Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Rekha Basu is a Lying Cunt

Archive link to Basu's column as viewed on August 21, 2019:

Six days after Rekha Basu's column lies about what Steve King supposedly said, which has already been quietly walked back by the corrupt, political bomb-throwers at the Des Moines Register, and the uncorrected Basu column is still showing online. 

Anything to call Steve King a "white nationalist" or "white supremacist", which he isn't.

Wasn't it just last week that Rekha Basu was calling Trump and his supporters the same thing? 

Rekha Basu is a cunt.

Rekha Basu will always be a cunt.

This cunt has ruined the Des Moines Register, and that's saying something considering all the other wannabe SJW turds who have floated through the biz during even the Cowles years, but mostly in the Gannett era.  Geneva Overholser or that moron Donald Kaul or even that incompetent lying NBC Fake News midget Michael Gartner pale in comparison to the total cuntness of Rekha Basu.

I liken Rekha Basu to that of a terrorist.

Rekha Basu is a bomb thrower who hates America.  Hates normal Iowans.  Hates Republicans.  Hates Conservatives.  Hates anybody who isn't a Commie nutjob. 

Why is such a terrorist, liar, and hate-spreader allowed to write for a newspaper in Iowa?

It's too bad her beta-male husband, Rob Borsellino, had to die before her.  You could actually have a conversation with him and he wouldn't turn into a fucking she-devil.

I can only pray that Rekha Basu gets cunt cancer or anal cancer and dies.  She is an awful, terrible human being.

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