Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Are Iowa's Blue Pigs OK With The Rioting?

It was just a couple of years ago when Des Moines Police Department officers Kelly Thies and Natalie Heinemann treated innocent young black men this way after leaving a park.

Watch the whole video:

Do you think the attitude of the cops there have changed at all?

It's just like in Deep Blue Democrat Iowa City, where Officer Jeffrey Gillespie killed sculptor Eric Shaw in 1996 for the crime of propping his door open on a warm summer evening and talking on the telephone.  The local Democrats circled the wagons and refused to allow charges to be pressed against Gillespie.  Then-Chief R. J. Winklehake never resigned.  The Iowa City Press-Citizen made a concerted effort to trash Shaw's parents, Jay and Blossom, as they spent years seeking justice for their son's murder-by-pig, and never getting it.

Then there's the issue of the cops in Iowa City looking the other way when a couple of radical Commie Muslim high school girls obviously lied about a "hate note" to create a manufactured media uproar after Trump's 2016 win.

Any detective not corrupted by Democrat Leftist politics would have quickly figured out that Lujayn and Raneem Hamad were lying.

Democrat Janet Lyness, the Johnson County Prosecutor, had to know.

Democrat monopolies are always criminal enterprises that control cities, counties, and states.

You can't get justice in blue areas.  Look at what happened to Philandro Castile in that suburb of St Paul.  The officer was acquitted!

Officer Jeffrey Gillespie was allowed to resign from the ICPD.  Where is he today?  The Democrat media doesn't care.  He got away with it.  He's a free man!  No Democrats were harmed.  Then-county attorney J. Patrick White was re-elected in 1998 with no primary challenge, no Republican opposition, and 97% of the vote. 

The Democrats of Johnson County in 1998 were OK with the police killing innocent people.  And the Republicans didn't even bother to run a protest candidate that could have made political hay of the issue.

The Democrat media could care less about Eric Shaw.  Same with George Floyd.

The "protesters" and rioters could care less about Eric Shaw.  We know that's the case with George Floyd.  They're just using it as an excuse to create mayhem, riot, and loot.

You've got to wonder if, at a certain level of the pig brass, that they're OK with the rioting.

That they have orders to allow it to happen.  Either from their unions, which are Democrat-run, or the county prosecutors, which are Democrat-run, or at the State Attorney General's office, which has been Democrat-run for a decades.

If you live in a deep blue area, which are most major cities in Iowa, or college towns, which are all deep blue, you should be concerned.

You cannot trust Democrats to protect you or to issue any kind of "justice".

I don't trust most Republicans either, but they aren't in charge of these cities and counties.  Let's keep the focus on what this really is:  a likely Democrat Criminal Conspiracy to allow rioting and destruction.

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