Saturday, August 10, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette Doesn't Know Anything About Guns

Article archive:

Reporters are some of the dumbest human beings on Earth with morals that are slightly worse than child sex abusers.  In other words, they're all fucking scum.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette has an article headlined "Democratic Hopefuls Demand Action On Gun Control" and there's a laundry list of things the Democrats want to do to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights, all of which weren't factors in preventing the recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

The article goes on and on about "semi-automatic weapons", which would basically be any gun with a capacity for more than one round, and which required the person operating the gun to squeeze the trigger to fire the next shot.

I suppose if you're a fucking libtard who knows jack shit about guns, or maybe you know a little about guns but you're playing upon the fears of the truly stupid, then scaring people with the term "semi-automatic" is the language you use.

Let's not even get into the deconstruction of the phase "military-style assault weapons", which is simply a propaganda term pushed by Leftist fascists who want to take away all of your rights.

The Gazette, as it has been for many years, is full of creative writers and pushes nothing but fake news.  Remember that "reporter" Erin Jordan pushed that phony story concocted by that Commie Muslim family in Iowa City about a "hate note" supposedly put on their door after the 2016 election.  That was obviously a hoax.  Not only were the local media in on the hoax, but so were the local deep blue and lawless Iowa City Police.

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