Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Rekha Basu is a Terrorist Cunt

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I really hate it when somebody sends me a Rekha Basu column.

It's the same shit every time.

Basu hates most Iowans, unless you're a fucking Communist asshole like her.

I don't understand what her husband, the late Rob Borsellino, saw in her.  Maybe she gave good head.  I don't know.

Borsellino, who also worked at the Register as a columnist, was a lefty, but he was one of those reasonable liberals you could have a discussion with that didn't devolve into screams of "racist" and "KKK" and "Russia lover", like I would imagine his cunt of a widow would react.  I met Rob in some social situations over the years and talked with him so I'm speaking from my own experience.

All those reasonable liberals from the old days are dead.

Today, it's all basement dwelling Socialist nebs and these wannabe radicals like Basu who spread hate and cheer on things like ANTIFA.

Basu is just parroting the Gannett / GateHouse corporate media party line that "Trump is a racist" because he criticized those Anti-Semitic bomb throwing cunts and brother-fuckers like AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Pressley, also known as The Squad.

Even though Trump didn't say anything "racist" in his tweets, Basu heard some dog whistles (because she is a dog - a bitch) and reacted like all the other libtards.

These kinds of columns cause me to proclaim that REKHA BASU IS A TERRORIST.

Rekha Basu foments HATE.

Rekha Basu would love it if Trump supporters were beat up, bullied, harassed, fired, or killed.  I truly believe that.

Rekha Basu is an awful, miserable cunt.  A malcontent partisan.  There is no love in her heart because she is so blinded by partisanship.  I can tell that she wishes ill on anybody who doesn't hold her exact world view of Communism and Totalitarianism.

If you subscribe to that awful Des Moines Register, or any other Gannett / GateHouse publication, then you are supporting liars and terrorists.

If a business advertises in the Register, you are supporting HATE.

Why does Rekha Basu continued to be employed?  She should be in the unemployment line.  It's disgusting the shit she regularly pumps out.  If she's not lying about Trump and other Republicans, calling them racists and white supremacists, then she is exploiting vulnerable people for her own personal gain.

I can only hope that her reign of terror will end some day.  Either because she gets cancer and dies soon, or because she's fired after the GateHouse takeover of Gannett.

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