Sunday, August 18, 2019

University of Iowa Diversity House Negro Resigns After One Month

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All these "diversity" positions at colleges and universities are nothing more than a scam on taxpayers and students. 

It's all a huge waste of money so White Elitist Pedophiles and other Libtards can virtue signal to their komrades at other universities about how much they hate Whitey and love "minorities" and "people of color".

It's nothing but an updating of Massa keeping House Negros around.  Democrats can never get past their legacy of racial exploitation.  And there's a lot of blacks and other minorities with phony doctorates who are perfectly willing to do the soft shoe in order to get paid multiple six figures to denounce all you racist sharecroppin', Trump-voting, Iowa field whities.

The University of Iowa hires Dr TaJuan Wilson, who in his past career as a money-wasting administrator seems to have Shit Gold (don't they all?), and within a month he is resigning his $224,000 a year job.  He'll spend the next several months on "special projects" under Peter Matthes (2018 salary of $249,600).

What's the actual story going on here?

You'll never know from the Iowa City Press-Shitstain.

But we can guess. 

Lots of drama, I bet!

These people never stay around very long.  A few years, a bunch of scandals hidden, and they're off to the next college or university to continue the scam.

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