Monday, August 26, 2019

Press-Citizen's Zachary Owen Smith Mentions the "Muslim Hate Note Hoax" in his Cory Booker Puff Piece

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Zachary Owen Smith, in an article today about lunatic, closeted homosexual, and admitted sexual harasser Cory Booker, mentions the 2016 "hate note" that a Muslim family in Iowa City supposedly had taped to their door after the election of Donald Trump.

Anybody with more than two brain cells in their head knows that the incident was a hoax

  • The note was written on lined, punched paper.  The kind of paper only school kids would be using.

  • It was signed with a "hashtag" and Trump.  Who signs a paper with a hashtag?  That scrawl is indicative of female handwriting.
  • Both of the Hamad girls, Lujayn and Raneem, attended West High at the time and were regularly involved with Far Left protests around Iowa City.

  • The girls were in numerous other media outlets, including ABC News and the New York Times, about other alleged incidents at West High, none of which were corroborated.  Pictures in those other articles were credited to CAIR, which is associated with HAMAS, a terrorist organization.

And what about the media?

Erin Jordan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, and Stephen Gruber Miller, then of the Press Citizen, published stories that sounded remarkably similar.  Like they had been fed the story.  Either by the family or their buddies at CAIR Iowa.

The police in Iowa City played along with it because they're in a Deep Blue Democrat city.  There was no real investigation.  There was no followup about it.  Do you think Democrat Janet Lyness, the incompetent county prosecutor there, would have done anything if the cops had discovered it was a hoax like all the other incidents around the United States?  The cops wouldn't have discovered anything because Iowa City is hyper-politicized.  Wink Wink.  Lyness was probably wink wink, too.  Anything to trash Republicans and Trump voters.

That neighborhood where the family lives in extremely Democrat.  There isn't a Republican for miles, and in a town like Iowa City all the Republican signs get torn down, like this Trump sign that had been along Dodge St, a mile or so from where the Samel-Abdalla-Hamad family resides, and repeatedly vandalized.

Were there any articles in the Press Shit Stain or the Gazette about the actual vandalism of the Trump sign?  No way.  We have looked in the archives of the PC and the Daily Idiot.  There was nothing.

The entire incident involving the "Hate Note" was a hoax. 


Worse, it was coordinated with government officials.  The dirty Blue pigs in Iowa City, when they're not murdering innocent people like Eric Shaw and getting away with it, had to be in on it.  They had to be!  All the other incidents around the country, even in bluer cities like Minneapolis, Ann Arbor, and Boston, collapsed.

This just shows how awful and corrupt the news media is in Iowa. 

The Democrats in Iowa City and Johnson County, and their komrades in the media, wanted violence against Trump voters and Republicans. 

Here they are, nearly 3 years later, recounting this incident like it really happened.

It didn't.

It was a hoax.

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