussy".  Because where the fuck has that pussy been... today, already.  Feminists hate sex.  Feminists hate the kind of women telling men that they can grab their pussies.  Because feminists hate women thinking for themselves.  Or having a choice.  Except when it comes to killing a baby, before or after birth.

The Iowa Squad has to make up shit about Steve King because he's the final Republican in the House.  They'll have the bitter dyke write the hit piece, and later on the Widow Basu can show up to the gangbang and never have to correct later or apologize.  Drive-By Rekha, throwing her hate bombs and lie bombs everywhere.

There are more members of the Iowa Squad.  We'll be profiling them in future posts.  You might already know some of them.

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