Friday, September 27, 2019

Where's Charles Whitman When You Need Him?

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Richard Cherwitz is typical of the type of partisan Democrat Conspiracy Theorist from the Academic wing of Insanity that the Des Moines Register or Iowa City Press Shitstain would have as a guest columnist. 

In his latest column, Cherwitz completely ignores Hunter Biden making $50,000 a month for.... something?  Or Joe Biden being on video proudly boasting of getting a prosecutor fired in the Ukraine and also attempting to withhold aid.

Instead, Cherwitz worries about the "Trump-Ukraine scandal".......

What scandal is that?

Yes, Richard Cherwitz is batshit crazy and a fucking liar.

He works for the University of Texas in Austin. 

This fucking asshole gets paid to "teach".

He should be in an insane asylum.

This is another reason why the Des Moines Register needs to be put out of business.

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