Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aaron Calvin Blames "Right-Wing Ideologues" For His Firing

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Aaron Calvin got interviewed by Buzzfeed following his firing by the Des Moines Register, and of course Aaron is going to blame "right-wing ideologues" for his firing rather than, you know, himself, for writing an unnecessary drive-by hit job on Carson King.  Or Carol "Cunter" Hunter" who was made to look bad by approving such a stupid article because she's probably legally insane, suffering from dementia, or otherwise mentally ill.

Buzzfeed would naturally interview him.  A former employer.  Anything for easy clicks.  Maybe he'll go back and work for them again, now that he has his wings and will get clicks just for being the douchebag that he is.

Ohhhh, poor Aaron Calvin got "death threats".  Riiiiiiight. 

You deserve it, Aaron.  You go around smearing good people over stupid bullshit and expect no kickback? 

You're not a reporter.  You're a MUCKRAKER. 


You are several rungs below child molesters, in my opinion.

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