Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Des Moines Register's Fraudulent Poll for Democrats

Archive link isn't working at the time of publishing, Register link is

Brain damaged Joe Biden is at 20%.

On what planet?

Since the Des Moines Register and other Gannet / GateHouse newspapers engage in producing fake news every day, puff pieces regularly for Democrats, or outright lying about Republicans, I think it's safe to assume that any "polls" they produce are fraudulent and bullshit.

I also don't believe that Elizabeth Warren is leading at 22%.  Pocahontas, the Fake Indian and Academic Fraud, is doing that well?  Didn't Elizabeth Warren say that Michael Brown was "murdered" even though it was investigated at the local and Federal DOJ level during the Obama Administration and the report concluded that the officer shooting was justified?  Elizabeth Warren is a fucking liar and a cunt.  She can't tell the truth about anything.

Bernie is at 11%?  I find that hard to believe.  He's doing much better than that.  Yes, he's older, but he still has support.  He was screwed by the Iowa Establishment Pedophile Democrats in 2016, and it looks like their media wing is making sure that Bernie is screwed again in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard is at 2%?  Not where I've been driving.  I've seen lots of her signs in numerous cities.  Tulsi is being screwed by the party.

The Cocksucking Whore, Kamala Harris, is at 6%?  Maybe in Andie Dominick's house.

Pete Buttsex is at 3%?  That might be correct.  I've seen a few of his signs.  I can't believe anybody would want that asshole in the White House. 

Spartacus Cory Booker, the lunatic, admitted sexual assaulter, who will soon go back in the closet, is at 3%?  Really?  I have yet to see a Cory Booker sign.

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