Monday, September 30, 2019

Hunter Biden is an Alcoholic, Crackhead, Cokehead, Painkiller-Abusing, Dead Brother-Widow-Fucking Piece of Shit

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Funny how the gangbang media is trashing Trump over the Ukraine hoax, but nobody is asking where Hunter Biden is or what crack pipe he's using, or who he is fucking.

Joe Biden may be a brain-damaged, corrupt piece of shit, but Hunter Biden is on another level entirely.

The above link is to an article on a Delaware news site that details some of Hunter Biden's admitted alcoholic, crack, cocaine, and painkiller binges, plus fucking around on his wife with the widow of his brother, and attempting to sign up for the Reserves but coming back positive for a drug test.

Yes, Hunter Biden is a piece of shit.

Why is he worth $50,000 a month from some Ukranian gas company?

Isn't it obvious?  Hunter Biden is a fucking crackhead and alcoholic who can't stay sober. 

Are we supposed to have sympathy for Joe Biden's piece of shit, worthless son?

The Iowa media doesn't mention any of this.

Hell, the Iowa media can't let go anything about Terry Branstad's son, even though his car accident was decades ago and the guy has been on the straight forever.

But you never hear anything about old Ed Mezvinsky, the Democrat former Congressman from Iowa whose son married into the Clinton Crime Family with Chelsea.  Ed was so corrupt, even Uncle Bill couldn't give him a pardon, and he served 5 years in Federal prison starting in 2001.

Meanwhile, we have Cindy Acne, Dave Loebsackofshit, and Abby Finkenfuckface all supporting the impeachment of President Trump over the Ukraine hoax.  All three are treasonous motherfuckers for supporting this attempted coup.

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