Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Stupid Democrat LGBTQ Forum in Cedar Rapids

I've always been "gay-friendly" and I suppose even "trans-friendly", but to a point.  I actually kind of agree with Richard Nixon on the matter:
“Let me say something before we get off the gay thing. I don’t want my views misunderstood. I am the most tolerant person on that of anybody in this shop. They have a problem. They’re born that way. You know that. That’s all. I think they are.” 
“I do not mind the homosexuality. I understand it.  I do not think that you glorify, on public television,homosexuality.”
“You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general, these are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the communists and the left-wingers are pushing the stuff: they’re trying to destroy us.”
Yes, Nixon goes off on tangents about the Rome and Greece and Meathead, but I understand where he's coming from.  This was 1971 when he was saying this, and he didn't know those recordings would ever surface in public.

Ronald Reagan was gay-friendly, despite all the shit he got from stupid faggots who got AIDS and tried to blame it on him.  Reagan came out against the Briggs Initiative in California, and he worked in Hollywood all those years.

That said, the LBGTQ Presidential Forum held in Cedar Rapids, sponsored by the Far Leftist Actvist, piece of shit, Fake News, pro-illegal, pro-terrorist, pro-ANTIFA Cedar Rapids Gazette, was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in politics.

All those candidates, standing around, waiting to take it up the ass, and over-promise, and grovel to the perpetually mentally ill.

And all so they can turn around and shove it up the rest of America's ass through forced legislation or through their henchmen in the courts.

Listen up faggots, queers, trannies, or whatever you're calling yourselves this week.  You've been accepted into mainstream society.  OK?  You're all over TV.  Music.  Movies.  What's left of magazines.  You're in the culture.  Very very few people in 'Merica want to "beat up queers", OK?

It's when you faggots get political and try to shove your problems onto "normal" people, either by letting men compete in women's sports, adults going in the wrong dressing room that has kids in it, or all of your other fucking stupid demands.  Forcing everybody to pay for your gender reassignment surgery.  Forcing us to use certain pronouns otherwise we'll go to prison:  FUCK YOU

You can't just live your life, can you?

You've always got to ratchet it up.

I used to think all those preachers and right-wingers were crazy when they went on about homosexuals, and maybe they were crazy up to a point.  But now I kind of agree with them when the fags and trannies step over the line and try to impose their MENTALLY ILL BULLSHIT on people who otherwise simply leave others alone.

This is why the Democratic Party has become The Party of Fucking Assholes.  

They can't leave the rest of us alone.

Always pandering to the loons.

Always sucking up to the freaks.

Always imposing and wanting to rule and lord over everybody.


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