Friday, September 20, 2019

Zachary Oren Smith of the Iowa City Press Citizen Writes a Puff Piece for Cocksucking Whore Kamala Harris

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Last month, Zachary Oren Smith wrote a puff piece about the psychotic, admitted sexual assaulter Cory Booker in the Iowa City Press Citizen.  This month, he does the same thing with cocksucking whore Kamala Harris.

Zachary "Oral" Smith, being a total fraud and tool for the Leftist Corporate Media, can't be bothered to ask the cocksucking whore Kamala Harris about her recent condemnation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the recent hit piece in the New York Times containing completely made up shit.

It's not surprising that Iowa newspapers do not practice even the basics of journalism anymore.  They're nothing but the PR wing for shitty Democrat candidates.  Gannet (GateHouse Media) newspapers have their marching orders to write narrowly scoped puff pieces for each Democrat. 

When they're not working on that crap, they're pumping out lies about "climate change" and promoting that retarded Swedish girl.

"Journalists" are fucking assholes.  They are several steps below that of child molesters on the scale of ethics.

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