Monday, September 16, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Vanessa Miller Leaves Out Everything About Jeff Klinzman Saying He Wanted To Kill all Christians and Bury Them Deep

Archive link:

It's hardly a surprise that Vanessa Miller of the Cedar Rapids Gazette barely mentions anything about what got Kirkwood's Jeff Klinzman into hot water.

Oh gee, was it because of "provocative online commentary"?

Or was it because, among other things, Jeff Klinzman said he wanted to KILL ALL CHRISTIANS and BURY THEM DEEP.

And that he sided with domestic terrorist group ANTIFA.

And that he wanted to take a baseball bat to President Trump.

And much more unhinged, violent insanity.

No, a FAKE NEWS CUNT like Vanessa Miller isn't going to give the public all the details.  She's going to leave out as much as possible because a LEFTIST CUNT LIKE VANESSA MILLER is trying to protect one of her own.

Miller already shaved off the details in an earlier story.  This one goes even further.

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