Saturday, September 21, 2019

Massimo Paciotto-Biggers is a Brainwashed Liar

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Where better to find batshit-crazy, brainwashed Leftists than in Iowa City for the "Climate Strike" bullshit, which was encouraged by the so-called "public school" system there.

One of the "activists" who spoke at the excuse to skip school was some fro-haired, fat kid with the ridiculous name of Massimo Paciotto-Biggers.

Oh, Massimo says we only have 11 years left before the end of the planet because there's supposedly some forest fires in Brazil and Houston had a tropical storm.  Like that's never happened before.

He's so inspired by that retarded Swedish tool, Greta whats her name, who always has that lemon-sucking, autism expression on her face as she's led around the world media by her creepy parents and handlers.

Massimo was previously featured in Common Dreams, which is a fucking Commie web site.

So this is what we're teaching kids today?  Ditch class and go parade before the stupid media.  Act like you're smart when you really don't know jack shit.

It's like a Doomsday Religion.

Burn the Witch!!!!

What about all the dire predictions from "scientists" and experts over the past several decades that have always turned out incorrect?

What about all the fraud with the "hockey stick" data?

And the answer to solving the "climate crisis" is always the same thing:  surrender everything to the Commies!

I think I can recite most of the bullshit off the top of my head:

  • Impeach Trump
  • Imprison climate change heretics
  • Wealth tax on "the rich"
  • Ban cars
  • Ban planes
  • Ban air conditioning
  • Ban straws
  • Ban toilet paper
  • Ban everything
  • Forced abortions
  • Mass murder to lower the population
  • and so on
Bend over for the Commies!  Vote for Bernie!

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