Sunday, September 1, 2019

CAIR Plants More Fake News About Muslims In US Newspapers

Archive link of CAIR Philly press release:

Archive link of Washington Post story:

Looks like CAIR, the terrorist affiliated (HAMAS) organization, is still engaging in Muslim propaganda by getting their press releases published as news stories in major US newspapers like the Washington Post.  This time, it was over some guy named Aziz who got his Starbucks order with the name Isis on it.

Like low-paid employees never get the name wrong in busy, loud Starbucks.  Yeah that never happens.

What the press release and the WaPo article point out is that the Washington Post (via "reporters" Alex Horton and Abigail Hauslohner) are publishing fake news pushed by terrorist-affiliated CAIR in order to show that America is full of white supremacists who hate Brown People and Muslims.

Right, like that's going to happen in a Philadelphia Starbucks.

"Reporters" are the biggest scumbags on the planet.  They are less trustworthy than child molesters.

This immediately reminds me of the CAIR project known as the "Trump Hate Note" in Iowa City in November of 2016, a hoax that was started by a Muslim family (Samel / Abdalla / Hamad, they all have different last names), likely by their Far Left Activist teenage daughters

Lujayn and Raneem, the daughters, had other stories about them placed at the Washington Post, New York Times, and ABC News, and with pictures that were credited to CAIR.

This hoax was a big scam designed to incite hate against Trump voters and Republicans.

There were many other hoaxes of a similar style around the US at the same time, and most, even in blue places like Minneapolis and Ann Arbor, were discovered to be hoaxes.

Not the Iowa City hoax.

Two reporters, Erin Jordan of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, and Stephen Gruber-Miller, then of the Iowa City Press-Citizen, published remarkably similar stories about the same time.

Did the Iowa City Police ever follow up on the initial report?  There was no additional reporting about it at the time.  It's likely the ICPD knew the event was a hoax, but played along because Iowa City is a Deep Blue Democrat city, and even if it was a hoax do you think Democrat County Attorney Janet Lyness would do anything about it?  Not a chance.  The only thing that happened was that the Iowa City Crimestoppers later offered a reward.  If you look at who constitutes Iowa City Crimestoppers, it's practically all Deep Blue, Left Wing, Democrat types.

The media never reported on a Trump yard sign that was repeatedly vandalized a mile or so from the Samel - Abdalla - Hamad house.

The truth is, where the Samel - Abdalla - Hamad is located, there are almost zero Republicans.  Most Republicans in deep blue areas keep their mouths shut and opinions to themselves because Far Lefties are violent assholes who make shit up because they're mentally deranged.

The Philly Starbucks story shows how much influence CAIR has on the "mainstream media" in the United States.  Propagandists like Alex Horton and Abigail Hauslohner are no different from Erin Jordan and Stephen Gruber Miller.  They're paid shills for whatever their corporate overlords want them to write.  In most cases, they're willing participants and are thrilled to lie to the world in order to create disorder make political hay.

As far as I'm concerned, this is completely un-American.  Most "Reporters" these days are fucking scumbags who deserve to be in the unemployment line.  And police and public officials who participate in these hoaxes are traitors.

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