Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Has Anybody Seen a Yard Sign or Bumpersticker for Brain Damaged Plugs Biden?

The Fake News corporate media want you to believe that brain-damaged pervert Plugs Biden is leading the Democrat pack.

Has anybody seen a yard sign or bumpersticker for that retarded asshole?

I drive around Des Moines and I see Tulsi signs all over the place.  I go to the college towns and it's Bernie and Tulsi and Warren.  Here and there I've seen a bumpersticker for Julian Castro. 

I even once saw a bumpersticker for that cocksucking whore Kamala Harris, although that was probably on Andie Dominick's car.

I haven't been to Fairfield.  I bet there are Marianne Williamson signs all over the place.

Is anybody in favor of Mayor Pete Buttfucker?  He's sort of like suggesting the mayor of Waterloo would be a good idea as President.

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