Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Des Moines Register is Run by Racialist Assholes

Look at that.

The Des Moines Register / Gannett / GateHouse Media (HateHouse Media) are buying into the New York Slimes bullshit about slavery being the "original sin" of "America".

Fuck you, Carol Hunter.  You evil cunt.

The media hates us.  They hate anybody who doesn't buy into their view that America Sucks and will Always Suck unless we follow their ever-changing demands.

They hate "white people".

That's right.  I'm calling Carol Hunter a racist cunt.

They also hate black people who don't want any part of this bullshit.

You see, racialists like Carol Hunter and the rest of the evil cunts running the Des Moines Register and other Iowa newspapers want to keep blacks as victims.  They want to keep blacks and other minorities as their own political "pets".

These assholes in the media go around tarring everybody with the same brush. 

Oh, you're white?  You must be a racist.

You support Trump?  You must be a white nationalist.

You want borders to form a country?  You racist.

Who is stoking the flames of hate in this country?  Elitist Far Left "journalists".

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