Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rekha Basu is a Lying Cunt, a Political Terrorist, and a Character Assassin Who Needs to be Fired

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Rekha Basu is a lying cunt.

Rekha Basu is a political terrorist for the Hard Left.

Rekha Basu is an unrepentant character assassin.

Her column trashing Brett Kavanagh (again) and Chuck Grassley (again) over what everybody knows are completely bogus accusations that are totally uncorroborated is a fucking disgrace.

Who is the insane "conspiracy theorist", rattling off bullshit?  Rekha Basu, that's who.

Rekha Basu should be fired.

I'd like to see this cunt get cunt cancer and anal cancer and die a quick, horrible, painful death.  It's what this evil cunt deserves, peddling her phony drive-by opinion pieces and fake news about the alleged downtrodden a couple times a week.  She peddles HATE and DIVISIVENESS.  It's on purpose.  She is a bomb thrower.

Rekha Basu is everything that I hate about modern "journalism" today.

 All the slandering and libel that is unchecked.

Rekha Basu is UN-AMERICAN.  She hates America and most Iowans, except the Commies.

I'm sure, if given the right people in power, Rekha Basu should cheer on the destruction of the Bill of Rights, the burning of the Constitution, and would gladly load her political opponents into boxcars into order to be turned into soap. 

She hates the Jews.  She hates most White People.  She hates anybody who makes a penny more than her.  She hates anybody who isn't a Commie masquerading as a Democrat.

And she'll print any bullshit to trash people like Brett Kavanaugh.

I wasn't even for Brett Kavanaugh.  I don't like some of his opinions on the 4th Amendment.  Instead of being critical of him for substantive reasons, Rekha Basu thinks it's OK to push bogus, lurid stories.

And I'm no fan of Chuck Grassley, who is a doddering old fool and tool of the credit card industry, and a warmonger.  But I'll hold my nose and vote for him over Roxanne Conlin or Patty Judge because of the types of people they'd put on the Supreme Court.

I hate politics and politicians, but I hate "journalists" even more. 

"Journalists" are worse than actual people-killing terrorists or even child molesters.

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