Friday, June 5, 2020

Iowa City Rioters Shut Down Interstate 80 and Attack a Vietnam Vet

Archive link to the Vietnam Vet story

What happens next?

The Iowa City Police, Johnson County Sheriff, and the Iowa State Patrol let rioters in Iowa City access Interstate 80 on Thursday night.

What happened when the rioters got to 1st Ave in Coralville?  Did they start breaking windows and tagging shit there?  The pro-criminal Democrat corporate media won't tell you.

Then there's the Vietnam Vet who got his car vandalized and sprayed with "KKK".

What happens next?

You've got to remember.  Iowa City, Coralville, and Johnson County are all deep blue Democrat.

This is the county where sculptor Eric Shaw was murdered by ICPD officer Jeffrey Gillespie in 1996 for the crime of talking on the telephone while having his door propped open on a warm summer evening, and got away with it because then-county attorney J. Patrick White refused to press charges or convene a grand jury.  Not only that, but when Shaw's parents, Jay and Blossom, sought justice for their son's death they were constantly trashed by the Iowa City Press-Citizen.

Now, in 2020, the Johnson County Democrats let the rioters run all over town, breaking windows, damaging property, harassing people, assaulting people, tagging everything with spray paint, and now blocking the interstate.

I think the interstate incident was done to egg on President Trump.  Trump should send in the military because local "law enfarcement" can't do anything but turn a blind eye and kneel down and bend over.

Democrats are lazy and evil. They don't want peaceful protests.  The Democrat corporate media can only suppress the actual news for so long.

What happens next?

Look further down the road.  Yes, violence will likely increase.

And the rioters will get away with it because you have a Democrat, Janet Lyness, an incredibly incompetent and political Democrat, as county attorney.

Anybody who gets charged with rioting and violence will likely have their charges plead down to nothing, if not dismissed. 

That's why people have to keep an eye out for arrest records in the media, the local jails, and on the Iowa Court Search web site.  Do you think the local Gannett newspapers are going to follow up on any of that?  No way.

It's goddamned disgrace.

The "protesters" can't be peaceful.  They are rioters.

I don't care if some protesters aren't rioting.  If you're part of the crowd, you're part of the riot.

What happens next?

We all know you can't trust Democrats, or the Police.  Or Police who are Democrats.  Or the media, who are Democrats or Commies 

The police will not protect Vietnam Vets, State Property, or Private Property, but they will protect the rioters who end up on Interstate 80.

If you, the public, do anything, the full weight of "the law" by the Democrats in charge in Iowa City and Johnson County will come down on you.

Yeah, President Trump should send in the military to Iowa City and Johnson County.

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