Friday, August 30, 2019

Deb Houchen McMahon is Fucking Insane

Archive link to Des Moines Register:

Archive link to Twitter:

Deb Houchen McMahon is fucking insane.

What else can explain her recent Letter, published in the Des Moines Register, that accuses President Trump of "racist rants" while offering no proof or example?

What else can explain the former teacher's 24/7 retweeting of Anti-Trump bullshit on her Twitter account?

Deb probably has MSLSD and CNN on TV all day long.

This is the type of asshole who ought to be confronted on camera about what they say in the Des Moines Register.  Kind of like a "Crowder Confronts".  Have somebody there holding a printed poster of their own words from a screenshot.

Say something to her like:  "Where's your proof that Trump had a 'racist rant'?"

Can you imagine what Deb McMahon would do?  She'd freak out.  She'd want to call the police.  She'd want help from bystanders.  She would accuse me of something that is not illegal.  She'd lie and say that I assaulted her, even if I had video evidence of the entire situation.  This is what fucking insane psychopath cunts do.

They can't handle explaining themselves in public. 

It would be the same thing if we put a camera on Rekha Basu and asked her about similar claims of "racism" on the part of Trump.  She would accuse us of "stalking" or "terrorism" or something like that, duck out, call the cops, and lie about the incident.  Never mind that lie bombs that cunts like Rekha Basu throw every day she's in print.

Same thing with that stupid cunt Andie Dominick, who printers letters like Deb McMahon's.

And there she is, Deb McMahon, with her favorite plagiarist, Joe Biden.  Old Groping Joe.  Old brain damaged Joe Biden.  Old swimming nude in front of the female Secret Service agents Joe Biden. 

Is Joe Biden still saying that his first wife and a daughter died because of a drunk driver even though that was long ago discovered to be a lie?

And what about his piece of shit sons?

And who is this freak standing behind them?  Did the circus come to town?

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