Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Medicare For All is more Democrat Bullshit

Archive link:  http://archive.is/U86aC

I'm no fan of Joni Ernst.  I think she's batshit crazy.  But I'll take that lunatic any day over the likes of Bruce Braley in 2014 or whatever Commie Cunt is going to run against her in 2020.

Isn't it terrible that these are our choices?

Vote Vagina 2020, says the cunts in the corporate media.  Just make sure it's "pink" on the inside.  Pink for Commie.

That leads us to today's story in the Des Moines Ragister about how "Mediscare For All" ads will be shown against Joni Ernst. 

These ads are nothing but a money laundering scheme for the Lefty Corporate Media.

Yes, I hate Republican Joni Ernst, but having a Democrat Senator in charge who thinks private insurance should be abolished is not the answer.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's "free".

This article calls Obamacare the "Affordable Care Act".

Whose insurance got more "affordable" after Obamacare was rammed through Congress?  Nobody's did.  It was all a scam.  Fuck Democrats.

The Democrats say:  "We can't go back to the days when healthcare was actually affordable and insurance was something used just for the expensive shit like hospital stays."

Why is that?

The Democrats want control.

Not just control, but absolute control.  Over your body.

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