Sunday, August 18, 2019

Des Moines Register's Mark Emmert Exploits Career Criminal / Prison Rat Kyle Williams for Clicks and Sympathy

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"Reporter" Mark Emmert is a fucking scumbag.

That article on criminal Kyle Williams is the kind of pro-criminal sympathy exploitation crap that evil cunts like Rekha Basu have spent decades churning out.  Since the entire newspaper industry has been politicized in a poisonous way, you now read this shit in the Sports section.

Kyle Williams was dumb and allowed to get through the system because he could play football.  These guys are given a million chances and even then they have to cheat at academics. 

The press likes to kiss Kirk Ferentz's ass, but the truth is that Ferentz had no problem recruiting violent thugs and rapists and trying to cover up their crimes.  He's done it for years.  He got a pass from the media because he's Kirk Ferentz, cheap ass millionaire with a bogus schedule designed to take his team of criminals to some shitty bowl.  The sports media is happy to cover for him as long as they go along for the ride and do things Kirk's way, which is hiding most of the ugly shit.

This article is typical of Gannett / Des Moines Register.  It's all weepy redemption hagiography that largely buries the victims.

Kyle Williams is the kind of criminal that the people running the Register, hell, the entire media industry, would love to be able to have voting while in prison.  Anything to keep the Democrats / rapists / pedophiles in power.

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