Sunday, August 18, 2019

Iowa Fake News: The Des Moines Register's Robin Opsahl Lies about Steve King

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Robin Opsahl, the liar

Just wait a little bit and the truth always comes out.

It's hardly a surprise to me that the Des Moines Register quoted Steve King out of context regarding rape and incest.  

The Register has had it in for Steve King ever since they stopped endorsing him around 2006.

Everybody was sending me the article a few days ago.  OH ISN'T IT TERRIBLE?  HE MUST RESIGN!  

That's the point of lies and propaganda

Carol Hunter, Andie Dominick, Rekha Basu, and the rest of the unhappy cunts at the Des Moines Register just want another Republican scalp.  

As far as I'm concerned, Carol Hunter is a terrorist.

All Gannett employees, or whoever owns them now, should be treated as the enemy.

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