Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Cedar Rapids Gazette's Adam Sullivan Is A Fucking Asshole

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When the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Adam Sullivan isn't sucking the cocks of violent ANTIFA thugs, he's whining like a bitch about how the GOP in Iowa isn't promoting alleged Republican alternatives to Donald Trump like former Republican turned wannabe 2016 "Libertarian" spoiler turned back to wannabe Republican spoiler William Weld, certifiably insane former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh, and former SC Governor and Argentinian philanderer Mark Sanford.

Do you see any support for Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, or Mark Sanford in Iowa for 2020?  Other than Radical Commie assholes like Adam Sullivan, or those cunts that have destroyed the Des Moines Register.  Yeah, I didn't think so.  

Nobody gives a shit about those also-rans.  

Kind of like how Democrats who aren't tyrannical nutjobs look at the candidates on those debate stages and can't believe what a bunch of anti-American shits the Democrats have become, promising free shit galore, open borders, outlawing private health insurance, forcibly taking guns from law abiding people, endless raising of taxes, and banning of anything the Woke crowd get whipped up into a moral panic about.

The most partisan of the Democrats will vote for anybody.  They don't care if the nominee is brain damaged, lied for decades about her national origin, sucked a lot of married-to-somebody-else cock in order to get and keep jobs, or put innocent people in prison, or admitted to sexually harassing women in high school, or whose claim to fame is being a homosexual first and mayor of a shitty midwestern town second.  That's how fucking stupid the Adam Sullivans of Iowa are.  They'll vote for any of those assholes.

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