Monday, September 30, 2019

Melissa Shivers, the $284,000 Vice President of Racism and Bigotry at the University of Iowa, is Personally Liable for Hating on Christian Students

Archive news link:

Melissa Shivers, the $284,000 Vice President of Racism and Bigotry at the University of Iowa, is one of three people who are personally liable for damages in the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship vs University of Iowa lawsuit.

The other two personally liable are Associate Dean of Student Organizations William Nelson ($127,000 a year), and Coordinator for Student Organization Development Andrew Kutcher ($27,657 a year).

Read more about the case at the Becket Law site.

How does somebody as corrupt and evil as Melissa Shivers keep her job, and at such a high salary?

Hunter Biden is an Alcoholic, Crackhead, Cokehead, Painkiller-Abusing, Dead Brother-Widow-Fucking Piece of Shit

Archive link:

Funny how the gangbang media is trashing Trump over the Ukraine hoax, but nobody is asking where Hunter Biden is or what crack pipe he's using, or who he is fucking.

Joe Biden may be a brain-damaged, corrupt piece of shit, but Hunter Biden is on another level entirely.

The above link is to an article on a Delaware news site that details some of Hunter Biden's admitted alcoholic, crack, cocaine, and painkiller binges, plus fucking around on his wife with the widow of his brother, and attempting to sign up for the Reserves but coming back positive for a drug test.

Yes, Hunter Biden is a piece of shit.

Why is he worth $50,000 a month from some Ukranian gas company?

Isn't it obvious?  Hunter Biden is a fucking crackhead and alcoholic who can't stay sober. 

Are we supposed to have sympathy for Joe Biden's piece of shit, worthless son?

The Iowa media doesn't mention any of this.

Hell, the Iowa media can't let go anything about Terry Branstad's son, even though his car accident was decades ago and the guy has been on the straight forever.

But you never hear anything about old Ed Mezvinsky, the Democrat former Congressman from Iowa whose son married into the Clinton Crime Family with Chelsea.  Ed was so corrupt, even Uncle Bill couldn't give him a pardon, and he served 5 years in Federal prison starting in 2001.

Meanwhile, we have Cindy Acne, Dave Loebsackofshit, and Abby Finkenfuckface all supporting the impeachment of President Trump over the Ukraine hoax.  All three are treasonous motherfuckers for supporting this attempted coup.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aaron Calvin Blames "Right-Wing Ideologues" For His Firing

Archive link:

Aaron Calvin got interviewed by Buzzfeed following his firing by the Des Moines Register, and of course Aaron is going to blame "right-wing ideologues" for his firing rather than, you know, himself, for writing an unnecessary drive-by hit job on Carson King.  Or Carol "Cunter" Hunter" who was made to look bad by approving such a stupid article because she's probably legally insane, suffering from dementia, or otherwise mentally ill.

Buzzfeed would naturally interview him.  A former employer.  Anything for easy clicks.  Maybe he'll go back and work for them again, now that he has his wings and will get clicks just for being the douchebag that he is.

Ohhhh, poor Aaron Calvin got "death threats".  Riiiiiiight. 

You deserve it, Aaron.  You go around smearing good people over stupid bullshit and expect no kickback? 

You're not a reporter.  You're a MUCKRAKER. 


You are several rungs below child molesters, in my opinion.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Where's Charles Whitman When You Need Him?

Archive link:

Richard Cherwitz is typical of the type of partisan Democrat Conspiracy Theorist from the Academic wing of Insanity that the Des Moines Register or Iowa City Press Shitstain would have as a guest columnist. 

In his latest column, Cherwitz completely ignores Hunter Biden making $50,000 a month for.... something?  Or Joe Biden being on video proudly boasting of getting a prosecutor fired in the Ukraine and also attempting to withhold aid.

Instead, Cherwitz worries about the "Trump-Ukraine scandal".......

What scandal is that?

Yes, Richard Cherwitz is batshit crazy and a fucking liar.

He works for the University of Texas in Austin. 

This fucking asshole gets paid to "teach".

He should be in an insane asylum.

This is another reason why the Des Moines Register needs to be put out of business.

A List of Companies That Advertise With The Des Moines Register

Please tell these companies to take their advertising dollars away from the Des Moines Register

Hummel's Nissan:  4770 Merle Hay Rd, Des Moines, IA 50322  Phone: +1 515 253 0719  Web Contact

Van Meter Inc, Electrical supply distributor in Iowa and the midwest:  1-800-247-1410  850 32nd Avenue SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 Web Link 

New Horizons Academy:  Web Link

University of Iowa Nursing:

Army National Guard:

Who Owns the Des Moines Register? You'll Be Surprised

Who owns the Des Moines Register?

No, not the Cowles family, who sold the paper to Gannett in 1985.

No, not Gannett, who was bought by GateHouse Media earlier this year.

Even GateHouse Media isn't the true parent.

The actual owner of the Des Moines Register is the SoftBank Group, a Japanese-based conglomerate.

Here's a picture of their CEO, Masayoshi Son, who attended college at Berkeley:

How does SoftBank own the Des Moines Register?

SoftBank Group purchased Fortress Investment Group on February 14, 2017 for $3.3 billion.

The current Prinicpal and co-CEO is Peter Briger Jr, located in San Francisco:

The other co-CEO is Wesley R. Edens:

Fortress Investment Group private equity portfolio includes GateHouse Media.

Michael E Reed is the Chairman/CEO of GateHouse Media:

Kirk Davis is the Chief Operating Officer of GateHouse Media:

I'm still trying to figure out if the Des Moines Register has a publisher and president.  In the past, it was David Chivers, Rick Green, and others, but Chivers left in 2018 and doesn't appear to have been replaced.  Here's Chivers' picture:

And then there's the Executive Editor, Carol "Cunter" Hunter:

Dear Unemployed Aaron Calvin

Dear Unemployed Aaron Calvin,

I don't know what you're going to do with your smug, arrogant, and punchable face now that Carol "Cunter" Hunter whacked you for being a drive-by shooter for the libtards at the Des Moines Register.

If you try to go into writing or "journalism" again, or anywhere public-facing, we're going to hound your ass, you fucking piece of shit.

It's not even your old tweets that pisses us off. 

It's that you would purposefully try to destroy somebody who did something good for a children's hospital by digging up old stupid posts by Carson King that nobody saw at the time, that he looks back on and is truly embarrassed at seeing, and is not relevant today.

Even worse is that your bosses at the Des Moines Register, the editors, would think that personal destruction is necessary to a story is a separate issue.

But you're an adult.  You're 24 years old, or whatever.  Grow the fuck up.

Who do you think you are?  Who do you want to be? 

Do you really aspire to being bomb-throwing liar and professional hater like Rekha Basu?  Or a political ass-licker like Andie Dominick?

Get your shit together, boy.

We Hear You, Carol Hunter, Stop "News-Plaining" and Just Quit

Archive link:

No wonder the Register is such a shit newspaper and staffed by assholes.

Look who is in charge:  Carol Hunter (CUNTER)

Here are some comments from her "we're being transparent" bullshit from yesterday:

Of course he held a press conference to get in front of his remarks because he knew DRM was going to publish those remarks. He wanted it to come from him. I just do not understand why??

All you needed to say is... We are sorry, we made a bad decision, we learned and we are not doing that again. So simple and easy! But when you don’t say that and instead all this other garbage you have accomplished -NOTHING!!!!

Still not taking any responsibility huh? Here is what you don't understand: we get that background checks are necessary. We don't see why that consisted of going back 8 years! Anything from before he was an adult is irrelevant. You can't claim that he made his press conference before you had decided what you were going to do. He's not stupid and neither are we, you were (and did) put that info in your article. Of course he had no choice but to preemptively apologize for the tweets. As legitimate reporter Keith Murphy informed us, Anheuser-Busch called Carson a little after 2pm in the afternoon to say they were distancing themselves from him. The ONLY way they could have known at that point is if YOU GUYS had told them. YOU TOLD ANHEUSER-BUSH, not Carson. So when you talk about the "timeline" you forget to mention that little tidbit!!!

I cancelled my online subscription and reading this confirmed my decision. How did Busch learn about the tweets if not from the racist register employee? You originally said you though reporting on it was for the public good. The good was what King and the donors to his fund. The only thing that was not in the public good was what the register and Busch did. Any who made you the decider of what is the public good. This is why no one trust the media anymore and you are losing subscribers.

Omg, so lame. You basically just repeated what you said initially. No apology. No remorse. YOU are the reason Busch cut ties with Carson. YOU.

This is not an apology. Are using the same ineffective excuses as before. The two tweets of questionable judgement had NOTHING to do with the story at hand. You know the decision to include it in the story was not right, I know it was not right, and Iowans are showing you that THEY know it's not right. The timing here is far too convenient to be coincidental.

The media is a piece is crap entity of self serving hypocrisy. Your “explanation” means nothing. You have tainted the greatest public act of charity this state has ever seen, and you should be ashamed of yourself to your GRAVE!! I’ll never invest in your publication, never support your opinions, and never endorse your cause. 
This was a hit piece. Your editor is responsible, your journalist is at fault, and your demise as a source of media is welcomed my millions across the nation.

All that explaining and still no apology. You should be the next one fired.

Weak, patronizing, underwhelming response. This is what you came up with after the past 48 hours. Wow. We aren't idiots, we understand how research works. What no one understands is why you decided to smear CARSON when we all donated to the HOSPITAL. Bad form. Full apology is required and absolutely appropriate.

Those tweets weren't pertinent to the story anyway. You said you go back to make sure he's not a found out he wasn't. But then you spew this from when he was just a kid. Bush likely SPONSORED and advertised on Tosh.0! NO wonder teen suicide rates are up. If they make even the slightest mistake it will follow them for life - what did you think would happen with your reporting? Shedding light on a scammer? No, you just DESTROYED this great story to trash someone.

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

No one believes you. You let stuff slide when your own man did it, while ruining strangers for things they said online underage. Your claim amounts to "we just didn't notice our guy also said bad things." Who did you expect to be convinced by that?

My favorite part is "the story shifted" as if your team had nothing to do with it. It was the unearthing of these old tweets that forced King into holding the press conference in the first place.  You guys were responsible for that. And until you admit it, I'm afraid you're going to have to keep learning this lesson the hard way.

The Des Moines Register 
Liar. You should be ashamed of what you have done. Rotten, disposable people. I hope your paper goes broke for all the malicious actions you have taken against this man.

"...The timeline gets complicated here..." No, it doesn't. You're a reporter, Carol, and you need to explicitly nail down that timeline for readers. This feels like so much obfuscation that you invite more scrutiny. You "discussed at length...", sure, but you avoid admitting that you made a bad editorial decision that led to your subject preemtively holding a press conference. We should hope you're super "focused" on the way you background subjects in a story from now on. This response is very light on the "Here's what we are doing about it..." promise. This was a bad policy, you need to admit that, change it immediately, or you should be replaced with somebody who can.

Carson King apologizing BEFORE..speaks to HIS character ...NOT yours. You're firing someone for their underling. But the editorial board still chose to run with what you say..."complete story"...? really?

What a bunch of crap. The Des Moines Register set out to destroy a person just to sell copies of its newspaper. That Carson King talked to news stations first is irrelevant. He got in front of the story because the Des Moines register made it clear they were going to attack him.

The people of Des Moines deserve a newspaper, but not like this. Fire the lot of them and bring in an entirely new staff. One that can deliver the news without attacking innocents.

This is hysterical. Not only did they just insult everyone with “news-plaining” what they already stared previously, which in my opinion is a turd excuse. They also just hit all of Iowa with a “sorry not sorry” response. They can’t be serious.

So you fired the guy, but that doesn't make it right. You let it happen in the first place. You should have thought this kid did this when he was a punk, and bringing it up only to sell papers. You could have let it go, but didn't so to "make things right" you fired Mr. Calvin. But you didn't make it right. You needed to retain him, and put him on probation and make a better paragraph stacker. Do you feel big? I still am not renewing my paper because you publish old stuff, not like the paper I remembered.

Please get off of your high horse. You blew this. You shared this yound man's good work and then you ate him. This is what this newspaper has always done.

Carol Hunter, I thought your original post trying to justify bringing up the posts of a sixteen-year-old, eight years later, were the lamest thing I'd ever read. But your latest excuses exceed even that. If you don't have the dignity to resign, you should be summarily fired, and never work in journalism again.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Des Moines Register's Carol Hunter is an Unrepentant CUNT

Archive link:

Even though "reporter" Aaron Calvin was fired, Des Moines Register Executive Editor Carol Hunter is still in charge and writes an unrepentant, arrogant, condescending column about it all.

What a cunt.

Carol Hunter is such a CUNT that she has kept Aaron Calvin's hit piece on Carson King out there for all to read.


And with Calvin's name still on it.

What a cunt.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Most of the Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin's Racist, Homophobic, Cop-Hating, and Misogynistic Tweets


The Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin is a Fucking Hypocrite on Twitter

The Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin, who pointlessly dug up old teenage stupid tweets by Carson King in order to destroy him, has a shitload of old tweets in a similar style:

I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Not that I would otherwise care.

"Reporters" and "Journalists" of the Left bent are almost always hypocrites.  They don't want anybody looking into their closets.  The bad divorces.  The alcoholism.  The drugs.  The gambling problems.  The porn problems.  

The child porn problems.  Oh yes.  It's true...

It's sick.

But wait, there's more:

Even if Aaron Calvin is canned, we'll be sure to bring this shit up repeatedly in the future in case he tries to get a job somewhere else in the media.

It's REVENGE for what you did to Carson King, you little dick.

Carol Hunter (CUNTER), we're coming for your job next.

Then it's time to take out that lying bomb-thrower Rekha Basu.

And also that phony liar, Stephen Gruber-Miller, who wrote FAKE NEWS about the "Muslim Hate Note" in Iowa City.

Nearly everybody in Iowa journalism is the enemy, a liar, a hypocrite, or worse.

Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin and Carol Hunter Should Be Fired

Archive link:

The Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin, along with Executive Editor Carol Hunter, and anybody else who thought that creating a "Drive-By Hit Piece" on Carson King's old dumb teenage tweets that nobody saw back in the day, SHOULD BE FIRED.

If you look in the Facebook comments of the Register article, the overwhelming comments are that the Des Moines Register is a "garbage" newspaper.

These assholes in the media today need to be driven out and made unemployable.  Go do some real work, you fucking assholes.

Carson King Discovers How Evil Carol Hunter, Aaron Calvin, and the Terrorist Des Moines Register Can Be

Archive link:

Do you need any more proof that Carol Hunter is truly evil? 

She and "reporter" Aaron Calvin and the rest of the fucking terrorists at the Des Moines Register have nothing better to do than pry into a then-teenager's stupid past tweets.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Who is Jeff Biggers and Why Has He Brainwashed His Children Into Being Eco-Commies?

The Iowa Fake News Media sure ate up all the "climate strike" bullshit going on.  I'm sure we'll be treated to endless stories about retarded child actor, Greta Thurnberg, that stern Swedish teen who looks like she stepped out of Goebbel's Nazi propaganda in the 1930 with her blonde hair and braids.

Since we know Greta Thurnberg's family are all actors and activists, it makes sense that she has been brainwashed into believing the bullshit alarmist crap she's fed.  Talk about Stockholm Syndrome!

Iowa has the the Iowa version of Greta Thurnberg in the Biggers family of Iowa City.  Communist father Jeff Biggers and his sons Diego, and, particularly, Massimo.

Massimo said in Iowa City last week, during a speech at the Climate Fraud Thing, that we only have 11 years left before the end of the planet.

I don't care if this fucking asshole of a liar is 14 years old.  Where's the proof the world is going to end in 11 years?  Why did Obama buy a house on Martha's Vineyard?  Why is California still building "high speed rail" even though it won't be done until after the world is supposedly going to end? 

We have phony prediction after phony alarmist prediction by the "climate experts" in the mainstream corporate media going back over 50 years.  The only ways to stop the alleged destruction of the planet is to allow Commie rule, wealth confiscation, banning cars and planes, banning straws, banning air conditioning, forced abortion, mass murder, etc.  Basically banning everything that makes modern life great and Massimo Stupid-Hyphenated's hair all fro'd out.

And what does the retarded Iowa Fake News media do?  They print Massimo and Greta and every other CONSPIRACY THEORY ALARMIST BRAINWASHED QUASI-CULT COMMIE FUCK's predictions and statements like they're going to be true!!!!

What about the father, Jeff Biggers?

He's all over the place, like Huffington Post.

He's on every Commie web site. 

He's berating the City of Iowa City on their Climate Plan.

He's always quoted in news articles for the Press Citizen and the Cedar Rapids Gazette and other Iowa publications.

It's always the same thing:  we're never doing enough.  The sky is falling!  The end days are near.  Fire and brimstone.  Hell is coming for you.  Burn the witch!

And the fucking lameass, unquestioning, lapdog, Commie-sympathizing corporate media print Jeff Biggers's bullshit without question.  Without a hint of skepticism.

Now he has brainwashed his kids to spew the same kind of Climate Agitprop to grab headlines.

Isn't it sick?

It's child abuse.

I'm sure living with Jeff Biggers is like living in a cult.

If nobody else is going to question these lunatics, then we will.  Fuck them.  Bunch of fucking liars.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Fraudulent Poll for Democrats

Archive link isn't working at the time of publishing, Register link is

Brain damaged Joe Biden is at 20%.

On what planet?

Since the Des Moines Register and other Gannet / GateHouse newspapers engage in producing fake news every day, puff pieces regularly for Democrats, or outright lying about Republicans, I think it's safe to assume that any "polls" they produce are fraudulent and bullshit.

I also don't believe that Elizabeth Warren is leading at 22%.  Pocahontas, the Fake Indian and Academic Fraud, is doing that well?  Didn't Elizabeth Warren say that Michael Brown was "murdered" even though it was investigated at the local and Federal DOJ level during the Obama Administration and the report concluded that the officer shooting was justified?  Elizabeth Warren is a fucking liar and a cunt.  She can't tell the truth about anything.

Bernie is at 11%?  I find that hard to believe.  He's doing much better than that.  Yes, he's older, but he still has support.  He was screwed by the Iowa Establishment Pedophile Democrats in 2016, and it looks like their media wing is making sure that Bernie is screwed again in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard is at 2%?  Not where I've been driving.  I've seen lots of her signs in numerous cities.  Tulsi is being screwed by the party.

The Cocksucking Whore, Kamala Harris, is at 6%?  Maybe in Andie Dominick's house.

Pete Buttsex is at 3%?  That might be correct.  I've seen a few of his signs.  I can't believe anybody would want that asshole in the White House. 

Spartacus Cory Booker, the lunatic, admitted sexual assaulter, who will soon go back in the closet, is at 3%?  Really?  I have yet to see a Cory Booker sign.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rekha Basu is a Lying Cunt, a Political Terrorist, and a Character Assassin Who Needs to be Fired

Archive link:

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Rekha Basu is a lying cunt.

Rekha Basu is a political terrorist for the Hard Left.

Rekha Basu is an unrepentant character assassin.

Her column trashing Brett Kavanagh (again) and Chuck Grassley (again) over what everybody knows are completely bogus accusations that are totally uncorroborated is a fucking disgrace.

Who is the insane "conspiracy theorist", rattling off bullshit?  Rekha Basu, that's who.

Rekha Basu should be fired.

I'd like to see this cunt get cunt cancer and anal cancer and die a quick, horrible, painful death.  It's what this evil cunt deserves, peddling her phony drive-by opinion pieces and fake news about the alleged downtrodden a couple times a week.  She peddles HATE and DIVISIVENESS.  It's on purpose.  She is a bomb thrower.

Rekha Basu is everything that I hate about modern "journalism" today.

 All the slandering and libel that is unchecked.

Rekha Basu is UN-AMERICAN.  She hates America and most Iowans, except the Commies.

I'm sure, if given the right people in power, Rekha Basu should cheer on the destruction of the Bill of Rights, the burning of the Constitution, and would gladly load her political opponents into boxcars into order to be turned into soap. 

She hates the Jews.  She hates most White People.  She hates anybody who makes a penny more than her.  She hates anybody who isn't a Commie masquerading as a Democrat.

And she'll print any bullshit to trash people like Brett Kavanaugh.

I wasn't even for Brett Kavanaugh.  I don't like some of his opinions on the 4th Amendment.  Instead of being critical of him for substantive reasons, Rekha Basu thinks it's OK to push bogus, lurid stories.

And I'm no fan of Chuck Grassley, who is a doddering old fool and tool of the credit card industry, and a warmonger.  But I'll hold my nose and vote for him over Roxanne Conlin or Patty Judge because of the types of people they'd put on the Supreme Court.

I hate politics and politicians, but I hate "journalists" even more. 

"Journalists" are worse than actual people-killing terrorists or even child molesters.

The Stupid Democrat LGBTQ Forum in Cedar Rapids

I've always been "gay-friendly" and I suppose even "trans-friendly", but to a point.  I actually kind of agree with Richard Nixon on the matter:
“Let me say something before we get off the gay thing. I don’t want my views misunderstood. I am the most tolerant person on that of anybody in this shop. They have a problem. They’re born that way. You know that. That’s all. I think they are.” 
“I do not mind the homosexuality. I understand it.  I do not think that you glorify, on public television,homosexuality.”
“You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general, these are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the communists and the left-wingers are pushing the stuff: they’re trying to destroy us.”
Yes, Nixon goes off on tangents about the Rome and Greece and Meathead, but I understand where he's coming from.  This was 1971 when he was saying this, and he didn't know those recordings would ever surface in public.

Ronald Reagan was gay-friendly, despite all the shit he got from stupid faggots who got AIDS and tried to blame it on him.  Reagan came out against the Briggs Initiative in California, and he worked in Hollywood all those years.

That said, the LBGTQ Presidential Forum held in Cedar Rapids, sponsored by the Far Leftist Actvist, piece of shit, Fake News, pro-illegal, pro-terrorist, pro-ANTIFA Cedar Rapids Gazette, was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in politics.

All those candidates, standing around, waiting to take it up the ass, and over-promise, and grovel to the perpetually mentally ill.

And all so they can turn around and shove it up the rest of America's ass through forced legislation or through their henchmen in the courts.

Listen up faggots, queers, trannies, or whatever you're calling yourselves this week.  You've been accepted into mainstream society.  OK?  You're all over TV.  Music.  Movies.  What's left of magazines.  You're in the culture.  Very very few people in 'Merica want to "beat up queers", OK?

It's when you faggots get political and try to shove your problems onto "normal" people, either by letting men compete in women's sports, adults going in the wrong dressing room that has kids in it, or all of your other fucking stupid demands.  Forcing everybody to pay for your gender reassignment surgery.  Forcing us to use certain pronouns otherwise we'll go to prison:  FUCK YOU

You can't just live your life, can you?

You've always got to ratchet it up.

I used to think all those preachers and right-wingers were crazy when they went on about homosexuals, and maybe they were crazy up to a point.  But now I kind of agree with them when the fags and trannies step over the line and try to impose their MENTALLY ILL BULLSHIT on people who otherwise simply leave others alone.

This is why the Democratic Party has become The Party of Fucking Assholes.  

They can't leave the rest of us alone.

Always pandering to the loons.

Always sucking up to the freaks.

Always imposing and wanting to rule and lord over everybody.
