Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin is a Fucking Hypocrite on Twitter

The Des Moines Register's Aaron Calvin, who pointlessly dug up old teenage stupid tweets by Carson King in order to destroy him, has a shitload of old tweets in a similar style:

I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Not that I would otherwise care.

"Reporters" and "Journalists" of the Left bent are almost always hypocrites.  They don't want anybody looking into their closets.  The bad divorces.  The alcoholism.  The drugs.  The gambling problems.  The porn problems.  

The child porn problems.  Oh yes.  It's true...

It's sick.

But wait, there's more:

Even if Aaron Calvin is canned, we'll be sure to bring this shit up repeatedly in the future in case he tries to get a job somewhere else in the media.

It's REVENGE for what you did to Carson King, you little dick.

Carol Hunter (CUNTER), we're coming for your job next.

Then it's time to take out that lying bomb-thrower Rekha Basu.

And also that phony liar, Stephen Gruber-Miller, who wrote FAKE NEWS about the "Muslim Hate Note" in Iowa City.

Nearly everybody in Iowa journalism is the enemy, a liar, a hypocrite, or worse.

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