Monday, September 23, 2019

Who is Jeff Biggers and Why Has He Brainwashed His Children Into Being Eco-Commies?

The Iowa Fake News Media sure ate up all the "climate strike" bullshit going on.  I'm sure we'll be treated to endless stories about retarded child actor, Greta Thurnberg, that stern Swedish teen who looks like she stepped out of Goebbel's Nazi propaganda in the 1930 with her blonde hair and braids.

Since we know Greta Thurnberg's family are all actors and activists, it makes sense that she has been brainwashed into believing the bullshit alarmist crap she's fed.  Talk about Stockholm Syndrome!

Iowa has the the Iowa version of Greta Thurnberg in the Biggers family of Iowa City.  Communist father Jeff Biggers and his sons Diego, and, particularly, Massimo.

Massimo said in Iowa City last week, during a speech at the Climate Fraud Thing, that we only have 11 years left before the end of the planet.

I don't care if this fucking asshole of a liar is 14 years old.  Where's the proof the world is going to end in 11 years?  Why did Obama buy a house on Martha's Vineyard?  Why is California still building "high speed rail" even though it won't be done until after the world is supposedly going to end? 

We have phony prediction after phony alarmist prediction by the "climate experts" in the mainstream corporate media going back over 50 years.  The only ways to stop the alleged destruction of the planet is to allow Commie rule, wealth confiscation, banning cars and planes, banning straws, banning air conditioning, forced abortion, mass murder, etc.  Basically banning everything that makes modern life great and Massimo Stupid-Hyphenated's hair all fro'd out.

And what does the retarded Iowa Fake News media do?  They print Massimo and Greta and every other CONSPIRACY THEORY ALARMIST BRAINWASHED QUASI-CULT COMMIE FUCK's predictions and statements like they're going to be true!!!!

What about the father, Jeff Biggers?

He's all over the place, like Huffington Post.

He's on every Commie web site. 

He's berating the City of Iowa City on their Climate Plan.

He's always quoted in news articles for the Press Citizen and the Cedar Rapids Gazette and other Iowa publications.

It's always the same thing:  we're never doing enough.  The sky is falling!  The end days are near.  Fire and brimstone.  Hell is coming for you.  Burn the witch!

And the fucking lameass, unquestioning, lapdog, Commie-sympathizing corporate media print Jeff Biggers's bullshit without question.  Without a hint of skepticism.

Now he has brainwashed his kids to spew the same kind of Climate Agitprop to grab headlines.

Isn't it sick?

It's child abuse.

I'm sure living with Jeff Biggers is like living in a cult.

If nobody else is going to question these lunatics, then we will.  Fuck them.  Bunch of fucking liars.

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